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Part 1 of Star Trek Edison

Star Trek Edison Episode One:A Muddled Reawakening

Chapter 3: Influenza, Pregnancy, and a Loud Yeoman

Chapter Text

A/N: I wanted to thank Robert Bruce Scott for proofreading this chapter.

Stardate 38680.48 (Sep 6, 2361)

U.S.S Edison-Corridor(Deck 2)

Archer excitedly jogged down the ship’s corridor alongside his tired guardian. The canine smelled out his surroundings and enjoyed the pats on the head given to him from the crew members that passed by. It wasn’t very often that the spunky little doggie got to visit a new part of the ship.

He only got to visit the lackluster Botanical Gardens or the scary Sickbay, when he was not confined to the deck corridor where he and his caretaker resided. He wondered where she was taking him today. His tail wagging in anticipation as they approached the turbolift.

“Archer, calm down...” Captain Grace McCallister soothing voice broke through the dog excited thoughts. They entered the empty turbolift and she spoke to the computer, “Deck 1.” With a swish, the doors closed and the turbolift began to move.

USS Edison-Main Bridge

The turbolift doors swished open, Grace exited the turbolift and stepped onto the bridge. Archer was cradled in her arms.

Archer watched Yeoman Trena Saperstein emerged from her station on the bridge. She pulled out a sleek metal instrument and blew into the mouthpiece filling the air with a high-pitched whistle that sent shivers down some of the nearby crewmember spines.

Archer howled out a whimper as the canine’s sensitive ears buzzed in irritation.

“Captain on the bridge!” Yeoman Saperstein shouted to the annoyance of the crewmembers that had sensitive hearing, earning the Yeoman hostile glares and low hisses.

“Yeoman Saperstein what in the seven hells of Centauri were you thinking blowing that god awful whistle and screaming like a banshee on my bridge. Do you have any idea how many crew members suffers from acute auditory sensitivity!” Grace‘s tone dripped with frustration. The fiery glare in Grace’s eyes clearly showed both her irritation and disapproval of the Yeoman’s actions.

Trembling, the Yeoman hung her head in shame. “Captain...I’m so sorry…I was just attempting to adhere to tradition…” She mumbled, feeling dejected that she angered her commanding officer.

Grace studied the Yeoman for a moment before her features softened.

“We value tradition here, Trena, but remember we prioritize our crew’s wellbeing above blind obedience to ancient customs. Now, why don’t you double-check with the Edison’s Quartermaster to ensure the accommodations are ready for the new arrivals who will be joining us once we dock at the starbase?” Grace spoke more calmly.

Yeoman Seperstein nodded quietly “Yes, Captain.” and then exited the bridge via the turbolift.

Grace took a deep breath and cradled Archer in her arms like an overprotective mother, while calmly whispered to the Beagle that’s everything’s going to be okay.

Archer shook off the effects of that horrible noise as his canine curiosity was now in overdrive as he looked around at all the blinking lights, the crew members tapping noisy buttons, while he listened to the crew members casually chatting and occasionally sharing a laugh as they worked at their assigned duty stations.

“Morning Captain, and to our little morale booster.” Commander Icid Gaihia, the Edison’s First Officer stood up from the command chair and approached the Captain with a kind smile. She gently stroked Archer’s furry head, much to his delight making his tail wiggle. He really liked the person with the ridges on their nose whenever she visited his guardian’s quarters and fed him tasty beef jerky.

“Commander,” Grace acknowledged back to the Bajorian as she settled in the command chair with Archer on her lap.”

“I noticed the Chief Science Officer is not at his post. He’s not the type to be late for duty.” Grace inquired, as she massaged Archer’s ears, before placing the beagle in vacant chair opposite of the First Officer’s chair.

“Commander Drak was admitted to sickbay last night with a case of Influenza," Commander Icid responded. Doctor Kiraid, the Medical Officer on call, says the Commander is going to recover, but is going to be in isolation for the next couple of days as this particular strain of Flu is highly contagious."

