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She Who Loves Roses

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In spite of her stubborn protests, Maya eventually relented and sought medical help for her (in her own opinion) superficial injuries.  What made her concede was Saavik pointing out that her hard-headed arrogance was another fantastic example of “her bullshit” that Saavik promised to call her out on.  When they beamed to Sarek’s home, there was no sign of any altercation (Saavik had even re-braided her hair) but Maya still felt as though she had an invisible sign over her head that told everyone around her exactly what had happened early that day.

Rather than Ambassador Sarek, it was his human wife who stepped outside to greet them. Amanda Grayson was very old, looked frail, and moved slowly with the use of a cane.  Maya’s mind strayed to wonder if this is what she would be like one day: entering her final days while Saavik might have another century to live…or if maybe her father’s augmented DNA would grant her a longer life.

“You must be Maya.”  Amanda’s voice was warm, and she wore a kind smile.  “I thought you were coming over with your nephew.”

“Last minute change of plans,” Maya answered with a shrug.

Amanda only nodded and did not pry further. It would seem a benefit of living for decades among Vulcans was an unquestioning respect for privacy.  “Well, it makes no difference.  Come in out of the sun.”  She turned to lead them inside, and much like Tural’s home the interior was a respite from the sunlight but not the heat.  “Enzo went out for a bit, Sarek introduced him to some Vulcan boys who are showing him some traditional sports.”

She led them into the main sitting room where Sarek was waiting.  He stood up and went to Amanda's side, and after a brief  touch of their fingertips, he helped his aging wife to her seat.  All Maya saw was another possible glimpse of her future.  The years never seemed to slow down her father, but her future was unclear when it came to the timing and tempo of aging.  All she knew was that before she left on this misadventure she noticed her first few gray hairs growing in, and she expected that number to triple by the time she returned to Bellingham.  Maya forced those thoughts out of her mind.  Their hardships were over, best to be present and try to enjoy this social call.

“Please, have a seat,”  Amanda continued.  “Saavik has told us so much about you.”

Maya glanced toward Saavik as they sat down.  She had no idea her partner had so much contact with Amanda and Sarek and wondered what she had said about her.

“My wife is exaggerating,” Sarek noted.  “We were made aware of your relationship and essential biographical details.”

“I hope she didn’t mention any of the awful things I’ve done,” Maya teased, but her attempt to diffuse the situation was met with silence.

Amanda was the first to break the silence.  “Well, Maya I can’t imagine what it must be like to have a partner in Starfleet.  So much time apart.”

“The bond helps.”  Even as she gave her simple answer, Maya worried she said too much.  That bond was the reason this whole affair became so complicated.

Silence fell.  That was one thing Maya preferred when spending time with Vulcans: they didn’t feel the need to fill every moment with small talk and were candid and direct.  Her kin on Ceti Alpha V didn’t care much for idle chatter either, but their reasoning was very different.    What broke the silence was the sound of the front door sliding open.  

Enzo rushed in, short of breath yet bursting with energy.  He was soaked with sweat, and his face was flushed pink.

Maya smiled.  Her nephew enjoyed being active and athletic but made a point to avoid team sports, embarrassed by any unfair advantages he had.  “Were you able to keep up with the Vulcans alright?”

Enzo nodded.  “They seemed impressed, but they said I smell bad.”

“All teenage human boys smell awful, even to other humans.”  Maya teased.  At least someone wasn’t having a terrible time on this planet.  “Go get cleaned up.”  With that, Enzo turned to go.  “And drink some water!”

“We will depart in two days,” Saavik went back to business, addressing Sarek and Amanda.  “I would like to express my gratitude again, for welcoming us into your home.”

After days in cramped quarters on the cargo ship, Sarek’s modest home was a significant upgrade in comfort.  Even the Vulcan heat didn’t bother Maya so much, a small benefit from spending most of her life living near the equator on a planet without the convenience of modern climate control.  She and Saavik had privacy, and Saavik had lost her hesitation with spending time alone with Maya.

They sat alone on the bed, holding hands and feeling close to one another before Maya spoke.  She looked down, not sure how to phrase what was on her mind.  “I know I’m not supposed to ask about it, but did everything go…well?”

Saavik closed her eyes.  “My desire never grew to match Tural’s until we melded.  My primary motivation was to protect his life.”

Maya took a deep breath.  She wasn’t going to have another outburst, not in Sarek’s house.

“Maya,”  Saavik continued.  “You cannot hope to understand the nuance of Vulcan relations if you insist on stubbornly holding onto a human outlook.”

