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Part 3 of Star Trek: Delta, Stars, & Anchor

Esprit de Corps

Chapter Text

Archanis IV
Near the Federation-Klingon border
Stardate 48004.52 (January 2, 2371)
Starfleet Marine Barracks, Archanis

The moment Montes returned to his office, the toothy smile of Gunner Buxani drew his attention. He could not help but wear a smirk in reply as he passed by to walk around behind his desk.

"I imagine by the look on your face that you have good news," he said, seating himself and activating his desktop terminal.

Buxani held up an isolinear optical chip in response. Without waiting for his permission, she slid it into the optical port.

"Is this the video feed?" he wondered aloud.

Again, she said nothing. She manipulated the panel and activated the screen. In response to his query, the video feed from the night in question appeared in full color quality and high resolution. From the distance of a camera sitting atop one of the overhead lights, he watched four Klingons as they disrupted traffic. Then the screen panned toward the lines of ground cars where Kelley could be seen leaving the safe confines of her taxi.

Montes furrowed his brow. "She didn't have to leave the taxi. She put herself in a position-"

"Look at the time signature," Buxani interrupted his spoken thought.

He did so. Then he asked, "Was she late getting back from liberty?"

"If the taxi finished the trip and dropped her off outside the barracks, she would have had at least ninety minutes," she said. To illustrate her explanation, she paused the playback and asked the computer to show Kelley's distance from the barracks. "Since the drunk Klingons were being drunk Klingons, she would have had to hoof it. She had no choice but to get out, walk around the traffic jam, and maybe find another taxi on the other side. Or walk all the way back."

He nodded as she spoke. At that point, given his discussion with Hardester along with Buxani's good mood, that Kelley's acquittal looked very good. "Let me see the rest of it, please?"

Buxani returned to the video and let it play out until the end of the incident, where the additional vids provided by the city constables showed the scene up close. Montes remained silent for most of it, save the moments where Kelley comported herself in proper marine fashion, facing down Klingons more than twice her size.

When Kelley took down the first Klingon and then used the hilt on the other, he gasped. "Damn, she's good."

"Right?" Buxani agreed with enthusiasm. "And note that she did not use lethal force."

Montes pressed his lips together in a thin line. "The result says otherwise, but…"

Buxani sighed. "Captain, this is clearly self-defense. She walked away from them and they pursued her."

"Under any other circumstances, I would agree. But the general's position is that someone needs to answer for this."


"Way of the universe," Montes said, though his tone betrayed his lack of faith in his words.

She fixed him with an accusing glance.

"I'll do my duty," he said. "I'll take the evidence over to Golluv, who'll probably agree with you. Maybe if we tag-team this a bit, we can cut her loose and let her get back to work."

Buxani folded her arms. "I want her transferred here."

He blinked quietly at the declaration. Finally, he asked, "To Intelligence?"

"If the Liaison's out to get her, she's going to need some protection. The major's got some juice, too," Buxani said with conviction. "She responded to a threat in true marine fashion. We should promote her, not banish her. What kind of message are we sending to the ranks?"

Montes sighed. "Damn, that's a hell of an argument. Maybe you should be her lawyer."

Captain Golluv agreed with Gunner Buxani after reviewing the evidence later that day. The Tellarite woman did nothing to hold in her laughter. "Hell of a marine. Look at that! Took down two with little effort. First time I've seen fear painted on a Klingon's face so openly. This will humiliate them if it got out."

Montes blushed. Three marines he respected made him feel as though he gravely misjudged Kelley. Covering his shame with a clearing of his throat, he then asked, "What can we do about this?"

"What can we do but obey the process? We go to the general and tell her that this was self-defense, pure and simple." Golluv grunted as she spoke. "She won't like it from a political standpoint, but even the Liaison would be hard-pressed hold Kelley accountable for the death. She did her best to avoid the confrontation, and they chased her. I'll drop the charges, right now." She turned and accessed her desktop terminal.

"Thank you," he said as he watched her.

"Where she is being held? The brig?"

He smiled. "Yes. She's getting the royal treatment."

Golluv misunderstood. "They're abusing her?" she asked, her voice dropping to that of a growl.

"No, no. The opposite, in fact. When I left her this morning, they had her under 'heavy guard' in their NCO lounge. Pretty sure I interrupted a pre-lunch beer," he replied with amusement.

"That's because the gunny of the brig is all right," Golluv said. She quickly typed words onto the screen with impressive skill. "And she knows a real marine when she sees one. There. The orders are ready to go." She rose from her seat and reached for her uniform jacket to swung it around and fasten it.

As Montes and Buxani followed her out of the officer door, she told them, "I'll make the apologies of the government to her after we see the general. After that, you go cut her loose from confinement and return her to duty."

