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It's Not Fair!

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January 4, 2170 A.D.
S.S. Bayeux
Two days out somewhere between Andoria and Earth


Wow, I am so warped! Uncle has taken me aboard and I get to go to an alien world for the first time! My Social Sciences teacher, Mrs. T’chak, says I am lucky to get such a “cosmopolitan” experience. I thought she meant the netfeed! LOL! She says I will learn about myself by living amongst different people. She calls it IDIC. When she said that in class we all laughed (except some of the boys-they are so stupid sometimes!)-until she explained it meant EeyDeeEEyCee-infinite diversity in infinite combinations. It means that everybody does things in their own way to get to the ultimate goal of happiness, or something. I gotta go-the ship is going to warp and I’ll have to switch to subspace to call you next. Kisses!

January 6, 2170 A.D.
S.S. Bayeux
Four days out


Soooo busy, sorry I didn’t call! We went swimming in the quarter-gee pool yesterday. Remember how I said I’d never look like Mother? Girl, you have got to see what quarter-gee will do! I thought that Ensign Boyington was going to EXPLODE! Then the Captain came into the pool room and got all sharp with him, something about “leaving the cattle alone” and ordered him to his post. Like I’m some cow or something! I don’t think I like the Captain. That was a mean thing to say. This trip would be perfect but Mom and Dad made Uncle agree to take The Punk-he’s been tagging along behind me every moment he can. He said rude things about Ensign Boyington after the Captain ordered him out of the pool room. I think I might have to strangle him. Do you think Mom and Dad would notice?

January 9, 2170 A.D.
S.S. Bayeux
Seven days out


The Punk is pissing me off! Ensign Boyington took me to the ship’s arboretum and was showing me the constellations through the transparent aluminum dome. We were lying on the grass looking up, and Ensign Boyington was starting to squirm a little closer and then HE showed up and threw a water balloon at us. I thought George (uh, Ensign Boyington) was gonna kill him but The Punk ran off laughing before we could catch him. George said he had to change into a new uniform before he went on duty (the Captain is SUCH a hard-ass!) and we had to cut our lesson short. If I catch The Punk I swear, I’m gonna kill him!

January 11, 2170 A.D.
S.S. Bayeux
Nine days out


There was a Grand Ball last night and I turned out to be the Belle of the Ball! It was sooo romantic! George convinced me to go to ship’s stores and pick out a dress design for the replicator. I took a Garak original and it had a dipping v-neck that had my modest assets looking somewhat less than modest. I felt all grown up! It was a real lady’s dress! Even The Punk said I looked good! I thought George was going to die when he saw me. His face got all red and he was stumbling over his words at first but when we walked into the Grand Ballroom he had my arm in his and was strutting like he had T’Pau of Vulcan by his side! We danced all night even though the other gentlemen kept trying to cut in and Uncle even let me have my first glass of champagne! I bet you’re pulling your hair out with envy!


January 13, 2170 A.D.
S.S. Bayeux
Eleven days out

The Punk is making me mad! George took me down to Engineering during a tour of the ship and we managed to get alone behind the warp coil. George was just about to kiss me and The Punk came strolling by, kinda innocent like, and tapped George on the back. When he turned around The Punk punched him in the nose! I tried to grab him but he scooted away like quicksilver. George had to go to Sickbay and have his nose set. We are going into port tomorrow and George is confined to his quarters for “an altercation with a passenger” for four days! I don’t care if I am going to see an alien world! It’s not fair! Earth may be a paradise planet but if I can’t see George I just don’t care! I bet your antennae are slapping you on your forehead from laughing at me, Gleela! The Punk has ruined my vacation! It’s not fair!

Add-on: January 14-Gleela! You have GOT to see this place on Earth called Hawaii-By the Horned One! They make their men fine here! I think this just might be a fun vacation after all!




P.S.-Miss you!