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speaking of elizabeth


“Have you told them about Elizabeth yet?”

“No. I thought that - it would be best if I told them in person.”


Written as a gift for [personal profile] paranoidangel in the 2022 Star Trek Flash Exchange. The title is a reference to "Speaking of Courage" by Tim O'Brien. This story and that one don't really have anything in common except maybe grief, though.

Work Text:

“Is there anything about your parents that I should be aware of, before meeting them?” asked T’Pol as Trip shoved things into his bag.

“They’ll probably ask you a lot of questions about yourself, but if you say you don’t want to answer they won’t push or get offended or anything like that. Also, they’ll want you to try their cooking, and will get offended if you don’t try something . They typically prepare a pretty good variety of food, though, and I told them you’re vegetarian, so I don’t think you’ll have too much trouble finding something you'll eat.” Trip closed the bag and stood up. “Do you have any other questions before we head down?”

“Have you told them about Elizabeth yet?”

“No. I thought that - it would be best if I told them in person.”

T’Pol tilted her head. “Because of the seriousness?”

“That, and-” Trip sighed. “I just don’t know how to explain it to them.”

“I don’t understand,” T’Pol replied. “Their granddaughter died due to a genetic disorder - Is that not all you have to say to your parents?”

“In theory. But they didn’t know they had a granddaughter beforehand - hell, they didn’t even know that you and I were dating until recently. If I go to them, tell them that we had a daughter who we didn’t know existed until she was six months old,” Trip’s voice began to shake, “and who died just days after we met her -” Trip broke off. He then closed his eyes and bowed his head for a moment before looking back up and finishing with “- well, I think that they’re going to have some questions.”

“Earlier, did you not say that if your parents asked someone a question, they would not press the matter if the person refused to answer?”

“Yeah. And I know I said earlier that they wouldn't pry if I said I didn’t want to talk about it, it’s just that I think they deserve the whole story - she’s their family after all. But I don’t think I can explain it all.”

“Why not?”

“Because-” Trip paused and furrowed his brow, then resumed speaking, a bit slower than he had earlier. “Well, I was going to say that I wasn’t sure they would believe me, but I think it’s just as much that I don’t want to talk about all of it right now.”

“Then don’t.” Trip frowned at her. “If you do not wish to discuss the entire story immediately, then tell your parents that you will tell it at a later date. If what you have told me about your parents is accurate-”

“It is.”

“-then they will agree to your request.”

Trip nodded slowly. “That - I think that sounds fine. Is there anything else you want to talk about before we leave?”

“There is not. Is there anything else you wish to talk about before we leave?”

Trip gave her a small, sad smile. "No, there isn’t.” He grabbed his bag. “Let’s go.”