Maya shook her head.  “I was brought up with a flawed understanding of human relations, so it might all be beyond my comprehension.  I’m just glad you aren’t avoiding me anymore.”

“Maya.”  Saavik took both of Maya’s hands in hers and turned to look her lover in the eye.  “My own desires have not been satisfied, but from you I need trust and a level head.”


Saavik placed her hand on the side of Maya’s cheek, and Maya closed her eyes.  “Your mind to my mind. Your thoughts to my thoughts.”

San Fransisco

Three months later…


After a Starfleet career that spanned five decades, in a move that surprised everyone who knew the woman well, Admiral La’an Noonien-Singh actually retired.  Even the most ambitious and hard working people would in time reach a point where they were ready to slow down and rest.  The party, however, had not been La’an’s idea, and she made herself scarce at her own celebration.  With few familiar faces in sight, Maya felt painfully out of place.  Most of the guests were flag officers in dress uniforms, and Maya couldn’t decide if she was over or under dressed.  Her fashion sense swung wildly between full ballroom glamor and threadbare sweatpants.  She had no idea how to dress smartly without drawing too much attention to herself, and her orange cocktail dress felt both too flashy and not flashy enough.

Maya had been at the party for half an hour before she caught sight of La’an, who had retreated to a quiet corner where the music from the band didn’t echo quite so loud and wore a stern look on her face.  “Congrats on your newfound freedom.” Maya raised her glass of champagne.  

“Please, I’m already beginning to regret this.  And I certainly didn’t want all…”  La’an gestured broadly.  “All this.”

“Then I’ll have to drink enough for the both of us.”  Maya drank down the rest of her champagne, set her glass down on a table and went in search of another.  As she wove through the crowd, a familiar with a Southern accent voice called to her.


She turned around and smiled when she saw who it was, forgetting about her promise to drink for two.  “Doctor McCoy?”

“It’s been a while.  You know I head about your recent victory and thought I might like to ask the second best dancer on Earth for a dance.”

“I had no victory, Doctor.  Second place is the first to come in last.  And besides…”  A sly smile appeared on her face. “I doubt you could keep up with me.”

“Oh?  Why is that, because I’m old, or because I’m not an Augment?”

“A bit of both.”

“What if I want to take on the challenge?”

“Then you’ll have to follow because I can’t.”

McCoy shrugged and allowed Maya to lead him to the dance floor.  The music was lively, but they couldn’t match the energy on account of an awkward start.

“Start on your right foot,” she whispered in McCoy’s ear.  “And you still have to count.”

They found their rhythm and to his credit he mostly kept up aside from a few missteps (though he was out of breath by the end of the song).  He gave Maya a gracious bow, but Maya was pulled out of the moment when she spotted Saavik watching.  Without a word she left the dance floor and went to her partner’s side.

“Please don’t be upset,”  Maya begged.  Even though Saavik had said expressly that she was unbothered by seeing Maya in typical human contact–handshakes, dancing, and the like–she still felt a pang of guilt.  Their recent struggles left Maya feeling like she stood on shaky ground.

Saavik raised an eyebrow.  “It would not be logical for me to experience jealousy over an innocuous action.  I would like to step outside to speak privately.”

They left the noise and the crowd of the party to step out into the night air.  Maya was reminded of the last time they had a private conversation away from a formal event, and her heart began to race.  She looked to Saavik, and without a word she was able to guess what was on Saavik’s mind.

“You’re pregnant.”

Saavik nodded.  “Tural will want to raise the child on Vulcan.”

“That figures,” Maya sighed.  “But what do you want?  It’s your baby too.”

“I have not yet decided.”  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.  “This is not what I had planned, but now that I am presented with the possibilities I do not find the outcome unfavorable.”

Maya considered this.  She swore off having children after she had healed enough to free herself from her sense of obligation to further her father’s bloodline, but still ended up adopting her nephew and secretly hoping her pregnant girlfriend wanted to keep the baby.  “Does Tural even need to know?  You rarely see him.”

“I cannot ignore the possibility that he was able to sense the change in the same way you were, even if our bond has been weakened.”

And that was Maya’s own doing.  She kept her own wishes to herself, far be it from her to make a mess on Vulcan again.  “Whatever you do…” She looked down as she spoke.  “I just hope it is what you want, not Tural or anyone else.”

Saavik reached toward Maya with her index and middle finger extended, and Maya reached out to touch her fingertips.  “You have my word that my decision will be on my own terms.”

Series this work belongs to: