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Part 16 of Star Beagle Adventures

Star Beagle Adventures Episode 16: And You And I Part I - Cord of Life

Chapter 14: SBA Episode 16, Scene 14 - Over the Sea to the Valley


And you and I climb over the sea to the valley…

Chapter Text

The Star Beagle Adventures                                                
Episode 16: And You And I Part I - Cord of Life
Scene 14: Over the Sea to the Valley

And you and I climb over the sea to the valley


Over the Sea to the Valley

Sometimes weeds get into a garden and sometimes the weeds are the most interesting thing in the garden. A botanist might pull the weeds to clear the ground for their desired order and the purity of their experiments. But a biologist, like Skip Howard, would allow the garden to grow wild and observe.

He walked through this obscure corner garden that had suddenly sprouted not a colony of weeds, but an entire cornucopia of wild transplants, blown in from all over. And the weeds were doing what weeds do – they were already busily reproducing. Had been doing that from the moment they had arrived.

Skip Howard rolled to his left to avoid a sample of the newly arrived fauna. But this specimen was curious and determined. It could not see him, and he made very little noise, but this creature had a highly developed chemical sampling and processing sense – it was following its nose to him. Skip was no longer amused and lifted three tentacles in preparation for permanently disabling this irritating creature.

“Skip! Do not kill Spike!”


Skip froze. Another of these creatures, similar in construction, but of different biological origin, had become aware of him. Was looking directly at him.

“There is no reason to harm Spike, Skip. We are aware of your presence. You can safely reveal yourself. No one will attempt to harm you. No one here is capable of it. Invisibility is no longer of use to you. We all know you are here.”

Skip was more irritated. Annoyed. He could weed this entire island within seconds.

“You would bitterly regret harming Spike, Skip. You care about her. You care about everyone here.”

This was even more annoying. Far more annoying because, oddly, it was true. He had never cared about anyone or anything before. This alien sense of caring itself was infuriating. But it was also preventing him from simply crushing and swatting the creature who was so enticingly encircled by three of his tentacles.

This required investigation. A new purpose grew in Skip’s mind. He would take this creature back for study. He became visible.

Lance Corporal Petra Spitze had frozen when Governor T’Eln had shouted. She had, somehow, sensed that the slightest movement might break the spell the ancient vulcan had somehow cast on the invisible creature that she was convinced she had smelled and was still smelling now. Gradually, that creature became visible to her. Dark green, rubbery, a giant squid with 12 gigantic tentacles. It was balanced on 4 of them. Another 3 were encircled around Spike, poised to crush her. The creature she had gotten within a few feet of was twice the size of an elephant. It wasn’t the largest creature she had ever seen, but it was, by far, the largest she had ever been close to. One red-rimmed, baleful eye was focused intently on her. Another was focused on the ancient vulcan.

“Remain still, Lance Corporal,” T’Eln said. “Do not move until I tell you to.” The ancient governor of the ASA 4 colony took a deep breath, then turned slightly to again address the enormous creature. Several other people had emerged from their huts to watch. Others watched from inside their huts. “Take me, Skip. I am the leader of these people.”

“You are too frail,” said Spike. “Take me. I am strong.”

“The difference in strength and stamina between you and me is not measurable to this creature, Lance Corporal. Be silent. Do not speak again until I authorize you to. Or until I am gone.” T’Eln once again turned her attention to the enormous, squid-like creature. “I am not afraid. I know you must treat me with the greatest care if you want the others to study me and learn from me. And of the people here, I am the only one capable of effectively communicating with you. The only one who can begin to understand you. They are polluted by emotion. I am not.”

Slowly, very slowly, the creature withdrew its tentacles from around Spike.

“Walk away, Lance Corporal,” said T’Eln. “That is a lawful order from the local civilian authority.”

Reluctantly, Spike stepped away from the creature. It pivoted far more smoothly and gracefully than anyone could have expected, especially given its size. In a single move, it turned to face T’Eln, rolling slightly to its right, bringing two tentacles out from under it and rolling onto two others. It moved on land with the same speed and grace a squid might move under water. Twice the size of the biggest elephant, it moved with the speed and agility of a monkey.

It rested on 4 tentacles for a moment. 4 red-rimmed eyes surrounded its mouth, which resembled a sphincter made of beaks. One baleful, unblinking eye was regarding Spike. Another was looking at T’Eln. The other eyes were focused variously on the beach and the ocean.

The enormous creature exploded into motion, hurtling toward the ancient vulcan. It wrapped T’Eln in its tentacles, bringing her to its face. In almost the same motion it launched itself into the air, over the beach and into the water, where it quickly vanished beneath the waves.


“Beagle to Lance Corporal Spitze!”

Spike touched the subdued communicator on her U.S. Marine uniform. Her voice was shaky: “Go ahead, Beagle.”

“Spike? This is Skip. Are you okay?”

“Yes Captain. But something just took Governor T’Eln and plunged into the ocean with her. Some... giant... um... 12-tentacled squid thingy? It was huge!”

“I thought I was just dreaming it.” Captain Howard’s voice was just a little groggy sounding. “Hold your ground and remain steady. I’m coming down to investigate.”

“Aye, Captain.”