As the crew hummed about their tasks, Grace made a mental note to send the Chief Science Officer her heartfelt well wishes, ensuring that she would not forget to extend him her warm regards of a speedy recovery. Grace turned her eye to the science station where Lieutenant Tai-Anna was hard at work.

“Lieutenant Commander Tai-Anna, what’s the latest status report on the strange broadcasts coming from the Delphi system?” Grace questioned the science officer on duty.

Tai-Anna looked up, her expression neutral. “Captain, the latest long range sensor readings indicate the transmissions are no longer coming from the Delphi System. The current location of these transmissions are unknown,” answered the Asst. Chief Science Officer.

“Tai-Anna, I want you to calculate all possible trajectories for the object’s next destination using the Delphi system as a starting point of reference. I want the information in my hands by the time we arrive at Starbase One.” she commanded, her gaze fixed directly at the stoic Vulcan.

“Affirmative Captain, the data is already being fed into the Edison’s main database.” She acknowledged. Her fingers rapidly tapping the console.

“Very well, Lieutenant Commander,” as Grace turned her attention to the Flight Control Officer on duty and asked, “What’s the Edison estimated time of arrival to Starbase One?”

 “Approximately Three Hours at our current speed, Kapitan.” Lieutenant Andrei Kamarov reported.

“Lieutenant Commander Glenn still feeling under the weather, Commander Icid?” Grace asked concern evident in her voice.

“Unfortunately, she is Captain,” Icid replied. “The Chief Medical Officer has further limited her duties, meaning no strenuous action of any kind until the child that she carries comes to full term.”

“Captain I must express my unease about Lieutenant Commander Glenn absence,” Icid continued.

The flight team will be shorthanded and I'm apprehensive that it will affect the Flight Team's ability to perform at their best and potentially jeopardize the Edison’s mission. So I recommend finding a temporary replacement for Lieutenant Commander Glenn, until she is able to resume her duties.”

Grace just sighed. She could empathize with what her Chief Flight Officer was dealing with from being pregnant, but the Edison Flight Team being shorthanded also caused her some serious worry.

The flight team had been doing their part with pulling double shifts at the Conn since Lieutenant Commander Glenn’s illness, but her first officer was correct about finding a temporary replacement to maintain the team's performance and to prevent burnout among the crewmembers.

“You’re right Icid. I will ask Lieutenant Commander Glenn for her input in choosing a temporary replacement before making my final decision once the Edison docks at Starbase One.”

Commander Icid nodded appreciatively.

“Ensign Zh’Nann, report on the operational status of the Edison.” Grace smiled encouragingly at the nervous, but eager female Ktarian, who’s working her first Alpha Shift at the operation’s station.

The young ensign took a deep breath before speaking, “Captain, all es-es-essential systems are op-op-operational and functioning normally. Chief Engineer Blix had reported the transporters were still offline from the Edison’s previous skirmish with the Ca-Ca-Cardassians. He also reported that any remaining repairs would have to be completed at the starbase. Sorry about the stumbling of my words, Captain.”

“Thank you, Ensign, for your report and I think you did just fine.” Grace beamed at the Ktarian.

“Thank you, Captain.” She blushed at the praise.

“And lastly, Lt. Commander Thess, I hope the Edison’s security department had a peaceful night.” Grace shifted her attention onto the Edison’s Chief of Security and Tactical Officer.

The Andorian officer stood tall, his antennae twitched with confidence and pride. “No incidents worth mentioning, Captain. Security remains on standby alert.”

Grace nodded approvingly. “Very well, Lt. Commander Thess.”

Grace rose up from her command chair “The Bridge is yours, Commander Icid. I’ll be in my ready room until the Edison arrives at Starbase One. Come Archer.” Grace called out to the beagle.

“Yes, Captain.” Icid responded, standing up, as her concerned gaze followed the Captain’s movements before she disappeared into the Ready Room.