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Beckett Mariner Can Handle Anything.


It’s what Brad Boimier believe. That belief is going to end up hurting Beckett Mariner.

Chapter 1: Part One.


I don’t own any characters that I didn’t create.

Chapter Text

It was in the holodeck. Brad Boimier was inside a Sherlock Homes program. Beckett Mariner was with him. She was dressed as Sherlock Homes, while Boimer was dressed as John Walton.

“Do you know what you’re doing, Beckett?” asked Boimier. He thought that doing a Sherlock Homes program was a bad idea. Things can go wrong in a program like that.

“You need to stop worrying. Nothing bad is going to happen. If it does, I can handle it. I’m the one who programmed it,” answered Beckett Brad remembered all the stuff that Beckett has handled.

“OK, let’s get it done”, said Brad, giving up. He knew that when Beckett want to do something, you can’t talk her out of it.

“Come on. Let’s start the game,” said Beckett. She ran too fast for Brad to catch up. Soon, he lost her. He tried to look for her, but he couldn’t find her.

‘Where could she be?’ thought Brad. She could be in trouble. Then, he remembered that Beckett told him that she could handle anything thrown to her. He calmed down. All he has to do, is to wait for her to finish her adventure. He saw a chair at a cafe, and sat down. A little later, Tendi arrived at the chair where Brad was sitting.

“Do you know where Beckett is? I went into this holodeck to join in this adventure and couldn’t find her,” said Tendi. She was dressed as a lady of London of the 1880s. The people of this program see her having the same skin color as they do.

“I have no idea on where she is. Since this is her program, I decided to wait until she finishes her adventure, explained Brad. Tendi begin to see that Brad isn’t too worried about Beckett.

“She might be in trouble. I saw a dried bloodstain on the way here. I don’t know who it belonged to,” said Tendi. He could tell by her worried tone, that Tendi is very worried about this program. He got up and off his chair. He might have well played along.

“Beckett Mariner can handle anything that this program can thrown at her. If it make you better, we will search for her in this program,” promised Brad. So, Brad and Tendi went to search for her. To be continued.

Chapter 2: Part 2


For notes, read Part 1.

Chapter Text

Brad Boimier followed D’vana Tendi to where she saw the dried bloodstain. When they got there, Boimier knelt down to check it out. He gave it some thought. Then, he stood up.

“Computer, show me what happened here at the start of the program.” said Brad. It show him and Tendi, a red haired male with a red beard and mustache walking very slowly. He was holding his bleeding neck. He got to where the dried bloodstain will be and fell to the ground. Blood came out of his neck. A crowd gathered around his body. A brown haired cop with a brown beard and mustache arrived.

“Nothing to see, but a dead man,” said the cop. Then a someone who could be mistaken for Sherlock Homes appeared on the scene. He or she kneeled down to check out the murdered man. That person turned the murdered man around.

“That man has his neck slashed. He has just died recently,” said the person in Beckett Mariner’s voice. It was Beckett Mariner, holo-disguised as Sherlock Homes. She asked questions to the people in the crowd. They told her about what they know, which wasn’t much. Then, Beckett noticed a man wearing all black. She walked to the man, while the cop ordered the body to be removed. The man in black noticed the person that he believed to be Sherlock Homes. He ran away, as fast as he could. Beckett chased after him. Then the scene changed to the present of the program.

“Beckett as Sherlock Homes followed the man in black. He could be the murderer,” said Tendi.

“He’s the murderer of this program. Beckett will solve the mystery and this program will end. We should let the program play out,” said Brad.

“Are you sure about that?” asked Tendi. Brad has to laugh when he heard that. Tendi has forgotten that Beckett Mariner can take care of herself. He need to remind her.

“Beckett Mariner can handle anything. Let her have her fun,” said Boimier. Tendi decided to trust Brad. So, they returned to the cafe to wait for the program to end. What they didn’t know, was that Beckett Mariner had been revealed to be an imposter by the villain of the program. He has removed her clothes tied her arms and legs, gagged her mouth, and was raping her. He has planned to deflower her first before he ended her life. To be continued.

Chapter 3: Part 3.


For notes, read Part 1.

Chapter Text

Beckett couldn’t believe that she has been captured and was being raped by the villain of the program. She was lying down on one of the benches, naked, arms and legs being tied together and her mouth gagged. She can’t even speak to end the program.

“I don’t know why you thought that you could get away with disguising yourself as Sherlock Homes. Now, you’re going to pay by having sex with me,” said her future rapist. She couldn’t see his face, but could feel his naked body on her naked body. She could feel his penis inside her body. He pressed on her body. She tried to fight it, but he was too strong. She wanted to scream, but the gag kept her from doing so. Her body has become stiff. She stopped moving. She has been defeated. The rapist got up, and put his hand on her neck. Then, he choked her. She couldn’t breathe. This wasn’t supposed to happen. She shouldn’t have been killed.

“Program has ended,” said the female voice of the holodeck computer. The room has disappeared. All of London has disappeared. Boimier and Tendi was back in their Starfleet uniforms.

“What has happened?” asked Tendi. Boimier looked around the holodeck room. Then they saw it. Beckett was lying on the floor, naked and in a coma. The two was puzzled and shocked to see her naked and lying on the floor of the holodeck. Boimier pressed his com on his red Starfleet uniform.

“Boimier to sickbay. Beckett is in a coma. She need to be sent to sickbay,” said Boimier. Then, she was teleported out of the holodeck. To be continued.

Chapter 4: The End.


For notes, read Part 1.

Chapter Text

Boimier and Tendi arrived in sickbay. They saw Beckett’s naked body on a bio bed. She was still in a coma. Her heart was still beating, but her mind wasn’t working. The black haired male doctor was puzzled over why Beckett was in a coma. Not even Boimier and Tendi has an answer.

Beckett Mariner woke up to see that she was in a lighted bedroom. Her arms and legs were still tied together. She was still naked, but her gag was gone. Then, she saw a naked Boimier double looking down at her. There was lust in his eyes.

“You are in a program where you’re my sex slave. My creator created this program where a double of you was to be my sex slave, but he chickened out before he could create a double of you. When you created your Sherlock Homes program, I was able to get in as a virus to kidnap and rape you. Now, you’re stuck here and at my mercy, and I has none for you,” explained the Boimier double. Then, he lay down on her body and raped her. She tried to fight it, but he overpowered her. She felt his body on top of her. She felt his penis going into her body. The real Brad Boimier must have crated this program when he was angry at her and wanted to hurt her. Now, she is trapped inside that program and is being raped by a Boimier double.

“What’s wrong? Did you not told my creator that you can handle anything?” asked the Boimier double, as he continued to rape her. Mariner felt defeated as her own words was used against her. She is trapped inside a program that was created to punish her, and she can’t get out. She will remain inside that program until someone managed to rescue her, and that won’t happen for a long time. The end, for now.