General Ntini's laughter leaked through the walls of her private office. Montes and Golluv stood in the ante-office with her aide-de-camp, First Lieutenant V'Lona, seated at her desk. They arrived unscheduled, and were so informed that the general had a previous, unannounced arrival that beat them to her attention to this important matter.

Golluv decided to rest up and took advantage of the plush couch that lined the outer wall in front of V'Lona's desk. Montes opted to stand, admiring the various stills and memorabilia on the walls. Included was a group shot of the general standing with several prominent members of the Federation Council, along with two former Presidents.

He wondered if the display intended to humble those who dared to bring political pressure. Whoever the Archanis Liaison had been, they had not visited here before, making threats and admonitions.

The door leading to the inner office finally opened after fifteen minutes of waiting. Out stepped the general herself, along with another familiar face.

Ntini smiled as she said, "Always good to see you, Gunny."

Owen Hardester replied in kind, "You, too, General." He nodded to Montes, then departed the office. "Captain."

Montes nodded. "Gunny."

V'Lona rose from her desk. "Captains Golluv and Montes to see you regarding the Kelley court-martial, sir."

The general's demeanor changed for the worse. "A popular topic of discussion today. Very well. Contact the G-1 and let them know I'd like a word?" After the lieutenant acknowledged the order, Ntini gestured inward with a hand. "Captains."

Golluv led the conversation and showed the general the material evidence. Montes kept his eyes on Ntini's body language. As she viewed the video on her terminal's screen, he saw flashes of admiration on her face when the pivotal moment of Kelley's triumph played out.

"Well," the general said after finishing with the footage, "No questions about what happened. Glad to see that the younger classes of marine are being taught the art of hand-to-hand combat at the MCRDs."

Montes opened his device and called up Kelley's personnel record. "General, she was the Guide of her class. She made lance corporal coming out of basic-"

"I have her file, here, thank you." Ntini cut him off with her voice. She turned her gaze to Golluv and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"General, by the book, we have to drop all charges," Golluv replied. "If Captain Montes uses this as defense exhibit alpha, not even a three-being panel would convict."

General Ntini leaned back in her seat and kept her gaze on the screen, hidden from her guests' view. "Some might say that the law needs to have their day in court, regardless."

Montes picked up on that. Clearly, the Liaison would be the 'some' she referred to. He let his mouth risk getting him in deeper. "General, I think I might tell those keen on pressing the matter to reconsider based on our limited resources. My section's been without its deputy for the better part of a day on this already, and I can't imagine that the G-6 is happy that we're wasting time on this already."

She narrowed her eyes at him while he spoke, but when he pressed on regardless, she showed appreciation for his candor. "Brave of you to tell a general that her orders are a waste of time, Captain."

Montes kept his eyes on hers. "A good marine is being jammed up for no other reason than to soothe someone else's ego, sir."

"Hmm." Ntini broke eye contact with him to lean forward and tap at her terminal. "As it so happens, yours is not a unique opinion," she said in a muttering tone. "Your point is taken. Captain Golluv?"

Golluv replied sharply, "Sir!"

"You will cut orders releasing Corporal Kelley from confinement and withdraw all charges with the Government's apologies, post-haste," Ntini said.

"Aye, aye, sir!" Golluv subtly entered commands on her PADD, then smirked. "If the general would be so kind as to check her most recent messages…?"

Anther couple of taps and Ntini shot Golluv a toothy grin. "You're just too damned efficient, Captain. Captain Montes?"

"Sir!" Montes replied sharply.

"Please go get Corporal Kelley out of hock and return her to duty with my compliments on comporting herself in the best traditions of the Corps," the general said. "Just so there's no misunderstanding, inform her she'll be receiving a letter of commendation from me."

Lance Corporal Kelley never saw the inside of a cell within the barracks brig facility. Since her arrival, Gunnery Sergeant Michaela Nickleman treated her as an honored guest. The only order she received was to remain in the NCO lounge and stay within sight of the guards. That part was simple, especially since they practically waited on her hand and foot. She detailed the story of what happened multiple times, as the guard rotated on and off shift.

Going over her story served her well. She needed to hone her personal testimony, regardless. Embellishment was unnecessary; the tale did all the work. During the third time through, she understood she had a strong case of self-defense when she saw the looks on the faces of all the guards who listened to her talk. Appreciating the response for what it told her: the judges or jury would eat out of her palm.

After her discussion with Captain Montes, she wondered if the fix was in. The captain seemed hell-bent on having her plead out, serve time, and lose her rank and other signs of her hard work just to satisfy someone else's sense of justice.

The notion infuriated her.

