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Meow Meow La'an


La'an, Una, Nyota and Sam have a simple mission, locate a crashed Starfleet artifact. However, when it comes to the Enterprise, nothing can be simple and what should be a routine mission becomes a cultural immersion, a collection of embarrassing moments and an unsolved mystery prevents them from leaving.

Chapter 1: Purring and exhaling

Chapter Text

Purring, having a vibration start from her larynx wasn't the kind of thing La'an expected to be able to do, but that's still the case. A reconnaissance mission in Feliniar should be something simple, if it were not for the fact that the population has feline characteristics, coats of all kinds, triangular ears and habits similar to those of terrestrial Felis catus. In order for them to blend in more easily, the modifications had to be deeper than those made for the Una rescue mission. This time there was a temporary increase in their olfactory capacity and the vibration ability of the glottis, elements that seemed to be important since they were used in the communication of the population.

La'an used to cope well with discomfort but the lack of control was another story. These new appendages developed for the mission made her feel naked. All her emotions show her expressed by the wiggling of her eyebrows and the swaying of her little tail, the classic features of a bobtail. She hated that thing so much, but she hated even more how out of touch she was with what Uhura, Kirk, and Una had received. Una looked majestic as always with long, fluffy fur that seemed to float as she walked, she looked even bigger with the ears and tail of a Maine Coon, not only that but La'an could swear that since they got the injection, Una's scent was nicer than before.. Kirk had the ears and tail of an American Shorthair which suited him well. Nyota in turn had features reminiscent of a Selkirk Rex with the fur of her tail being wavy and the caramel color matching her eyes. Everyone seemed to have acquired unique characteristics that would make them fit into the environment. This should calm La'an down, all she needed now was to figure out how to stop purring.

The descent party would consist of La'an, Uhura, Kirk, and Una. It was impressive how the modifications matched each of them and how Sam's characteristic mustache seemed to have gained volume and thickness leaving with a funny expression. Not that La'an was going to verbalize it and didn't even have to with the giggle that Nyota can't contain. They were to blend in with the population and try to learn as much as possible while searching for the traces of the Federation communication relay that had fallen in the rural region of the planet.

It was a low-risk mission, it was supposed to leave La'an alone but it is difficult when her affection is recognized by everyone through the loud sound that starts from her throat. Not only was the proximity the problem, but the irresistible smell of Una, everything about her was delicious and made La'an want to bury herself in the commander's neck and never leave her again. And the worst thing is that Una seemed to know this from the smile she sent to La'an on the way to the transporter. Una's blue eyes were the last thing the lieutenant saw before the four beamed to the surface.

On dry land, the security chief took a moment to assess the potential safety risks to the environment. Fortunately being in a rural area, there wasn't much that could be considered a threat. Around the group a vast fild surrounded them, in the distance it was possible to see houses and silos. A dirt road to the North led to these buildings. The air was clean and humid indicating that there was some kind of body of water in the area even if it was not visible. The vegetation was undergrowth, a vivid green, small white flowers were visible amid the slender bellows that rose from the ground. The region seemed to be a great plain, with mountains of bluish gray in the North and west, to the East and South a forest, skinny trees and twisted branches accumulated and tangled as if becoming one thing. Low sounds came from that region, a crackling like flames but rhythmic, perhaps the singing of some animal still unknown. In the blue sky, the sun was bright, no clouds in sight as a cluster of blue and red plumed birds crossed the sky, a loud sound accompanying them as they squawked at each other. The temperature was mild, neither hot nor cold, as if the whole environment was striving to make the newcomers feel comfortable and welcomed. As if to convince them to stay.

“Ah the Pure Country air, so much better than the cycled air of any spacecraft. You don't realize you've missed something until you have it again.”

Sam exclaimed out loud as he stretched out, taking a deep breath he let the air into his lungs, his new tail swaying everywhere as if it had a life of its own.

“I must admit, it's really very beautiful. I wouldn't mind seeing the place if we weren't on a mission.”

Nyota had that dreamy look as she smiled. The feline ears came to life, lowered and turned in different directions as the Ensign looked toward the populated area. La'an was sure that if she did not immediately cut off this excitement, she would soon have to hold her by the collar to prevent her from going to one of the farms to learn the native dialect. Luckily she didn't have to do this as she could always count on Una's help to get the two “adventurers” in line.

“Well, it's a shame because we don't have time either to appreciate the local beauty or to delve into the local culture. Everyone has their orders and I hope I don't have to repeat them, okay?”

Una's voice was calm and concise, she knew they didn't mean any harm but sometimes it was necessary to help them regain their focus.

“Yes, commander.”

