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Part 11 of Star Beagle Adventures

Star Beagle Adventures Episode 11: Heart of the Sunrise

Chapter 5: SBA Episode 11, Scene 5: Escort's Wake


Long last treatment of the telling that relates to all the words sung...

Chapter Text

The Star Beagle Adventures                                                
Episode 11: Heart of the Sunrise
Scene 5: Escort’s Wake



Escort’s Wake


Different subcommittees were reviewing the sensor readings from the U.S.S. Mako of the U.S.S. Escort entering the Jar Galaxy. Neither the Mako nor any of its probes had been close enough for optical telemetry - all the readings were from subspace sensors marking the warp wake of Escort through subspace.

Lt. Cmdr. Gregg Clark, the U.S.S. Mako’s science officer, joined the U.S.S. Beagle’s Astrophysics and Stellar Cartography department, along with Beagle’s Dean of Ship, Sakura Nakamura Holland. The two recuperating escapees of the U.S.S. Escort, chief engineer Lt. Ki Kresid and Lt. Cmdr. Vranran zh’Kathar, were also present. 


“What I want to know is how Escort made it this far without Mako catching up,” said the Beagle’s Dean of Ship. “The Escort class ships are tough fighters, but they’re not exceptionally fast. Even the newest ones flank out at about warp 8.3. Mako was traveling 9.87 at flank speed. Escort would have to have sustained at minimum warp 9.2 to arrive at the time recorded.”

The Escort’s normally reticent roylan chief engineer, Lt. Ki Kresid, spoke up. “There were two holy warriors on board. They were singing separate songs. One of them was singing to the crew. The other was singing to the ship. Most of the crew couldn’t hear them. I could, and it was interfering with my balance. I knew there was no way for me to shut them up and my condition was getting worse. There were two vulcans and one andorian on board. I’m not sure if the vulcans would be affected by the singing, but I knew it had to be poison for Vranran.”

“And you weren’t able to rescue the vulcans…” Sakura prodded.

“I have been reviewing the readings Beagle took of the songs of the holy warriors,” Kresid continued. “They can only target one species at a time, so the one singing for the crew had modulated his song to affect humans. Vulcans would be mildly irritated, but both the vulcans aboard Escort have human heritage. Our first officer is bolian. Well… biology is not my speciality.”

“Engineering is,” opined Lt. Cmdr. Vranran zh’Kathar. “Although I’m grateful you knew enough about exobiology to get me off that ship. I was completely incapacitated within minutes of the holy warriors setting foot on Escort.”

“The one singing to the engines was strengthening the structural integrity fields, which impacts both the ship’s ability to stand up to high warp travel and the combustion chamber’s ability to produce power. Apparently it was also shaping the warp envelope by affecting the nacelles,” Kresid continued. “I’m working on a paper. If we could create these vibrations within the necessary areas without affecting other systems, we could dramatically improve performance across the board for all Star Fleet vessels…”

“I would be happy to forward such a paper to Professor Crumar at the Daystrom Institute,” Sakura said.

“Is there any hope of realizing such improvements with this task force?” asked zh’Kathar, only to see a room full of serious vulcans, humans and her own roylan chief engineer shaking their heads.

“Any such attempt would be unwise,” intoned Falok, the astrophysics team leader.

“Not without research, scheduled trials, and layers upon layers of peer review,” added Lt. Cmdr. Gregg Clark, the Mako’s science officer. 


Dean Sakura Nakamura Holland lightly tapped the table with an immaculately manicured fingernail, gathering everyone’s attention. “Escort would never have made it this far at flank speed. Mako is still undergoing repairs to their warp core from trying to catch them.” She turned her attention back to the U.S.S. Escort’s diminutive roylan chief engineer. “Lieutenant Kresid, based on what you have learned so far about the holy warrior’s impact on Escort’s systems, what would you estimate the condition of Escort’s warp core and structural integrity after running so much above their engineering specifications?”


Lt. Kresid considered for a moment. “They will be low on deuterium. Escort’s Bussard collectors are not very efficient. But considering the holy warrior’s ability to sustain structural integrity, the ship should take minimal damage from traveling at high warp, even so far above its rating.”

Sakura was taken aback. “Based on what we learned from the wrecked holy warrior ship, we had estimated its flank speed to be no more than warp 4.5. We may need to significantly revise that upward based on their ability to affect warp fields with their singing.”

“And their shields and structural integrity,” Lt. Cmdr Clark observed.


“Um, okay… So if their singing can juice up their warp engines, structural integrity and shields, what about their weapons?” asked Lt. Cmdr. zh’Kathar.

