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we lost ourselves to being lonely


“We’re not at red alert, sit down,” she commanded as she took the glasses from him.


Spoiler for Alter Ego. Written for the fan_flashworks prompt looking back and the great prompt on my summer mini challenge table. Title is from The Go-Slow by Biffy Clyro. Any mistakes are my own and unintentional, my dyslexia is really kicking my arse.

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Accepting their leis Kathryn took in all of the details of the resort program most of the crew were currently indulging in. Lightly tapping Chakotay's chest with the back of her hand, she said, “this is great, I could see myself spending a bit of time here.”

“I’ll get us a drink,” he stated, looking around for a waiter with a full tray of brightly coloured beverages.

Janeway's focus had moved away from him, the bars and sun loungers to the almost deserted beach area. “Meet you on the beach, everyone seems happy, you can mingle if you’d like to.” She walked the short distance to the white sands without looking back to see what chakotay was doing.


Chakotay managed to acquire two of the garishly bright cocktails for them, quickly catching up with her as they made their way to the beach. Finding a spot that was far enough away to be seen but also allow some privacy, she placing her towel on the sand, Kathryn sat down, sighing as the sand tickled against her bare feet.

“We’re not at red alert, sit down,” she commanded as she took the glasses from him, balancing one of drinks in the sand beside them.

Smiling as he followed her order, sitting behind her, giving her enough space to sit between his legs while they took a much needed break.

Taking a sip of her cocktail, before placing it in the sand beside his. Kathryn leaning back against him, said, “this is nice,” smiling as he gently caressed her exposed skin. “I wish we could do things like this more often.”

Chakotay placed several kisses against her bare shoulder. “I can find out when it’ll be available for private use.”

“That’s not what I meant,” she said turning onto her stomach, her head resting against his chest. “It’s nice been able to show the crew that we’re together and that it’s not yet affected our command decisions.”

“Do you think it will?” he asked, uncertain where he current line of thought was heading.

“Hmm, I don’t know. I mean everything between us is still fairly new and while I’ve liked having you all to myself. I realised that also like showing you off.”

chakotay let out a soft chuckle. “All I am is arm candy,” he teased, knocking over his forgotten about drink that he had balanced in the sand.

“Of course not,” Kathryn laughed at the way his glass remained at an angle not quite falling over.

“What do you say to getting out of here?” he whispered, a hint of seduction in his tone.