The final meal call would come in under an hour. She wondered if they'd place her in a cell for the night to rest. Perhaps they might put her up in the guest barracks across the courtyard. She needed to remain there so that the same captain would return in the morning and likely give her some kind of ultimatum.

So, it was a complete surprise when Captain Montes returned to the brig five minutes before mealtime. As soon as he arrived in the lounge, she got to her feet and stood at attention.

"As you were, please," Montes said. "I have some news for you, straight from the general." He stepped forward and handed his PADD to her.

She accepted it and read through the orders:


Stardate 48005.71
Subject: Federation v. Kelley - Dismissal of Charges and Restoration to Duty

CPL Kelley:

  1. Upon review of the exculpatory evidence provided by defense counsel, Captain Igancio Montes, SMC, it is the determination of this office, acting of behalf of the Government of the United Federation of Planets in the matter of Federation v. Kelley, that the motion to dismiss submitted by your defense counsel is supported and warranted.

  2. As the convening authority, Brigadier General Ntini has reviewed the evidence and concurs with the recommendation to dismiss the charges brought against you. Accordingly, the charges have been dismissed with prejudice, effectively ending any further prosecution on this matter.

  3. You are hereby ordered to be immediately released from custody at the barracks brig facility. Effective upon your release, you are to be restored to full duty.

  4. The Starfleet Marine Corps regrets any undue hardship you have endured during this process. The government extends its formal apologies for the circumstances surrounding this matter.

You are directed to report to your platoon leader for further instructions or orders.



CPT Golluv, SMC
Deputy G-6, Fourth Marine Expeditionary Brigade


Her first observation came as a correction. "They got my rank wrong, sir. I'm not a full corporal, yet."

"You showed up on the selection list, today. Yours was the second name," Montes said. "Flip to the second page, your promotion orders from the G-1 are there."

"I see." Kelley flipped between the pages and reread both sets of orders. "'Exculpatory evidence?'" She asked. "What evidence?"

Montes smiled, not bothering to chastise her for the complete drop in protocol. "Gunner Buxani, from my office, got a hold of closed circuit recordings of the entire incident from the city police."

"Fuck those guys," Kelley spat.

He cleared his throat to stave off a chuckle. "Yes, er, well, uh, she has a good working relationship with them. We used that on your behalf to get their cooperation. It sounds like they treated you a little rough?"

She set the PADD down on the table in front of her and admitted in a hushed voice, "Nothing I couldn't handle."

Montes saw what Hardester warned him about. Her eyes grew cold when she spoke about the police. He frowned and made a mental note to have a side discussion with the DCI about it, later. "After watching you take apart those Klingons, I don't doubt that."

That observation earned him a small smirk on her lips.

He continued on. "General Ntini and Captain Golluv had little choice but to agree to the motion to dismiss. The general also wanted me to pass her compliments on comporting yourself in the best traditions of the Corps. She's going to enter a letter of commendation in your personnel file."

With a smile that touched her eyes, he noticed the chill disappeared. "That's… kind of the general. Please convey my thanks, sir?"

"It would be my pleasure," Montes told her with a smiling nod.

She glanced at the screen and inquired about a particular phrase in the orders. "'With the government's apologies,' though?"

"That's pretty straightforward when we wrongfully charge a marine," he said. "However, I hope you will accept my apologies, marine to marine." He extended his hand out to her.

Her eyes dropped to his hand. With a bewildered expression, she glanced back at him.

"Um," he said with hesitation. "Something wrong?"

She shrugged. "Just never had an officer apologize to me, before."

Montes opened his mouth to reply, but the door slid open and seven people stepped inside. Three of them were Klingons. By the ranks exposed on their uniforms, he realized that the lead officer wearing a cape showed the insignia of a HoD; the equivalent to a marine colonel or a naval captain. The HoD's escorts also held lesser officer ranks of la' (lieutenant colonel) and lagh (major). He presumed they were both staff officers to the HoD.

The HoD entered along with multiple marine officers, including the brigade's deputy commanding officer, Colonel Harold C. "House" Wicasa. He wore his dirty blonde hair in the same high and tight fashion as most other marines. Like Ntini, he commanded respect with his large, muscular presence.

Upon sight of the colonel, Montes and Kelley snapped to attention. The scrape of chair legs sounded within the lounge against the hard flooring.

"At ease," Colonel Wicasa said. "This is HoD Qudh, la' Noct, and lagh Mimoth. They are all members of the House of Qudh. The same House that Corporal Kelley's aggressors belonged to. He wished to address the corporal directly."

Qudh took a menacing step forward and spoke without preamble. "I am Qudh, Son of K'vel. I lead the House of Qudh. A warrior of my House met his glorious end in combat, by your hand."

