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Part 13 of Star Beagle Adventures

Star Beagle Adventures Episode 13: Close to the Edge Part II - Total Mass Retain

Chapter 6: SBA Episode 13, Scene 6: Understanding


There since the cord, the license or reasons we understood will be…

Chapter Text

The Star Beagle Adventures                                                
Episode 13: Close to the Edge Part II - Total Mass Retain
Scene 6: Understanding


There since the cord, the license or reasons we understood will be…




Princess L’Ruut ran her hand over the purple mohawk and smiled her studied, carefully crafted, sultry, sexy smile. She was a logical oddity and, at the same time, a logical necessity among terrestrial vulcans. A tradition brought over from the home planet.

L’Ruut was a sex worker. Her role was to couple with vulcans who had either lost or never had a betrothed. During Pon Farr. It was an honorable calling that, for various reasons, because it violated so many ancient vulcan and human taboos, caused those called to this work to live somewhat apart, not quite accepted in either human or vulcan communities. Especially because, like L’Ruut, the majority of “substitutes,” as they had come to be called, were vulcan/human hybrids.


“It suits you,” L’Ruut said. Even her voice was voluptuous. The overt sexiness wasn’t really needed, nor even wanted. L’Ruut’s choice to lean into it was a sort of rebellion on her part against the unspoken and understated discrimination she and others of her profession faced, even though it was necessary and (officially) honorable. 

The few women and even fewer men who found themselves providing this service were almost always those who had themselves been bereft of betrothal for any number of reasons. Their small number and the increasing need for their services, especially with the privations of two recent wars, meant that they were constantly busy, which only enhanced the stigma associated with their calling.

Ensign John Sevork didn’t mind. He had made a deep connection with L’Ruut during his Pon Farr. He had chosen her services instead of betrothal because he was in Star Fleet and did not want to leave a family behind. There would be time for family later. He was only in his 20’s, quite young for a vulcan. Even for a hybrid.

“My captain suggested I update my hairstyle. She has recently changed her hair color to blue, so I looked up human hairstyles in that idiom and this one appealed to me.”

L’Ruut stroked his purple goatee. “I’m sure your parents will not approve.”

“They are fairly open minded. They approved of my choice to spend time with you instead of starting a family.” Sevork settled onto a couch, patted the seat next to him. 

L’Ruut settled next to him. She looked vulcan, but her human ancestry had given an unusual reddish tint to her hair. It was long and voluminous. She wasn’t particularly beautiful, but very fit - somewhat more athletic than was the norm for vulcans. She leaned against John, then snuggled in tightly, comfortably. 

“I love visiting with my clients. It’s really the only time I feel comfortable and accepted among my own kind.”

“We know you,” Sevork responded. “You share much more than your body. You share your whole being.”

“Week in and week out,” L’Ruut said softly, distantly. “Sometimes as many as two clients in a week. I barely get to recover from being melded intimately with one mind and another is reaching out to me in need. I almost never get to visit.”


“I love you,” Sevork said, simply.


“All my clients say that,” L’Ruut replied.

“And every one of us is speaking the truth,” Sevork responded. “It does not mean we will never love another. But you cannot touch that kind of compassion and not be moved.”

“I get lost sometimes. So many minds intruding on mine. In such desperate need. There are days, sometimes weeks, when I am just trying to figure out who I am.”

“You need a vacation,” said Sevork.

“I need to retire,” L’Ruut replied. “I’m nearly 100 years old. I have shared mind and body with more than a thousand. I carry the seed of hundreds of men stored inside me. Yours among them. Some day I want to have your child.”


John Sevork cuddled comfortably against the giant alien that he had described as a cross between a stag and a tiger shrimp. 

“As long as I get to meet him. Her. Them.”

“Oh, have no doubt, John. You will. You absolutely will.”

