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Part 5 of Star Trek: First Duty

At Her Majesty's Discretion

Chapter 2: The Commander's New Assignment

Chapter Text

Starbase 8
In orbit of Memory Alpha
JAG Complex, Level Four
July 5, 2318 (Stardate 0.47)


In the confines of his office on Starbase Eight, Commander Leo Verde extended his arms high above, feeling the satisfying pull of muscles strained by hours hunched over his desk and terminal. A resonant groan echoed around the room as he allowed himself a moment's respite, his heterochromatic eyes fluttering closed and his bearded jaw going slack as he expelled a weary yawn.

"This day keeps dragging on…" murmured Lieutenant (jg) Barzel Timel from the other side of Leo's desk. The Trill paralegal's fingers danced over the surface of his PADD, continuing to compile the case brief despite his commander's obvious fatigue. "Could we maybe pause here and finish up tomorrow?"

Leo's gaze flickered towards the terminal display, scanning through their progress before sighing in resignation. "But, we're so close to fini-" A chime from the door cut his words short. He shot Barzel an apologetic glance and sighed out a resigned, "Enter."

"Pardon the intrusion, Commander," Yeoman First Class (YN1) Lara Zenn said as she stepped into Leo’s office.

"Not at all," Leo assured her with a small smile. "What brings you here?"

"The captain requests your presence," Zenn relayed, clasping her hands in front of her midsection.

Leo cast a look at his desk strewn with unfinished work and shrugged. "Can I have fifteen minutes? We're just tying up loose ends here."

Zenn's expression tightened. "She insists on seeing you immediately."

Barzel swiveled in his seat to face Zenn before shooting Leo an apprehensive look. "Sounds... intriguing."

"Indeed," Leo concurred, pushing himself upright from behind his desk and reaching for his pristine Class A uniform jacket draped over the armrest of the nearby couch. As he donned it, ensuring each button and twist was in place, he fell into step behind Yeoman Zenn as they exited his office. "Should I be worried?" he asked her under his breath.

"That's not for me to say, sir," Zenn responded, leading him across the corridor until they reached Captain Ch'charhat's door. Without knocking or announcing their arrival, she entered and nodded towards the Andorian captain. "Sir, Commander Verde has arrived."

"Leo!" Janeera's spirited soprano tones echoed within the cavernous office; an obvious invitation for him to enter. As the door slid open, the Andorian officer rose from her chair and circled around her desk to greet him.

Stepping into the room, Leo heard Zenn’s retreat as the door sealed shut behind him. "You wanted to see me, sir?" he inquired, deciding on a formal tone to gauge her mood.

Her face lit up with a friendly grin. "Yes, and sorry from pulling you away from whatever you were buried in. A mutual acquaintance of your mother's has sent me a rather interesting message."

A wave of relief washed over Leo at her words, quelling his unease. "And who might that be?" he asked.

"Rear Admiral Neema Essa," Janeera announced with a wide grin stretching across her blue face, "Commanding Officer of Task Force Seventeen." She watched for his reaction. "I presume you're familiar with her?"

A matching grin spread across Leo's face as he replied, "In my family circle, she goes by 'Auntie Neema.'" A faint blush dusted his cheeks at the admission. "She also holds the honor of being my godmother."

Janeera let out a soft chuckle; she was privy to this information but enjoyed seeing his response. "'Auntie Neema' has extended an invitation for you to accompany her on an expedition to Greenwood," she informed him. "Apparently there's some unrest brewing between the colony and the Kzin."

"Really?" Leo exclaimed in surprise, eyes widening at this unexpected opportunity. He hesitated before adding: "I have some ongoing cases... If you believe it won't disrupt operations here too much...?"

"You’ve been more than hardworking, Leo… and if I haven’t told you enough how much I appreciate you, then let me acknowledge that, now," Janeera said. "Perhaps it's time for you to take a breather and reconnect with family ties." She waved off his concern. "Just delegate your ongoing cases to Major Bex. She’ll be acting in your stead."

"Understood, sir," Leo responded, his brows knitting together at the unfamiliarity of the colony's name. "Greenwood doesn't ring a bell."

Janeera didn't miss a beat. "Computer," she commanded, "display mission briefing for Operation CASTLE WALL." The computer hummed its compliance, replacing the screen saving digital art upon the viewscreen with a detailed sector map.

"Sigma Serpentis IV is what the Federation knows it as," Janeera clarified, her voice steady and informative. "Greenwood is its official designation. Its roots trace back to the early twenty-second century, after the Earth-Valdori conflict."

