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All Alright


Pavel Chekov meets a mysterious man on the streets of London one night, and quickly falls for him. When he learns the man's true identity, will he stay with him and betray his friends? Or will his loyalty to the Enterprise crew win?


I'm pretty much uploading this for archival purposes. I don't know if I'll ever finish it, as the death of Anton Yelchin took my passion for this fic. :( I did have this posted on AO3 once before, but removed it -- not just because of Anton's passing, but because people tried to tell me how to write my fic, and I don't appreciate that.

If I ever find the spark for this fic again, I'll continue. But until then, enjoy the chapters I end up archiving.

Chapter Text

Walking through the streets of London, Pavel Chekov had a lot on his mind. He had been shadowing Scotty in Engineering for a few months. When Pavel would get bored, he would learn the ins and outs of what made the Enterprise tick. He had been lost in thought when he bumped into someone.

"Sorry..." he said.

The man looked at him.

"It's quite all right."

Pavel looked at the man. He was quite muscular, with captivating blue eyes. Pavel couldn't help but feel intimidated. He then noticed that the man had come from the Kelvin Memorial Archives building.

"You are Starfleet too?" Pavel asked.

"Yes. I've been working in archives since... well... that's not important." He extended his hand for a shake. "Commander John Harrison."

Pavel shook his hand, not feeling any less intimidated. "Pavel Andreievich Chekov... Ensign."

"What's on your mind, Ensign?" Harrison asked, curious. "Must be something for you to be so lost in thought..."

"Yes, slightly, I guess. You see, I've been learning the ins and outs in Engineering aboard the USS Enterprise. It's a lot to take in. I'm simply used to being a navigator."

"Ah. Understandable. Well, if you ever need someone to test you, or just ramble to, I'm sure I can help."

Pavel smiled a small smile, his intimidation fading. He was becoming captivated by Commander Harrison. "That... sounds good. I'd better get going. See you around?"

"Sure. Actually, how about tomorrow night, at 8 p.m.?"

Pavel looked confused.

"A date?" he asked.

"Well, no. Just drinks between new friends. You could call it a date if you want."

"Sounds fine." The young Russian replied with a laugh.

The two of them went their separate ways. Little did Pavel Chekov know, this was the beginning of a forbidden love story.