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‘I know that it’s a Starfleet compulsion to stick your nose into our business, but I promise that we have things under control. And your crew looks… inexperienced.’


Weekly Challenge prompt: Predecessors

Title from 'Past Love' by Kimbra

Work Text:

‘Long story short: you shouldn’t get involved. We’ve got a delicate investigation going on.’

The Fenris Rangers on the screen look serious. The blonde one’s in the pilot’s seat, but the brunette’s been doing the talking for the most part. She speaks up now, though. ‘I know that it’s a Starfleet compulsion to stick your nose into our business, but I promise that we have things under control. And your crew looks… inexperienced.’

Maj’el sees Gwyn hesitate. She understands why: from the data they have gathered, sending in a reconnaissance party is only logical. But perhaps they don’t have all the facts.

‘Let me consult with my superior officer,’ Gwyn says, finally. 

The blonde quirks an eyebrow – less an eyebrow, Maj’el thinks, as there’s some kind of augmentation in its place. ‘You’re the captain, aren’t you?’

‘In a manner of speaking,’ Gwyn says. Hologram Janeway steps up behind her and places a hand on the back of the chair. 

‘How can I help?’

The blonde goes rigid, and the brunette looks at her, concerned. ‘Sev?’

Janeway looks surprised. Maj’el cannot discern whether there is an underlying joy or displeasure. Or both. Zero is at her shoulder, and Maj’el nudges them. ‘Do you know who that is?’

‘No idea. But it looks like Janeway does.’

The blonde’s eyes narrow. ‘It’s not really you, is it?’

‘No,’ Janeway admits. ‘But I’m tempted to ask you the same thing. The Fenris Rangers, Seven? Really?’

The woman – Seven – scoffs. ‘There you go. If you were the real Kathryn, you would know that already.’ She turns to her partner. ‘Let’s get out of here Ell.’

The transmission cuts out. 

‘So. Um. Someone you know?’ Gwyn’s voice is light in the absolute silence of the bridge.

Janeway smiles, a little sad. ‘Your predecessor, after a fashion.’

Series this work belongs to: