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Bright Light, Radiant Heat


T'Lyn and the warp core four enjoy a day at the (holo) beach.


Written for fan_flashworks Challenge 436: Sunshine.

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Working on a spaceship means proximity to the stars. Space is full of stars, and even more full of objects that emit radiation of some sort. Despite that, it is extremely common for crew members to miss the light from the brightest stars closest to their home planets.

The holodeck is often suggested as a replacement in circumstances such as these, when the crew member has made it clear that they desire to experience the light from those celestial bodies. However, the holodeck is often not sufficient to ease their homesickness.

Mariner is one of those such beings.

"Come on guys, the beach program again?" She tilts her head back and groans. 

T'Lyn observes Mariner from her spot in the sand. Mariner is wearing a two piece swimsuit that could be straight out of a holonovel. The rest of the group is more covered up. Tendi is wearing a one-piece with an attached skirt, although it hasn't fulfilled its intended purpose, as she has been occupied building a sandcastle with Boimler.

"I thought it was customary for human males to go without tops when at the beach."

Boimler flushes a deep crimson at T'Lyn's words. The blush travels down his neck until its path is obscured by a simple white t-shirt made of reflective material. "A t-shirt provides protection against the sun, as well as—"

"The sun?" Mariner shoves Boimler, cackling. The sandcastle is dented from the impact. "You can't get cancer from the holo-sun."

"You can," informs Rutherford in his usual chipper tone, "but only if the holodeck safeties are turned off."

T'Lyn takes a moment to wonder why Starfleet continues to allow the holodeck safeties to be turned off, despite the multitude of situations that have posed danger to the ship and crew. Surely, it would not take long for Engineering to figure out how to hard-code the solution, especially since the setting has been long since removed on Vulcan ships. T'Lyn opens her mouth to educate the group on her opinion, only to be cut off by Mariner grabbing her hand.

"Come on, T'Lyn. Let's enjoy the actual beach instead of whatever these idiots are doing."

Her statement is punctuated by Rutherford's cheers as he picks up a nearly translucent piece of stone. "I found some sea glass!"

Tendi cheers along with him, accidentally knocking over one of the sandcastle's towers.

"Are the others not engaging in traditional 'beach' activities?" Questions T'Lyn.

Mariner shakes her head. "No, they are, but they're missing out on the best part." She pulls T'Lyn down towards the ocean, until her feet are just starting to touch the water. "Come on, you know how to swim, right?"

T'Lyn pauses. "There is not much water on Vulcan. However, since joining the Cerritos, I have taken swimming lessons. According to Cetacean Ops, my swimming skills are satisfactory."

"Good," Mariner steps deeper into the water, until it starts to come up to her waist. "That means you can do this!" She lies on her back, floating in the holo-sea.

T'Lyn imitates her. 

The holo-sun's rays beat down, warming her body compared to the colder sea keeping her afloat. It truly feels relaxing. T'Lyn allows herself to close her eyes. She can hear Mariner whoop in excitement.

"Isn't this great? You can really feel the sunshine!"

If T'Lyn lets out a self-contented sigh in that moment, she knows Mariner won't tell.