She hesitated before continuing, "In 2102, Victoria Fitzwilliam, another rear admiral and a hero from that very war, steered a fleet of twenty transport ships carrying one hundred thousand colonists towards this fourth planet. After landing, they renamed the world, Greenwood.“

As Janeera elaborated on Greenwood's history, Leo skimmed through the briefing document. His eyes caught a phrase that piqued his curiosity. "It mentions here 'the Sovereign Realm of Greenwood'..."

"I'm getting to that part; don't jump ahead," Janeera chided him with an air of playful reproach.

He smirked. "Apologies, sir."

A wink from Janeera reassured Leo she bore no ill will towards his eager interruption. "Upon landing there," she continued with a gleam in her eyes as if relishing in sharing this piece of history, "the settlers resolved to resurrect an era long past — specifically Earth's late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries when England evolved into the United Kingdom in 1801."

"From the start, Greenwood's charter treated the landing zone as the Duchy of Fitzwilliam, with the retired admiral wielding power as its Duchess. However, within a decade, they amplified her authority. The coronation of Queen Victoria began the monarchy, replete with a Royal House and all the trappings of grandeur and power along with it."

Leo furrowed his brows in thought, trying to dredge up memories of another colony that bore similarities. "This sounds... reminiscent of another settlement..." His voice trailed off as he grappled with his elusive memory. Instead, he managed the only aspect he could recall. "Uh... it begins with an H?"

Janeera shot Leo a lopsided grin. "Hysperia?"

A light flickered in Leo's eyes at her suggestion. "That’s the one," he confirmed with a nod.

She reciprocated his gesture, adding, "Indeed, there are similarities. Although I think that world dove deeper into Earth's history for inspiration - adopting a Renaissance-era society while still embracing contemporary technology."

"Of course," he pondered aloud, "Does Greenwood hold membership in the Federation?"

Janeera shook her head, a hint of amusement playing on her blue lips. "No, not precisely. I'd say they're more akin to an informal protectorate... if that. A sovereign entity teetering on the edge of Federation territory; Starfleet has only visited three times in the last two hundred years, that's only if you include the initial contact in the mid-22nd century. The diplomatic corps has an attaché stationed there, though the Queen has recognized them as an ambassador to suit her purposes."

"All right, then. What role would I play in this excursion?" he queried.

Janeera's antennae twitched as she responded, "Admiral Essa requests your presence as her force judge advocate, seconded from my command. The Federation Council sees this as an opportunity to maintain amicable ties with Greenwood, considering the myriad advantages they bring to the table."

Driven by his curiosity, he probed further, "Could you elaborate?"

In response, she manipulated the interface, prompting the computer to magnify two remote planets on the outskirts of the system. "These two worlds," she gestured towards the ninth and tenth planets, "are significant sources of dilithium. There's also a potential opportunity for us to establish an outpost there. Such an outpost would deter the Kzin Patriarchy from escalating tensions in that sector."

"But isn't DS-Five designed to serve that very purpose?"

Janeera chuckled at this. "DS-Five is hardly imposing. It's a modest station with a quartet of cutters that have only collateral duties along the border. The Federation has intention to improve that installation, however…" She added, "Greenwood would offer a more solid base because of its abundant resources."

His eyebrows furrowed as he took in her words. "I... see." Leo’s tenure in the Border Service included long patrols in the furthest reaches of Federation territory, but he never made it to that remote outpost. "When am I shipping out and for how long?"

"As soon as the Task Force arrives, they will remain here for three to four hours to take on additional cargo and personnel…" Janeera stated, her voice trailing off into an uncharacteristic silence.

Leo, picking up on the anomaly, swiveled away from the sprawling viewscreen to fix his inquiring gaze upon his superior officer. "And?" he probed, his baritone voice laced with curiosity.

She exhaled a weary sigh, her antennae twitching. "Six months' minimum duration."

"Half a year?!" Leo echoed, his tone thick with incredulity and burgeoning frustration.

She detailed, "Actually, the task force's mission duration is slated for eighteen months, with the Council sanctioning extensions at the admiral's discretion. However, it must not exceed twenty-four months in its entirety without Council approval. This does not account for travel time... a minimum of two weeks at warp speed to traverse the distance from here to Sigma Serpentis. The preliminary half-year of their assignment encompasses a multitude of cultural exchange events, and after you report aboard, Admiral Essa will provide you with a comprehensive briefing on what this involves."

