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Part 28 of inking it out , Part 3 of build a bingo

A sidewalk in Buenos Aires


“We’re holograms we don’t hold rank,” she quipped, “I recall that you added no Mahler to the rules.”


Spoiler for Touch Of Grey with references to the Voyager ep Renaissance Man. Written for the cafe/bakery prompt on my getyourwordsout build a bingo and genprompt_bingo slice of life. Thanks to Tamara for doing beta for me.

Work Text:

Hologram Janeway detected the apprehensive expression on The Doctor’s features while the vehicle replicator continued to produce the ship the away team would be using for the rescue mission. “Would you like to join me on the holodeck for a coffee?” she asked.

“Hmm,” the only sound The Doctor made to her request.

“You look like you need a change of scenery,” Hologram Janeway stated before they transferred from the vehicle replicator, rematerialising outside of the holodeck.

“That would be lovely. Where did you have in mind?” he asked while looking through many of the tourism programmes available to use. Far more options than were ever available on Voyager.

“Buenos Aires,” Hologram Janeway decided for them, activating the programme before entering the holodeck taking in the pleasantly cool temperature of the winters day in the city centre.

The Doctor smiled at the choice. “Kathryn brought me here for coffee when we were on Voyager. She had two rules for this activity, they were leave your rank at the door and no opera.”

“We’re holograms we don’t hold rank,” she quipped, “I recall that you added no Mahler to the rules.”

They spent some time walking the streets in comfortable silence, only stopping to point out landmarks or discuss an historical anecdote before coming to a stop outside La Piedad bakery. Looking at the displays of baked goods in the window they went in and ordered a Medialuna and coffee each, once they had their refreshments they walked a short distance finding a bench to sit and eat.

“Are you nervous?” Hologram Janeway enquired between small bites of the pastry.

“What would I be nervous about?” The Doctor countered.

Hologram Janeway sighed. “The away mission that’s due to leave shortly.”

It was The Doctor’s turn to sigh. “I’ve been on away missions before Janeway, but I’ve spent most of time on Earth since Voyager returned from its original mission. I’ve not had many opportunities to leave Starfleet Medical until Kathryn recruited me to mentor her warrant officers on Voyager-A.”

“What are you thinking about?”

Looking down at his feet before standing, The Doctor replied, “All of the things that could go wrong even though Kathryn has a knack of defeating the odds almost every time. After all these years I still get a bad feeling about what I may need to do to heal their wounds and injuries at the end of a mission. I also dread the day that someone dies and I can’t do anything at all to revive them.”

Laying a hand on top of his, Hologram Janeway said, “I believe in you Doctor.”

“Doctor to the vehicle replicator,” the computer announced.

“Computer end programme,” Hologram Janeway commanded before they walked towards the doors, making their way back to where they started their conversation while waiting orders to depart.

Glancing at the away team who were almost ready to depart, The Doctor impulsively pulled Hologram Janeway into a hug for good luck.

“Tell me all about it when you return,” she whispered while withdrawing from the unexpected affection.