Nyota and Sam said in unison, with those little ears, snouts, and puffs La'an might even find cute, if she didn't know that this cuteness could result in another security risk. No one teaches at the Fleet Academy how distracting cuteness can be and can compromise work, but it's a lesson that in the opinion of the head of security, is something that should be taught. In her opinion there was much that should be added to the Academy's great curriculum, including that curiosity is encouraged but stupidity is not, such as Kirk bending down to pick up a blade of grass without any protective gear.

“Lieutenant Kirk, I must warn you that if you have an allergic reaction to this plant there will be no medical transport back to the ship. You will have to participate in the mission to the end even if I have to drag you by the tail. It was fortunate the natives did not see our transport and we will not take unnecessary risks of exposure.”

La'an's voice was placid and serious, while Sam slowly stood up and ignored the graminoid that had caught his attention earlier. Often the work of security resembled that of a school monitor the difference is that instead of preventing children from eating glue, La'an had to prevent officers of the fleet from ingesting substances of dubious origin and effect. The lieutenant at the pre-mission meeting estimated that it would take 5 hours at most to identify the location of the equipment, the collection of debris and transport back to Enterprise, perhaps she was being too optimistic about this. Now more accustomed to her new features, her loud purr has become something softer, a barely perceptible soft vibe, that's if she didn't look straight at Una.

“We have just under three hours of natural light, we should start walking if we intend to find the equipment even today. Prepare your tricords and remember what we should do if we meet any local inhabitants on our walk.”

Una gave the instructions before starting to walk south, demanded everything from La'an to take the tricorder and not be hypnotized by Una's rear. It was not the lieutenant's fault if the commander had a beautiful ass and that now stood out with the presence of the long and hairy black tail. All the shorter woman could ask is that it not arouse some hidden desire of hers. Of all the four, Una seemed to adapt best to the modifications, perhaps because she was Illyrian her body was more natural at accepting the changes and radjusting to her new appendages. Still she was quietly grateful for the human limitations to modification, despite the increased senses, the other three's sense of smell was not strong enough to pick up the odor molecules she knew she was exhaling. There was a threshold of how much their characteristics could be altered without having to affect brain function. Una didn't have the same problem because her senses were already heightened, this is what made it possible for her to notice that when she was near La'an her smell got stronger. She could feel wet, as if she had walked out of a gym, through the planet's bright sun that could be mistaken for sweat but the commander knew it was more than that. Una didn't sweat often, yet her neck area and breasts were hot, the skin glowed as if small crystals were scattered there. In her head a slight but constant pressure, not enough to bother her but as a signal not to get lost, to be in the moment for that was all that mattered. Her throat felt dry, yet she had to frequently swallow the saliva that accumulated in her mouth whenever she looked at the head of security. As the four of them walked, she could feel a lonely drop go down her spine and settle at the base of her tail quivering her body, her hair, new and old shivers as she took a deep breath and pretended nothing was happening. She needed to pretend that her body didn't crave La'an every second. Definitely something inappropriate the situation and she felt lucky to be the only one to notice it.

Una walked with a perfect balance, her tail swaying with the movement of her hip, her dark gray ears matching her long hair and her blue eyes more highlighted than ever. It is as if Una herself belonged to that planet. Maybe that's what it meant to be Illyrian, to accept the changes, to embrace them, and to allow yourself to be part of the whole. The direct opposite of La'an's approach to her own genetic heritage, isolating herself has always seemed like the best option, but time on the Enterprise is proving her wrong.

The four of them walked in sync for quite a while. The countryside made it a pleasant walk. The grass was taller in that direction, a greater array of flowers leapt into view, some with multiple small flowers that clustered and formed purple and white pompoms. Other solitary ones, curved towards the ground with six petals like a glass and orange colors resembled small bells being played by the invisible hand of the breeze. Small insects visited these flowers, buzzing loudly with their little wings as they kissed the flowers. The ground was soft under the foot of the travelers, without stones or holes. The air was filled with a slight sweetness accompanied by a more marked odor of herbs, it was as if it was possible to taste the atmosphere of that place. The forest now closer made itself heard, its leaves rustled and a whistle in the distance could be heard caused by the wind between the trees. But as the air grew colder, the Sky took on shades of pink and lilac, it became a clear fact that they would not find the equipment that day. A new plan of action was needed.

“Very well, I think we should find a remote place and settle down. A shelter would probably get a lot of attention but it doesn't look like it's going to rain or it's going to get too cold. We can restart the search as soon as the sun rises. It's better than walking at night and someone gets hurt.”

La'an's back to the other three, she says as she looks around for better places for the four of them to spend the night.

“Or we can ask some of the kind local farmers to let us spend the night in their barn or something.”

The suggestion could only have come from Sam, who clung tightly in anticipation of interacting with this new species and delving into its customs.

“What part of the first directive do you find difficult to understand, Kirk? We cannot reveal ourselves to the natives. This disguise is a precaution and not an invitation to go out talking or interacting with them.”

The security officer turns around looking tired, barely knowing how cute she looked with her ears down and the tail stirring as she spoke. As the two lieutenants argued, something in the distance caught Una's attention, with her improved eyesight, she was able to perceive something that none of the members of her group even in an alert state could perceive. Silhouettes approached from the horizon. Although deformed from a distance, it was possible to see that they resembled something humanoid and knowing that there was only one humanoid species on this planet, the group's plan would have to change and fast.

“Guys.” Una speaks calmly. “La'an, Sam...” unfortunately her measured tone went unnoticed among the fervent discussion. “Lieutenants!”The commander says in a more serious tone, managing to attract the attention of her subordinates. “We have company. She tilted her head toward the silhouettes that in slow steps were now approaching at a distance that already made them noticeable to the group. And the Alien anatomy of the felines meant they were also within hearing range of the natives.

“What do we do?”

Kirk asked, his hairy mustache twitching funny.

“Well, we're not doing anything wrong so be kind, be polite and everything should be resolved quickly.”

Una's voice conveyed certainty, exactly what the group needed at that moment. She herself wasn't 100% sure of what she said but the group didn't need her doubts, they needed her leadership and to get them safely back home. Following her instructions, the four waited, without sudden movements, trying to look as natural as possible. Which meant La'an was tense, Kirk and Uhura were holding back from jumping up and down in excitement, and Una was analyzing the approaching strangers as best she could so she could mimic their mannerisms and look like she belonged.

The plan in case something of this kind happened had already been passed, a First Contact, allow the natives to lead the type of interaction they will have, do not introduce information that they themselves cannot achieve and avoid cultural leaks as much as possible. All they needed was to stay calm. And that's what they did, after all you don't become a member of the captaincy ship if you're not the best at your job.

The sun was setting on the horizon while the silhouettes in the end took shape and color of three natives, a tall man with a pale fawn skin, sharp brown eyes, thick eyebrows, aquiline nose, gray eyes and tail with white dots, wearing a light green shabby jumpsuit, underneath a long-sleeved red blouse with dirty sleeves probably from work on the land. The short man has rounded eyes, the same nose with a beautiful curvature with a small brown prop similar to a plug on the right nostril, the eyebrows are messy and creaky with ears and smaller coats with a bluish tint, wearing tidier clothes, pants and T-shirt slightly wet as if it had just come out of the water. And a big fat woman with tawny brown skin, delicate, thin and perfectly outlined little shadow, loving and tired green eyes, well-marked squeezing lines, orange ears and tail, this she wore a flowery dress with a grass-stained hem. Interestingly, none of them wore shoes. They did not look aggressive, it could be said that they presented the same type of animation as Kirk with the highest and the lowest presenting wide smiles slightly covered by a voluminous mustache like the one Sam presented at the time.

“Grace and light, travelers. How honored to meet you here. We don't see travelers very often.”

That was the greeting given by the fat native who seemed to lead the trio. Her voice was buttery, slurred and a little hoarse, carrying wisdom and comfort in her words. The other two stood a little further back as perhaps a sign of respect for the one who was speaking.

“They must be on a long journey to be wearing protections on their feet. Do you have shelter in the dark?”

Una stepped forward to respond by standing in front of her group mirroring the behavior of the natives.

“We are traveling at a good time is true. We planned to take shelter nearby. If you allow it, of course.”

The leader of the natives looked at her funny. Una realized that maybe something she said might have seemed wrong.

“The earth does not belong to anyone to be in the power to allow or deny anything. But I ask you, be our guests and take shelter in our residence. A good night's sleep may be helpful on your pilgrimage.”

The tall brunette like any good StarFleet officer knew that denying an act of kindness could result in catastrophic consequences so the crew would have to adjust to Native company that night if they wanted to not raise suspicion.

“We would love to take shelter with you.”

Una's speech won a nod of approval from the elder, which also seemed to be the opening for the tallest and the shortest of the Catpeople to approach.

“I'm the Galosh and this is Felt Ball."Says the lowest. “Who are you and why are you on pilgrimage? Is it a rite of Union? One of you is... well, you know.”

“Galosh, you don't ask that to travelers, you know that's not polite. The highest's rebuke was swift even though he couldn't hide the excitement and seemed to want to know the same things. “Excuse my brother, so much water from the flowing spirits must have washed politeness from him.”

“No problem, we understand curiosity.”

Nyota's smile was gleaming, she was loving the moment. A brief exchange of glances between her and La'an was all she needed to know that she had followed the right path, reaffirming the feelings of the natives but not responding in a way that compromised them.

“I am sure that any and all questions can be answered in the warmth of a shelter rather than in the open. Darkness will soon kiss these lands and the rugged path is not suitable for walking without the presence of a light. Can we go?”

