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Hello, Mrs. Tucker


Jon and T’Pol meet Trip’s mother


For the Polyship Week 2022 prompt “Meeting the Parents”

Work Text:

“Are you two ready?” asked Trip. 

T”Pol nodded, and John said, “Sure.”

“Okay, then.” Trip knocked on the door of his parents’ house.

The door creaked open, and Trip’s mother, Cynthia, stuck her head out the door. “Trip!” she exclaimed. “It’s good to see you, but I must say, I’m rather surprised that you’re here - I thought that you were at that conference.” She peered behind him. “And - is that your captain and first officer? What are they doing here?”

“We were given a few day’s leave, what with everything that had happened and all. And yeah, Jon and T’Pol are the captain and first officer. Why don’t we continue this conversation inside?” 

“Oh, yes.” Cynthia beckoned for Jon and T’Pol. “Why don’t you all come in?”

Once the group was inside and had settled in, Cynthia turned to them and asked, “Now, Jon, T’Pol, why are you here with Trip?”

T’Pol spoke up. “The three of us are dating each other, and Trip believed that it would be a good idea for us to meet you.”

Cynthia looked surprised. “Oh! Why didn’t you tell me that earlier?”

Trip sighed. “Everything’s just been so chaotic the past couple months, I couldn’t really find the time to send a message about anything , including this.”

“...Okay, then,” Cynthia said. “Well, I suppose that there’s no point in asking how you all meet, so I’m wondering if you’d tell me how you all got together?”

It was Jon who began the tale. “Not long after our mission began, I realized that I’d developed a bit of a crush on T’Pol. She’d later confess to me that she’d also developed a crush on me not long after our launch, though she thinks it only happened sometime after I developed feelings for her. Anyways, between actively trying to prevent our crushes from having an effect on our working relationship and having more important things to worry about, like the Klingons, they’d stayed pretty small, and after a while I’d thought mine had gone away.”

Trip picked up the story. “Then we went into the expanse. A couple weeks in, Phlox noticed that I wasn’t getting enough sleep and suggested that I get Vulcan neuropressure from T’Pol. Now, whenever I’ve asked him about it he always says that he only suggested it due to the fact that I was having trouble sleeping, but the three of us and most everyone else we’ve talked to thinks that he wanted us to get together.”

“Did it work?” asked Cynthia.

“It most certainly did,” replied Trip.

They took it in turns to explain what happened, how Trip and T’Pol danced around their feelings for each other (and had a bond accidentally form) before finally getting together, how T’Pol and Jon realized that their crushes were mutual and had in fact not gone away, and finally, how Trip and Jon had figured out that they, too, were in love with each other. Throughout this Cynthia listened patiently, only interrupting to ask what Phlox thought about T’Pol and Trip getting together with not just each other but Jon as well (“I am not entirely certain, however, given that the doctor has three wives and has often mentioned having sexual and romantic encounters with their other husbands, his disapproval of our relationship would be highly hypocritical,” was T’Pol’s reply to that question). 

After they were done, Cynthia said, “Well, it certainly seems that you three had an interesting time getting together, and that you know each other very well.” She rose from her chair. “However, I’m not very familiar with you, Jon and T’Pol, so I hope you two will stay for lunch so that I can get to know you two better.”

“Absolutely,” replied Jon

“That would be agreeable,” said T’Pol.

As Cynthia left the room for the kitchen, Trip grinned. “I hope you two are ready for the barrage of questions that she throws at you. She’ll want to know just about everything about you.” 

Series this work belongs to: