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Part 16 of Star Beagle Adventures

Star Beagle Adventures Episode 16: And You And I Part I - Cord of Life

Chapter 9: SBA Episode 16, Scene 9: The Ocean Maid


Emotions revealed as the ocean maid…

Chapter Text

The Star Beagle Adventures                                              
Episode 16: And You And I Part I - Cord of Life
Scene 9: The Ocean Maid


Emotions revealed as the ocean maid…


The Ocean Maid


“You will have to create a permission structure…"


Private First Class Raanda Habib had developed a huge crush on Gan Baatar. She had lived on the U.S.S. Beagle for nearly a year and never known the young engineer for Nakamura Enterprises existed, much less that his study carol, where he spent nearly all of his time, was located 1 deck below the briefing room where she and her squad spent a lot of theirs. They had travelled in entirely different circles, completely unaware of each other, often only separated by a few feet of deck plating.


“What kind of structure?”


Raanda had never seduced a man before. Like so many beautiful, but exceptionally shy young women, she had never needed to. She had been swept off her feet by charming men. But that had been some time ago. Her first love was a soldier returned from the front lines, who, she had found out later, had a pregnant girlfriend waiting for him. And her rebound lover had been a charming and capable older man, who turned out to be married. 

Now she found herself desperately wanting to charm a young man who was far more painfully shy than she was. In desperation, she had turned to someone she knew who had a lot of experience with men - her squad-mate, PFC Guz Maxwell.

“Snuggle up against him, put his hand on your breast and let nature take its course,” Guz had said with some humor. When this seemed to cause some internal panic within Raanda, Guz followed it up. “You know, that trill siren, Akri Dexx, has had her eye on him. She would have seduced him by now, but I told her in no uncertain terms to back off.”

Raanda had laughed at that. “Like she would be afraid of you.”

“She damn well better be,” Guz had replied with a small amount of heat. “She knows quite well I could make a lot of trouble for her. Piss off a twink at your own risk. But she’s only going to hold off so long, so you have got to make your move.”

Raanda had been overcome with a powerful sigh. “I just don’t know how to do that.”

Guz had rolled his eyes at this. “He likes you. He knows you like him. Just march into his little hut, let him play a song for you, only one, then tell him to case his instrument and lay down. Snuggle up, and give him permission to take the lead. I know you’re painfully shy, but you’re by far the stronger of the two of you. Get up, go in there and do it right now, before you have time to talk yourself out of it.”

And Raanda, gamely enough, had gotten up to do exactly that.


She had stopped for only a moment. 

“When he’s on top of you, you’re going to have to use your hands to guide him in. He’s never going to find his way in on his own.”

Raanda had been glad she had not turned to look at Guz when he said that. His words had her blushing violently.


Just as she was blushing wildly now, recalling this conversation. Guz Maxwell had, of course, been right. Raanda had found herself calming Gan again and again. He had been so nervous, so desperate to please, alternately too hesitant and too eager. But in the end, she had to admit, she was far more satisfied than she had ever been by her first two lovers. There was certainly no pregnant girlfriend or hidden wife waiting for Gan. Raanda had asked. And by asking, had made him feel so much more relaxed.

He didn’t even snore or drool in his sleep. His lean, muscular body was sprawled partly across her. His face, lower arms and lower legs were darkly tanned. The rest of his body was nearly milk white, having rarely seen sunlight. She found herself wondering how he had managed to stay so fit when he, reportedly, spent most of his time studying and developing his mind-bending theories about warp field theory and advanced applications that the U.S.S. Beagle’s vulcan-made warp drive architecture could make possible. 

It only gradually dawned on Raanda how badly she had been hurt by the only other two men in her life. She had been largely thinking about her own wants and needs in this encounter. And now she had taken the virginity of someone even more painfully shy than she had been when she had lost hers. Some of the elation and satisfaction started to give way to a sense of tremendous responsibility. As badly hurt as she had been, Gan was so much more vulnerable than she had been.


It wasn’t cold in this hut and Gan’s body was warm next to hers. But Raanda felt a cold chill and began to shiver just a little as she began to understand that she was in way over her head. And she had no idea what to do next.


Outside Gan Baatan’s hut the stars wheeled overhead. The brightest star in the sky was ASC, A bright dime of light that provided some illumination to the beach and the receding tide. Bright enough to shine on a very large, dark body silently slithering back down off the beach and slipping back under the waves.