The leader of the farmers asked staring at Una who gave a slight nod. The local group started walking and were followed closely by the Enterprise crew. Most people were content and walked lightly, with the exception of one person.

La'an was tense, none of this was what they had planned, every second it seemed that they were closer to deviating from their mission. These people they followed were strangers, variables not previously analyzed which could only mean trouble. Her whole body was stretched, her ears wagged every second, following the softest rustle of the record over her feet, her short tail was twitching, her heart throbbed, she felt hot and cold at the same time, her face would acquire a more rosy color highlighting her freckles. In her tented muscles she could feel small spasms result of the accumulated adrenaline. Unconsciously her posture was straighter than normal as if to appear larger and more threatening. The sounds around her seemed suffocating, the smell became more intense, the colors around her more vivid even as it got darker. Her alert body merged with the more enhanced senses of the modification and whipped up all sensations. her eyes fixed on the group while her mind wandered to everything that could happen. So overwhelmed that breathing became a non-priority, her chest was heavy, she did not like to find herself in this kind of situation. But when the air began to fail her, a warmth took her right hand. Long fingers entwined in her, bringing a sense of peace and security, the cold Twilight Air took over her lungs. In a world of uncertainty, something held her, the confidence that Una would always be by her side.

The head of security raised her head turning to the commander and in those blue eyes once again she found herself melting inside. Una was splendid, even with the most ridiculous cat ears, she could be the vision of paradise. Everything around her seemed colorless and dull, because the most interesting of things was Una. An exchange of glances and a handshake was all La'an needed to get her out of the loop she'd stuck into because of her fight-or-flight instinct.

Una's hand remained entwined with La'an's, perhaps out of a selfish desire on the part of the taller woman, she needed it more than she could admit. La'an could be the head of security but at the end of the day, it was Una's responsibility to make sure everyone was OK. She was certain that if she let go of La'an's hand she might never return, throwing herself in front of danger or sacrificing herself for the survival of the rest of the group. La'an's sense of self-preservation has been different in the past, but Survivor's guilt has turned it into a need to preserve others. Una didn't want that, didn't want her alone to have to make the decision to leave La'an so the others could go home. For if she left La'an, she would leave the only home she still had.

The two women did not exchange a word as they walked across the Prairie, not even when they entered the ranch, only an exchange of glances as a sign of recognition as they released their hands upon entering the colonial-style house. Compared to the cold night air that dominated the grounds, the interior of the house was warm and cozy.

“Galosh and felt Ball are going to prepare the quarters for you, meanwhile why don't you sit with me while we have something to warm us up?”

The older woman's voice gave no room for discussion as she sat in an armchair where beside a steaming teapot and cups were already waiting for them. La'an and Una exchange a glance, this meant that there were more people in this house, although the amount was still uncertain. Cautiously they approached and sat down on the sofa, with no more seats available, it remained for Nyota and Sam to sit at their feet. With a nod of approval, the Orange-eared lady stood up and poured each of them a cup with a lilac liquid before sitting down again.

“I am spark, the Lady of this region. Who would you be, dear travelers?”

Una stepped forward to answer, she knew she needed to be careful with her words.

“We are travelers from faraway lands, seeking enlightenment in our walk. For this we abandon behind us our old names until the new ones come to us.”

This was not Una's first diplomatic detour, nor was it the first time she had dealt with people who mix the mystical with everyday life. Based on the information they had about the inhabitants of that place, this seemed to be the best answer. The less they reveal whether it is true or false, the less chance of a leak happening.

“I understand, May the light reach you and deliver you to your destinations then. I understand you're performing a bonding ritual, don't you? A couple and two strays in search of a new place to settle down? Sorry, but it's hard not to notice your partner purring or the pheromones you're releasing, honey.”

The commander tried her best to keep a neutral face while the stranger in front of her said loudly how obvious it was that she and La'an were together and that not even their bodies could contain themselves deciding to release physical signs of their mutual attraction. Their relationship was not a secret to the crew of the Enterprise, but this also did not mean that she wanted unknown aliens to talk about it. But the realization came to her that this could be useful. The Elder seemed favorable to their relationship, they had an approval and an advantage that they could use to avoid scenarios of possible hostility and expand knowledge about the place where she was.

“Exactly, we're looking for something that's ours even though we don't know where it is yet.”

It was a truth what she said, although the meaning that the elder thought and what Una thought were quite different. A twinge of pain took her heel, the blue-eyed brunette knew where that was coming from, it was a warning from La'an not to overdo the wordplay. They didn't need the group of local felines to take too much interest in their pilgrimage or to decide to help too much. The movement of Una's tail was subtle, yet she could sense how La'an relaxed whenever her tail touched her. Una returned her beloved's warning with a light touch of her boot, the message was clear. “Don't worry, I'm taking care of everything, my love.”