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Part 1 of Star Trek Edison

Star Trek Edison Episode One:A Muddled Reawakening

Chapter 2: A Restless Captain

Chapter Text

Stardate 38677.18 (September 5, 2361)

Captain’s log, stardate 38677.18.  After a chaotic month of patrolling the Federation-Cardassian Border.  The Edison is now en route to Starbase One for resupply, routine maintenance, and the rotation of crew members. Meanwhile, the Edison’s long-range sensors have been monitoring unusual subspace broadcasts coming from near the Delphi star system.


USS Edison-Captain’s Quarters


Captain Grace McCallister found herself sitting up in bed, her knees tucked up against her chest. She vacantly gazed out the cabin window, watching the warp-smeared stars whiz by, knowing that nightmares about her deceased husband Dracius would haunt her if she tried to sleep.

She was also feeling stressed out from having to fend off multiple incursions into Federation Space by Cardassian Galor-class cruisers while on routine patrol of the Federation-Cardassian Border.

A small brown and white beagle suddenly hopped onto Grace’s bed.  

"Archer!" she happily greeted the beagle as she watched the canine trot across the bed and snuggled up against her. "You're having trouble sleeping too?" she calmly asked her companion while she gently massaged behind his ears.

The dog happily panted in response to her inquiry, completely enjoying the attention he was receiving. As he sniffed at the picture. His tail wagged animatedly back and forth when he recognized Claire in the photo that was on the nightstand. Archer met Claire for the first time on her graduation day from Starfleet Academy.  

Grace closed her eyes at the thought of her only child, as she leaned over and lifted one of her favorite pictures off the nightstand.  It was a picture of herself taken with her daughter on Claire’s first day at Starfleet Academy by the groundskeeper Boothby, as both stood in front of the massive elm tree situated near the parade grounds. Grace had her arm around Claire's shoulder; as she looked proudly at Claire, while Claire looked bashful.

Grace smiled at her faithful pet who was now chasing his tail, as she climbed out of the bed and walked over to the replicator.

“Centauran Tea Blend number 22, hot, and light on the sugar.” Grace addressed the replicator politely, but firmly.

The replicator quickly fulfilled the captain’s request as it materialized a mug of aromatic tea on a saucer.

The deep aroma of the tea brought Grace a sense of happier times from her home planet of Alpha Centauri III. She took the steaming mug of tea from the replicator and settled down at her desk. Each sip of tea brought Grace a feeling of tranquility and slowly melted away the lingering tension that had been bothering her for the past month.

Grace donned her reading glasses, as she was highly sensitive to Retinax V. She delved into the latest ship reports until the door chimed, briefly interrupting her concentration on her work.

"Enter," she said without looking up from the PADD on her desk, still reading through the latest intelligence updates on the mysterious object that had last been seen traveling in the Delphi System.

The doors hissed open, and Yeoman Trena Saperstein entered . The Captain's assistant stood in attention, as she waited patiently to be recognized.

Grace looked up and smiled, as she removed her glasses. "At ease, Yeoman.  Is there something I can do for you?"

The Yeoman relaxed from attention to parade rest and stated, “ I apologize for disturbing you at this hour, Captain.  I needed to get your signature on these supply manifests for the quartermaster which, you forgot to sign earlier. Also, Admiral Wyatt has been trying to contact you. I believe he wishes to speak with you in private.” The Yeoman spoke with formality and efficiency.

Grace accepted the PADD device from the Yeoman and quickly signed her signature before handing it back. "Thank you, Yeoman. You are dismissed." Grace nodded respectfully to her assistant.

"Thank You, Captain." Yeoman Saperstein nodded before she turned and exited the Captain’s quarters.

Grace turned her attention to the desktop viewer in front of her and instructed, "Computer, please open a secure channel to Vice Admiral Marcus Wyatt at Starfleet Academy."

The computer chirped as The United Federation of Planets logo disappeared from the screen, and in its place was the smiling face of her father, Vice Admiral Marcus Wyatt.

"Hello, Dad, I'm sorry for not getting back to you sooner. There was a “bad infestation” in the Lyshan system, but the Edison managed to take care of the “infestation” with negligible damage to the ship and minor injuries. So, how are you doing? "

Admiral Wyatt chuckled at her daughter’s clever reference to the Cardassians before he spoke, "I’m fine, just started a new semester of teaching classes. So how are you, Gracie?" The Admiral addressed his youngest daughter using her childhood nickname, making Grace feel warm and nostalgic.

Feeling relieved her Father was doing well. "I’m stressed out from this damn war. So how are Mom and Claire doing?" She asked her father.

"Your mother and Claire are doing well. Your mother has been busy with her plants back home. She’s also been worried about you.” Marcus responded..

“And Claire?” Grace inquired.

"Claire has been busy too, she has been helping me with my classes, as a teacher’s assistant here at the academy. She’s dejected that her friends already left for their space assignments, while she’s stuck here on Earth. She is also feeling unhappy that you departed so soon after her graduation ceremony."

Grace felt guilty about having to leave almost immediately after her daughter’s graduation, just barely enough time to give Claire a quick goodbye hug before she boarded the shuttlecraft and headed back to the Edison.

An ecological catastrophe had transpired on the planet Sigma Kai VI in the Sigma system, and the Edison was the closest vessel in the area to respond.

"Dad, the Edison is scheduled to make a stop at Starbase One for crew rotations, repairs, and supplies, and I thought I would surprise Claire with a visit and spend some time with her before she was shipped out on her first assignment…" Grace suddenly paused as her eyes narrowed in suspicion at her father’s now sheepish appearance.

 "Dad, is there something you’re not telling me?” she asked, realizing her father was hiding something from her.

"Well, Grace, one of your former commanding officers stopped by to see me a few weeks back, Admiral Bilko Silvers," Marcus replied with an expression as if he had been caught red-handed stealing candy.

She took a glance at the model of the Miranda-Class ship that she had on display before speaking. "Bilko Silvers" is a name I have not heard in such a long time. So how’s the old card shark these days?" She asked her father.

"He’s doing well since he became the head of Starfleet Personnel. We just had a drink when the Admiral came straight out with the news that he paid back the life debt he owed you after he arranged Claire’s first posting to be on the Edison."

Grace didn’t even fully remember the circumstances of how she had saved her former C O’s life, but she was touched that he had repaid the life debt with such an act of kindness. It would be an insult not to honor one of her mentor’s requests.

"Hello? Grace? Are you there?" Her father said it loud enough to have her snapped out of the deep reverie she fell into while she processed the news about her daughter being posted to the Edison.

“Yes, I’m here, Dad; sorry about that. My mind must have wandered off." Grace apologized, still reeling from the shock. "Please tell, Admiral Silvers I’m truly touched about what he’s doing for Claire and that I would sign off on her posting to make it official."

"I will relay that message." Marcus acknowledged!

"That would be great, Dad." "Please send Mom and Claire my love," Grace said warmly.

"I will. You take care of yourself and stay out of trouble, okay?" Her father reminded her.

“As long as you do the same, alright." Grace chuckled.

The UFP logo reappeared on the screen, as Grace swiveled her chair around and  she looked at the stars.

To Be Continued