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In Another Time


What if Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow had ended differently? If James had lived and choices had to be made?


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter Text

In another time what happened next played out differently. In that time, James took a bullet whilst trying to call Sera’s bluff, La’an was forced to gain access to a young Khan and only just stop Sera from completing her mission, returning to her repaired timeline with so many ‘what ifs’ playing through her mind. In this time however, La’an swung in front of James as Sera fired the gun and took the bullet meant for him.

As she fell to the ground, James rushed Sera and knocked her to the floor. As they grappled the gun slipped from Sera’s grasp and slid across the floor towards La’an. Winded, but not bleeding, she wrapped her fingers around the grip and aimed at where Sera and James were fighting. As Sera raised up to deliver a blow to James, who was pinned under her, La'an fired. Sera dropped with a surprised moan and fell still on top of James. He pushed her lifeless body off him and scrambled across to where La’an was still trying to catch her breath and they both watched as Sera’s body disappeared in front of their eyes.

“How” James whispered, staring at the spot where Sera had been in shock.

“No time,” La’an breathed trying to get to her feet holding her side which had borne the brunt of the impact that should have killed her. “We need to get out of here” With no body, only the sound of two gunshots and an Institute that would likely want to stay under radar, it would probably not get investigated in much detail. They could make an escape. James helped her to her feet, and they left the Noonien-Singh Institute behind them. Its mysteries still contained within.

A safe distance from the Institute, they found an innocuous looking diner to get out of the cold. They now sat in a booth watching the outside in case of further Romulan Agents, or local law enforcement. La’an was still wincing from the impact of the bullet but miraculously otherwise unhurt. As she checked though, she realised though there had been a casualty - one that had saved her life but had maybe also condemned her to a new future. The time device had taken the bullet meant for her, or maybe for James, and it was now shattered. She laid out the pieces on the table between them and they both stared at them “Got a spare time device?” She quipped dryly.

“Do you think we did it?” James asked quietly from across the table “Saved your future?”

La’an shrugged. “I don’t know” she wanted to believe it had all been worth it.

“So do I” he picked up the menu from the table and flipped it open “We should eat. We need to figure out what to do next and that will be easier if we aren’t hungry. I’m running on empty and you probably are too” He swept the pieces of the time device off the table and into his hand then stored them in his pocket. La’an raised her eyebrows at James' seeming obsession with feeding them both. He passed her a menu, but found she couldn’t concentrate on it as the last few hours caught up with her. Her hands started to shake and the world started to swim in front of her. James reached out and took her trembling hand. “We’re good. You’re good” he said quietly.

She took a few deep breaths and ran through the grounding techniques she had perfected in a time far away. As the world came back into focus she was aware of James staring intently at her with concern. She had no idea how long had passed.

”You back with me?” He asked softly.

She nodded. ”It's been a lot” she figured James would assume she meant the last few days, but really she meant it all.

He smiled at her and said lightly, recognising that a change of subject was needed “Anyway, if this hadn’t happened, we’d never have met” he picked up the menu that La’an had not noticed she’d dropped. “Now we should eat while we figure out what next”

This time, La’an agreed easily, succumbing to his obsession with food.

As they ate, La’an became aware of a person in grey standing in the alley next to the diner. Finishing her meal quickly, which she now agreed had been a good idea, she pointed them out to James. “Those look like the same clothes the person who sent me here was wearing” she said quietly as she slipped out of the booth leaving him behind.

She approached the woman, but before she could speak the woman spoke instead. “I’m Agent Ymalay. Department of Temporal Investigations” she stated as La’an stared her down.

“Never heard of it” La’an, naturally suspicious as the last person in grey had stranded her in the past, squared herself defensively.

“It’s a branch of the Federation. It doesn’t exist yet. Not even in your time” the Agent explained, her voice remaining level in contrast to La’an’s frustrated tone.

“Did we stop it? Whatever we were meant to stop?” La’an asked as James joined them.

“Yes. You did. I can send you home now.” came the confirmation.

Already suspecting the answer, La’an asked anyway “Both of us?”

“Just you. Your companion is another matter. He should never have been here”

“Well he clearly is here” she gestured to James who flashed a quick smile at them both.

“We can’t send him back. His future doesn’t exist anymore” came the answer, clearly already considered.

“So what? He just poofs out of existence?” La’an glared at the Agent. “That’s not acceptable”

Agent Ymalay continued “In your timeline, James Kirk is important. Too important for two of them to be running around. We can insert him into history here though. He’s lived the future that could be and we know he’ll not interfere. There’s too much at stake”

“He’ll be alone though?” La’an knew loneliness. Being out of step with everything and everyone around. But she couldn’t articulate the sadness she felt on James’ behalf at the thought of him being alone and out of time.

It would take La’an years to understand what made her ask her next question. “What if I stay too?”