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shadows start to sing


He was worried about the Captain but knew her well enough to know that she’d refused his care. Tapping his comm badge, he said, “Doctor to Commander Chakotay.”


Spoiler for Latent Image. Post-ep missing scene. Written for the locate prompt on my summer mini challenge table and genprompt_bingo prompt exhaustion. Title is from Sleepwalking by Bring Me The Horizon. Any mistakes are my own and unintentional.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

The EMH opted to wait for a moment for the familiar sound of the holodeck doors closing before asking the computer to locate Commander Chakotay.

“Commander Chakotay is in his quarters,” came the familiar voice of the ship’s computer.

He was worried about the Captain but knew her well enough to know that she’d refused his care. Tapping his comm badge, he said, “Doctor to Commander Chakotay.”

“Go ahead Doctor,” came the slightly abrupt reply through the link.

“Commander, I thought that I should inform you that the Captain has ended her vigil with me on the holodeck and is heading to deck three as we speak. I’m not sure what her final destination is.”

Chakotay easily picked up on the concern in the other man's voice. “Is there something you’re not telling me about Kathryn, Doctor?”

“She was falling asleep. When I tried to examine her, she informed me that she has a headache and a fever but wouldn’t let me treat her.” He paused for a moment, looking at an object on the vacant seat. “Her book is still here, what should I do with it?” clearly distracted by something so unfamiliar to him.


A few minutes into the conversation Chakotay heard his door open, waiting for Kathryn to pass him before continuing his conversation with the EMH.

“Night, honey,” she said, quickly kissing his cheek, he noticed how exhausted she was before she started undressing, not paying attention to what Chakotay had been doing when she arrived. She got into bed, promptly falling asleep.

The Doctor tried to keep his tone neutral upon overhearing the term of endearment and discovering evidence of a much speculated on secret relationship. “I’ll send a hypospray to your replicator with something to help with the fever and headache, but what she really needs is to rest.”

“Thank you Doctor,” Chakotay said, trying to end the call so that he could go to the woman he loved. He was the only one on the ship who knew how to handle Kathryn when she was unwell and tired. He has had more than enough practise at it over the last five years.

“Her book, Commander, what do I do with it?”

“Read it and when you return it to her on Monday, discuss it with her.” Chakotay sighed. “She’s on emergency status only until then.”

Chakotay waited a beat before speaking again, “Do you still need someone with you?” he offered, hoping for a refusal.

Taking a second to decide, the Doctor replied. “I need to be alone for a while to process everything. Goodnight Commander.”

“Night,” Chakotay said ending the call before getting ready for bed.


First posted to Dreamwidth on 27.11.23