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Can We Start Again, Please?

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Cris knew he had a choice to make as he left headquarters. Taking the Stargazer was the chance of a lifetime. He’d never realized just how much the institution of Starfleet still meant to him, despite all his past pain and regrets. But it would also mean leaving his old life as a freighter captain behind. His beloved space mermaid would need someone to look after her while he was gone.

He knew that Raffi had returned to the Academy, also with help from the admiral. He was proud of her for kicking the snakeleaf habit that had ruled her life in the time since he last saw her before they met again in 2399. He hated to bother her, but if there was one person he could trust to give him honest advice, he knew it would be her. They had leaned on each other far too often in the time that she had roped him into assisting Picard.

He hailed her that evening, once he knew she was finished with her cadets and would have time to discuss the matter with him. He’d sent a message to her PADD ahead of time so she would know to expect him. Surprisingly, she was on time for once, her hair in perfect order and her uniform crisp. Her eyes shone, no trace of snakeleaf in her system.

Cris wondered for a second if she had kicked the habit and neglected to inform him. He tried to say something poignant. All he got out instead was,

“Whoa.” Raffi’s eyes widened for a moment. She hadn’t expected that reaction from anyone, least of all her best friend. She knew all of his secrets, knew how much he had hated Starfleet for a decade. She couldn’t help but wonder if he was mad at her for going back. At least, perhaps, she might save a few cadets from the torture they’d endured.

“Yeah, yeah. Get it all out of your system now, honey. I know you got jokes for this one.” Raffi didn’t laugh, but there was a taunt in her gaze. She was daring him to say what they were both thinking. A thousand questions existed about her path from the bitter woman she had been when Picard found her in the trailer at Vasquez Rocks, but Rios knew most of the answers.

“Actually, no. I don’t. Starfleet always agreed with you, Commander Musiker.”, Rios answered, a grin crossing his features. He was right. They had both pledged their entire lives to the cause. Raffi made it look good. He wasn’t quite sure how to feel about his own return yet. He wondered if she had noticed yet—if it had registered in her brain where he was. He chuckled inwardly and counted down in his head. . .

3. . . 2 . . .

“Holy shit, you’re back, aren’t you? You’re really one of us again.”

“Always was, Raf. Guess the Admiral was right. I was — I am — ‘Starfleet to the core’, after all. From the looks of it, you were, too.” Then, Raffi saw something that hadn’t been present on Rios’ face since they’d defeated Narek. He was smiling. He was happy. Her mind whirled with a thousand questions.

“How’d J.L. pull that off?”

“He put me forward for command personally. Called me in himself.”, Rios told her, the disbelief as prominent in his voice as it had been in hers. He still couldn’t fully make sense of it. Even after talking with Picard, none of it made sense. All he knew was that they planned to make use of him. What and where his mission would be, he didn’t yet know.

“You’re happy.” Not a question. It hadn’t needed to be. Raffi could see the light back in his eyes. Command red really was his color.

Rios didn’t answer. He didn’t need to. But he was still curious about her.

“You’re not gonna make a dig at me for it?”

“Of course not, honey. I’m just happy that you’re happy. You know, I never thought I’d say this, but the Academy’s nice, too. Better than when we were here, I’m sure.” She smiled, then remembered another question.

“What ship are you assigned to?”

“I’m captaining the new Stargazer. Small missions first — diplomatic escorts, exploratory work, maybe. But I’m looking forward to seeing what’s out there. Which brings me to the reason I called. I need to get in touch with Seven. I figured no one would know how to reach her better than you.”

“Yeah. You know, she’s in need of some assistance. The Rangers could use a new ship.”

“Could they? I might be able to help with that, if you can get to her.”

“Yeah. Actually, I can loop her in right now.” Raffi quickly made contact with Seven, and placed them on a three-way communication.

“Raffi, hi. Is everything all right. . . You don’t usually call— oh, hi, Cris.” The Fenris Ranger raised an eyebrow, a little confused by the sudden appearance of their friend. She knew something was up.

“Seven, I hope we’re not calling you at a bad time. But what I’ve got to tell you both is urgent. I’m about to do you and the Rangers a giant favor.”                                                                                                    

Seven didn’t know what to think of the things she heard over the next few minutes. She’d never believed that Cris could or would be willing to return to Starfleet. But the fact that he was willing to hand over his beloved ship to her for the work of the Fenris Rangers told her that he trusted her deeply. Knowing how he’d felt when she first met him, Seven realized that her relationship with him had come a long way.

“You want to loan me La Sirena? While you go back to Starfleet?”

“No point in her sitting in spacedock, hermana. We both know it. You’ve got the chops to be a great captain. Besides, aren’t the Rangers working with medical supply transport? A freighter could come in handy. She’s a trusty ship. Just. . . Look after her for me. ‘Til I’m home.”

“Cris, are you sure. . .?”

“You’ve been there for me when I needed someone. Now let me return the favor. Besides, didn’t you say Picard owed you a ship anyway? Let me square it. After all, it was me who blew you out of the stars. You and the Rangers have more need of her than I will.”

“In that case, I’d be honored.”

“Just be careful with her, please. I’ll meet you later to transfer the command protocols and all, but for now. . . Duty calls. Thanks. Rios out.”

For a few moments after the call ended, Seven sat in stunned silence, unsure what she should think. Rios was offering her something that would save lives. It was his ship, as he had made clear time and again, and he was free to give it to whomever he wished.

“Did that just happen?”, she asked Raffi, who had remained on their side of the call despite Rios leaving. Raffi nodded, equally confused.

“Something’s really changed him, Seven. Yeah, it happened. It might be the best thing for all of us. If I were you, I’d take it. Look, I know you said it was better if we took a break for a while. So I’m saying this as a friend. We both know the Rangers could use the help. The holo programs might be an invaluable asset. I’d take Rios up on it.”

“You really think I could captain a freighter?”

“I think you could do whatever you put your mind to, honey, if you give yourself the chance. This might be a good test of that career change you were thinking about?” Seven couldn’t lie; she had been thinking of calling in favors from her old friends to get into the Academy so that she might captain a ship of her own one day. The Ranger life wouldn’t last her forever. La Sirena might be the perfect place to start.