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Part 12 of Star Beagle Adventures

Star Beagle Adventures Episode 12: Close to the Edge Part I - The Solid Time of Change

Chapter 13: SBA Episode 12, Scene 13: The Big One


We relieve the tension only to find out the master’s name

Chapter Text

The Star Beagle Adventures                                                
Episode 12: Close to the Edge Part I - The Solid Time of Change
Scene 13: The Big One


We relieve the tension only to find out the master’s name


The Big One


“Lieutenant Commander, I’m getting something on the edge of our sensor range, following us,” reported Flight Engineer Abra Kahen. She was a small, dark-skinned Indian woman, currently operating the “eyes” station.


The U.S.S. Escort’s bolian first officer was in the command chair. Without turning, she asked, “Configuration?”

“Warp envelope configuration is unique. Not getting a read on its propulsion, probably because of the distance.” Kahen’s voice quavered a little. She cleared her throat. “Judging from the warp field, it’s similar to our mass. Somewhat larger."

“Any chance it’s just on its way to some place we’ve recently been?” asked Lt. Cmdr. Zizara Gross.

“Well…” Kahen prevaricated. “I can’t categorically rule that out, but they’re matching our heading and velocity precisely. And they’re precisely on the edge of our sensor range. This is no science vessel, but we can still see pretty far.”

The blue-skinned first officer pressed a control on the arm of the command chair. “Gross to Captain Carter…”




“Captain, are you able to respond?”


More silence.


“Computer, locate Captain Carter.”

A strong female voice that had been the voice of nearly every Star Fleet vessel for more than a hundred years replied: “Captain Carter is in her quarters.”

Zizara Gross touched another control. “Gross to General Krank. General, can you check on the Captain?”

She nearly jumped out of the chair when the elderly klingon’s voice came from just behind her: “I will go do that.”

Gross turned her chair to watch the general exiting the bridge. She waited until the doors closed behind him, then: “Seriously, Abra, can we get him a bell or something?”

“Only if you volunteer to put it on him, sir,” Abra Kahen responded, dryly.



“Warrant Officer Harrison, please report to Captain Carter’s quarters.” 

The elderly klingon general was standing in the corridor just outside the door to Carter’s quarters, which were adjacent to his. At 82, General Krank was quite elderly for a klingon. At 94, Warrant Officer Seprek Harrison was middle aged for a vulcan - even a vulcan with human heritage. Unlike Ensign John Sevork, whose dry humor always came through, Seprek Harrison's demeanor was all vulcan. This made Harrison very easy for Krank to relate to.

“General Krank,” the vulcan warrant officer said as he joined the general at Carter’s door.

“Captain Carter had a kinetic alarm installed that is designed to wake her in case of emergency,” Krank responded. “It shakes her bed with increasing intensity. The computer indicates she is in her bed, asleep, and non responsive to the kinetic alarm. Please open the door.”

“Computer, unlock and open door 1-B-8, emergency override, Harrison, Seprek, B, 14, Laredo, Regula, 29.”

The powerful stench of urine poured out into the hall as the door opened and within, Carter could be heard groaning in her sleep.

Warrant Officer Seprek Harrison adroitly stepped aside, allowing Krank to rush into the room. The elderly klingon general scooped up Captain Rhonda Carter, who was rigid, bright pink and struggling against her locked muscles. Her simple white underwear and t-shirt were soaked in her own urine.

“Chief Garrity to Medical!” Krank’s voice was loud and rough.

“I will clean up in here and bring fresh clothing,” the vulcan warrant officer advised, not certain whether the elderly klingon had heard him, or if he had, whether the information registered.



Krank’s mind was given entirely to navigating the narrow corridor. The U.S.S. Escort’s sick bay was located almost directly underneath the captain’s quarters, 1 deck down. But getting her from her room to medical involved him turning sideways to duck through emergency bulkhead hatches that he could barely squeeze through, careful not to bark the minuscule captain’s head, knees or feet against the triluminum braces, to the end of the hall where the lift was inconveniently located, then back the other way through a nearly identical corridor.

Carter was tiny and weighed less than a klingon child, but Krank was exhausted by the time he got her into sick bay. Chief Medical Technician Kara Garrity helped him deposit her onto the main diagnostic biobed. 

“Emergency kapclonigen, two standard doses!” Garrity called, then retrieved two hypospray applicators as they were deposited in a dispenser and applied one to each side of Carter’s neck, generating a high-pitched hissing noise. 

Rhonda Carter, still unconscious, responded to the medication quickly, her skin color returning to normal, but she was still struggling against her dream-locked muscles, trying to force herself awake.

Garrity deposited the hyposyringes into the dispenser than said, “Um…. 2.5 milligrams gamma-aminobutyric acid, slow release micro-doses.”

The dispenser deposited another hypospray unit, which Garrity retrieved. She hesitated a moment, then applied it to Carter’s neck.

Gradually, Carter relaxed and began breathing deeply.

“Oh… Oh gods… she’s a mess…” Garrity was starting to shake.

“I will clean her,” said Krank.

“Actually, I believe she would be more comfortable if I were to do that,” came Warrant Officer Harrison’s voice as he entered Medical, a neatly folded uniform in his arms. “General, I believe you may be needed on the bridge.”

General Krank briefly locked eyes with the vulcan. Warrant officers rarely served on such small vessels and Harrison seemed to be entirely outside of the normal chain of command, reporting directly to Carter. Harrison was a martial arts expert and had been brought into Star Fleet as an instructor. He was one of the five people whom Carter had rescued from the U.S.S. Odyssey at the outset of the Dominion War and had served with her ever since.

Although he had initially felt challenged, on just a moment’s reflection, Krank felt a tremendous sense of relief. He had become close to Carter and almost felt as if she were a daughter. Especially since he had lost his own daughter along with all of his children and grandchildren during the war. He sighed, looked down, then put his hand on Harrison’s shoulder. “Thank you, Seprek,” he said, using the vulcan’s given name for the first time.