Brushing aside the logistical details with an airy wave of his right hand, Leo interjected, "I've only held this post for six months. Can this unit withstand my absence for such an extended period?"

Janeera's laughter echoed a gentle affirmation of shared understanding. "Leo, do recall that we held the fort for eight months before you came on board," she reminded him, her voice carrying the wisdom of experience. "And while I hold your efforts in high regard, I believe this will be a major career move for you. It also presents Major Bex with a chance to broaden her skills from a far more advantageous position than the chaotic scramble she faced."

As he absorbed her words, Leo's mind wandered back to an earlier conversation where Bex had confessed that being the acting XO before his arrival was far from desirable. He exhaled, relinquishing his resistance. "You're right," he conceded. "Perhaps my restructuring has paved a smoother path for succession."

Her response was a heartfelt beam of approval - affectionate yet genuine. "Your contributions here have been invaluable," she praised him. "You've not only fortified our JAG team but also discovered some rather remarkable talents." Her gaze held his as she continued, "Yet you've shouldered immense responsibilities, tackling more cases than I'd ever envisioned you would..."

She trailed off before resuming with an added note of concern in her tone, "A change of scenery could do wonders for you." She paused again before adding, "This experience will serve your professional growth. Providing legal counsel to flag officers under diplomatic orders uncovers an entirely new aspect of JAG service and would do well to give Starfleet Command a fresh perspective on your unique abilities."

With a measure of reluctance etched into his features, Leo conceded, his head dipping in a slow, thoughtful nod. "I see," he confessed, his voice carrying a hint of uncertainty. "Yet I hadn't envisioned myself returning to the field after the Detmer incident."

Janeera responded with her characteristic softness and wisdom. "That was well outside your control, Leo; field work is tough," she offered, her blue-skin glowing under the artificial light. Her white hair shimmered under the office lighting, framing her blue face as she continued. "I can appreciate your… apprehension." She paused for effect before adding, "I'll remind you of what I told you when you returned: You made the right call."

A sigh of relief escaped Leo's lips as Janeera's words washed over him, quelling his unease. His eyes met hers with gratitude before he acknowledged, "Thank you."

Two days later, Leo found himself on the threshold of Task Force Seventeen's flagship, the venerable Excelsior-class USS Farragut. "Requesting permission to come aboard," he projected in his baritone voice to the officer of the watch—a fresh-faced ensign.

"Permission granted, sir," she responded. Her eyes flickered over his uniform and rank insignia before she asked, "May I inquire about the reason for your visit?"

With a swift motion, Leo extracted his PADD from his uniform jacket and presented his orders. "I am here to report to Rear Admiral Essa. She has requested my presence on her staff."

A flicker of understanding crossed the ensign's face. "Understood," she replied, then guided him towards his destination—the forward section of the second deck that served as both flag bridge and combat information center.

While walking through the corridor, Leo’s eyes filled with admiration for the navy-blue carpet underfoot, which paid tribute to Admiral David Glasgow Farragut, the namesake of the starship. This color choice mirrored that of the United States Navy during Farragut’s service in the American Civil War—an homage integrated smoothly into Starfleet’s modern aesthetic.

Upon reaching the flag deck, two members of the ship’s marine detachment halted him just beyond its threshold. A staff sergeant raised a hand and stated with respectful authority, “Apologies Commander, but this is a secured area by order of Admiral Essa. Are you cleared for access?”

Leo lifted his hands and showed a gentle smile at them. “I believe I am,” he said. “My name is Leo Verde. I’m here on orders.” He waited for a nod from marine NCO before retrieving his PADD again and presenting it for inspection.

The staff sergeant glanced at it before excusing himself to confirm its authenticity. Upon his return, his body language signalled the absence of his earlier doubt. “Commander Verde, the Admiral is in her flag quarters. Take a right at this junction, another right at the next one, and it’s the second door on your left.”

Leo returned his PADD to its place with a nod of gratitude. "Thank you for your assistance, Staff." He then turned to acknowledge the other marine with a respectful nod, "And you as well, Corporal."

Their surprised expressions made him chuckle as the staff sergeant managed a somewhat flustered reply: "Anytime, sir."

With their directions in mind, Leo soon stood before the correct door. As he pressed the annunciator button and heard Auntie Neema's familiar contralto voice inviting him in with an affectionate nickname—"Come in… Lalito"—he felt a surge of anticipation for what lay ahead.