Kelley held his gaze, saying nothing in response. She recognized this as a ritual, one of great importance to any Klingon House.

Qudh continued. He raised his voice, as though he spoke to a great hall rather than the intimate confines of the lounge. "He was my kin! He chose his path in battle! To die fighting is the greatest honor a Klingon can achieve. Your actions, though in defense, were those of a true warrior. His death has been declared honorable, as it should be."

Noct stepped forward at that moment, carrying a d'k tahg. Two Klingon symbols adorned the hilt in metallic lettering. The officer held toward Kelley with the hilt facing her. Qudh held up his hand to steady the offer of the blade so he could speak further.

"Among my people, those who prove their strength and prowess in battle against a significantly larger force earn not just honor, but a title. A title that carries the respect of one of the major Houses of Qo'noS. Today, Corporal Kelley, the House of Qudh grants you the title of 'may'wl.' You have shown the heart of a warrior and the poise of a leader. I declare here and now, to all those who hear me: your name shall be spoken with respect in the halls of my House!"

"May'wl!," la' Noct repeated reverently, followed shortly by the lagh, Mimoth.

Qudh took the blade from Noct's open hand and presented it to Kelley. "You are not of our blood, may'wl, but you have re-proven that there are those in the Federation who bear watching."

Kelley accepted the blade, uttering Klingon words with the guttural syllables as though she spoke it all her life. Montes heard the translated version from his combadge: "I accept this honor, HoD Qudh, Son of K'val. I will carry this title with pride, knowing that it represents your personal esteem. I will not tarnish the reputation of your House. I declare this on my honor as a Starfleet Marine."

A rumbling chuckle emanated from Qudh's chest, and he showed off his teeth in a wide grin. "You speak well, may'wl." He drew his hand up in the Klingon salute, and the others followed suit. "Fight with honor. I wish you a glorious death."

With a final approving look, Qudh turned on his heels; the dark red cape carrying his House's icon fluttering under the rapid motion. Their departure had Colonel Wicasa and all the guards following close behind. After the entourage departed, the room's gravity eased as Kelly and Montes admired the blade's craftsmanship.

His curiosity got the better of him. "Is the translation correct? May'wl means-"

"'Battle Queen,' sir," Kelley said. She flipped the knife over and ran her fingers over the ideographic symbol. "That's what this says, here. On the other side is the icon of their House. If I show this to other Klingons, I might get a little respect. Or they might think I took it off the person who earned it. Either way, from now on they'll approach me carefully."

"It seems you've earned more than just your freedom, Corporal," Montes said with admiration in his tone. "I think the question of how the Klingons would react has been answered."

"I hope so," she said. As she spoke, she spun the blade by the hilt, getting used to the weight. "If that damned Liaison insists on coming after me, I might have to shove my title right up their ass." She tapped the icon with her title to make her point.

Montes could not help the snort that erupted from him. "You sure paint some interesting pictures."

Kelley ignored his comment. "So, now I just go back to third platoon like nothing happened?"

He paused, took a deep breath, and pondered. "Or… you might consider another opportunity. One that might put yet another stripe on your collar pretty quick."

She turned her head toward him, giving him her full attention. "I'm listening."

"Well," Montes said, elongating the vowel as he spoke. "G-2 has an open billet for a newly minted NCO. We lost one to OCS a few months ago."

Kelley perked up at that. Working for the Intelligence section opened up many possibilities, up to and including becoming a commissioned officer. "What would I have to do?"

"Whatever I tell you to do. I need someone who's smart, thinks on their feet, and can handle themselves in shitty situations."

"Situations of my own making, sir, or ones you're concocting?"

He chuckled. "A little bit of column A, and-"

"-and a little bit of column B," they finished the axiom at the same time. She nodded and said, "Understood. I'm interested, but I'd need to square things with my platoon leader and my gunny."

Montes got to his feet. "We'll take care of that for you. The nice thing about working in G-2 is that when we tell people to mind their own business, they listen. Major Ch'avannel, our boss, is not one to be trifled with."

Kelley rose as he did. "Sir, I think you'll find I'm in the same category. Where do I sign up?"

He extended a hand to her as he had previously. This time, it was in welcome. "You just did. Welcome aboard, Corporal."

"Thank you, sir." She accepted his hand cordially and shook it once before they dropped their hands down.

She asked him, "Since all the charges against me have been dismissed, I wonder if I could get a favor?"

Montes tilted his head with curiosity. "What's that?"

"Can I get that saber back? It was a gift, and I'd hate to tell Gunny Hardester that I lost it already."

He grinned. "In all honesty, I'd hate to tell him that, too. We'll get it back, post-haste."

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