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Burden of Truth


Marla McGivers chose to face Court Martial rather than remain with Khan, but he left her with a child she couldn't care for.


I lied. I can't stop doing more Space Seed AUs.

Direct sequel to "Humility"

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

“You will need to tell her soon.” Spock’s advice swam around in Kirk’s head for weeks even though he still hadn’t figured out what to do with it. “Revealing the truth will become more challenging the longer you wait.”

But how could he broach such a heavy topic with such a young child? She could barely understand why her mother wasn’t around, how could he explain the rest in a way that would make sense? Spock was right. Soon she would start school, and even before the history lessons got to the Eugenics Wars and Khan Noonien-Singh she would notice that she was stronger and smarter than the other children. Eventually she would have to face the fact that this world had no charitable thoughts for people who were genetically enhanced.

Maya was sprawled out on the floor giving all of her attention to a drawing of a cat. It was…really good, much more skill and detail than one might expect for a young child drawing little doodles.

“Maya, there’s something very important I need to tell you.” Maya stopped to look up at him. Her big brown eyes were so full of hope and wonder. She was still too young for the truth. “You’ve really gotten good at that. Keep practicing.”


I realize this raises many questions. When did Kirk have time to be a single dad? What about his space adventures? Why is he interested in Marla's kid when he wasn't there for his own?

Yeah, we're just here for the impact of imagine how much more Big Mad Khan will be in a world where his lover left him and his kid was raised by his sworn enemy.