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Part 41 of Borderlines: Missing Scenes and Preludes

Life, the (Alpha) Quadrant, and Everything: The Borderlines Universe


Just a place for me to post some of my ideas, character guides, headcanons, and general musings on my writings. Will update when something strikes my fancy.

This is only my version of the Star Trek Universe and my thoughts. As a reader, I love exploring other writers’ works and ideas and love the creativity that goes into y’all’s stories. I welcome y’all’s thoughts on anything I say. (I’ll only cry a little bit)

Chapter 1: Character Counts in Everything, Take 1


This is either going to help, or scare the bejesus out of readers.

Chapter Text

Don’t be alarmed. The first two sections are the main characters.

The Present (10/2296) - The command element for the 17th Border Patrol Group (Special Operations Capable), when our story begins

  • Captain (L) Chandrelle et Prehaska ne Songet (Chandra) (b. 01/01/2266), daughter of Giat eť Songet er Forlana (father), who was bonded to Starra na Songet’ii (Head of Clan) (mother), and Fasan eť Songet ne Gorlani. There was another member of the bond, a Gemsera daughter, who left the bonding under mysterious circumstances, around the time that Chandra was given up for adoption, with Hunter being her adoptive mother. NOTE: The Gemsera were intense rivals of the Gorlani, a more powerful family. Chandra knows that she is adopted and who her birth parents are; there is resentment as she assumes she was given up for a more advantageous bonding, though she doesn’t know the full story. Uneasy relationship with her birth family.
  • Commander Kaylin Stone-Hunter (daughter of Hunter, who is Beta Canon, The Entropy Effect by Vonda N. McIntyre) (b. 05/01/2269) (Deputy Commander, 17th Border Patrol Group as of 10/2296) Her mother was part of a partnership family.
  • Lieutenant Siobhan Lincolnton - CO of command ship (b. 10/17/2273)
  • Midshipman (Ensign)/Brevet Lieutenant j.g. Decker Sinclair (b. 01/11/2276) - granddaughter of Commodore Matt Decker, niece of Captain Willard Decker, daughter of Rear Admiral (E) Mary Decker and Surgeon Commander Kimberly Sinclair (currently unrevealed father)
  • T’Varilyn - (born 2240, died 2295) Vulcan member of the Security Ministry, the Special Studies Group of the V’Shar. Professor at University College Dublin on Earth, Federation Free Agent. Granddaughter of T’Pol. Bonded to Chandra and T’Varilyn for five years, before her death at hands of Klingons on Vostus, while trying to rescue Chandra’s squadron of the 17th. Transferred her katra to both Chandra and Jamie; she shares her insights with them both, whether they want it or not.

The Past and Present - (The original Prelanka-Soné from the Academy) - were all senior cadets on the Mutara mission; they all became part of a Deltan Prelanka-Soné, a ‘bond of all’, the heart, the mind, and the body)—not exactly recognized by Starfleet.

  • Chandra (Cadet Lieutenant Commander in 2285)
  • Jamie ‘Croft’ Blackthorne (Cadet Lieutenant Commander) (b. 10/2266), Starfleet Intelligence-supposedly a Major of Marines (deep cover in Romulan Empire, codenamed Covenant. Romulan cover name, C’Daya) Mother is Captain (later Commodore ret’d) Bethany Blackthorne (b. 02/09/2227-2277), captain of USS Yorktown (NCC-1712) Father currently unrevealed. There are several possible candidates as Bethany didn’t like to be tied down. (And of course, she dated Jim Kirk, when she wasn’t trying to show him what being a starship commander was actually all about.)
  • Eleanora (Nell) ‘the Last Word’ Cavendish, currently Lieutenant Commander, Starfleet Intelligence, 27th Duchess of Devonshire (Cadet Lieutenant) (b. 09/16/2296)
  • Morgan Michaela ‘Trust Fund’ Walsh-McMurtry (Cadet Lieutenant) (b. 03/17/2266) estranged daughter of Vice Admiral Michael Walsh (Beta Canon character - My Enemy, My Ally) Current Lieutenant Commander, BPG-17, late of Starfleet Flight Test Center. Goes by Morgan McMurtry. Don’t call her Mike, but also known as M-cubed, since a couple of them gave her nicknames (was in charge of the nicknames). Her mother’s name isn’t widely known (she has a codename)
  • Meghan Emma ‘Prickly’ Rosewarne (b. 07/04/2266) (Cadet Captain) severely injured at Mutara. On medical leave for injuries and to give birth to son, had completed academic degree requirements, but not technical requirements, refused to re-enter Academy, intending to complete term as crewmember, received field commission after a year. Gave birth to son, Zhani Arthur Rosewarne-Meeliy, who is currently ten years old.
  • Roged Meeliy (b. 2266, d. 2285) (not a cadet officer) Rigelian h’vast - one of five distinct genders among the Jelna of Rigel V. Died at Mutara, father of Zhani.

Chandra’s Potential Prelanka-na (‘Bond of mine’, legal marriage)- Chandra is engaged to be bonded to a couple; she is already the equivalent of a ‘godmother’ to their children, both adopted and birth.

  • Dayla na Prehaska’ii ét Torlana (Head of the subclan)
  • Rentor ét Prehaska na Torlana (Principal Spouse)
  • Kitana étal ér Prehaska na Torlana (19) (adopted niece, daughter of Ren’s sister—a foundling) [half-human]
  • Galateá na Prehaska na Torlana (18, ballin’trah [son])
  • Finnet na Prehaska na Torlana (17, ballin’ta [daughter])
  • Gordet na Prehaska na Torlana (16, ballin’trah)
  • Laana na Prehaska na Torlana (15, ballin’ta)

Djinn’s Family - Chandra’s older brother is Djinn ná Songet’ii et Omra a noted surgeon and Commander, Starfleet Reserve). He is also co-Head of the Clan with his mother).

  • Jerianelle ná Omra Songet, principal wife - (Jeria), doctor and mind-healer, adult children
  • Loreleiana ná Songet et Nomara, second wife - (Lorel), ishu dancer, infant son

Assorted Intelligence Types -

  • Vice Admiral Jameson McCall (The Prince), Director of Starfleet Intelligence. Texas by way of England.
  • Lieutenant Commander the Lady Eleanora Cavendish (Battleaxe, the Fixer)
  • Senior Chief Yeoman (Intelligence) Castellan (name unrevealed)
  • C - Director-General of Special Section (also known as the Institute, the civilian intelligence agency), nestled under the Federation Security Advisor, joint responsibility of Department of Justice and Security, and Department of Interstellar and Colonial Affairs.
  • D’Shaya t’Rrallion (Augustine)[Romulan], FV Starlight
  • Oscar Freetown (Assisi) aka Oscar Fraley, aka Rajesh Koothrapali aka Francis | (Aayansh Chakrabarti) FV Starlight (Special Section)
  • Lieutenant Commander Ava Fonseca (Intel for Chandra’s group), FV Starlight
  • Chantelle DeBruge, (Gatekeeper) Executive Assistant, C [Belgian]
  • Zhenia Zh'raohrar, (Rooster) Protection Specialist, C (Andorian Gift-Sister)
  • Shryri Zh'raohrar, (Sous-Chef) Deputy Director, Department of Interstellar and Colonial Affairs, Studies and Observation Group (totally a made-up organizational name). Sister of Zhenia, (Andorian)
  • Sentinel (more on him later). An asshole, in many people’s eyes.
  • Senior Yeoman (Command/Intelligence) 3rd Class Sara Quigley - unofficial intel advisor to Chandra. Phd in Cultural Anthropology, specializing in Romulan Diaspora. Totally uninterested in being an officer. Enlisted in Starfleet for an escape from academia.

Issa’s Place (Deltan Intelligence, the organization known as ‘The Library’, loosely translated) -

  • Issaandrine et MacKenzie é Soturnal, Link-Mistress, San Francisco, Vice-Curator and Station Chief, The Library
  • Alexa et Soturnal é MacKenzie, [human female] hostess, Issa’s, San Francisco (Issa’s wife)
  • Greer Josephs, (human female) Bar Manager and performer, Issa’s San Francisco, Special Agent II, Federation Security (Counterintelligence)
  • Haze, (human female) employee (works for some intelligence service)

Starfleet Brass -

  • ADM Mike Walsh (Texas by way of Texas) Commander, Special Ops
  • RADM (E) Mary Elizabeth Decker, Director, Utopia Planitia Shipyards (Decker Sinclair’s birth mother) (acting Vice Admiral, acting Chief of Staff to CINC Starfleet)
  • Commander (E) Joelle Grayson (Mary’s chief of staff [Human Female, Alpha Centauri]
  • Surgeon-Commander Kimberly Sinclair, MD (Mary’s ex-wife, Decker’s mother) (b. 04/30/2257) CMO, 17th BPG (SOC)
  • Vice Admiral, then Rear Admiral Samuel Harriman, acting COMSPECOPS for about 5 minutes, back to BUPERS. Father of Captain John Harriman, CO USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B), who is a better man than his father.
  • Rear Admiral, then Commodore Lawrence Styles (yes, that Styles) - Chief of Staff for COMSPECOPS for about the same five minutes as above, then Commandant, Starbase 99

Border Patrol -

  • VADM Hunter, Commander, Border Patrol (Beta Canon, The Entropy Effect) mother of Kaylin and foster mother of Chandra.
  • Commodore Ahava Rosen - Commander (A), 1st Border Patrol Division, then Commander BPW-5 (SOC), then COMBORDGRU 3 (SOC). CO, USS Ayoan.
  • RADM Mandala Flynn - Commander, Border Patrol Zone Gold. Chandra’s and Kaylin’s godmother
  • RADM Vance Horton - Commander, Border Patrol Zone Red. Nobody’s godfather.

The Romulans (Operation Vandal) -

  • Llara t’Rrallion, Praetor-Prime, aierh te’nuhwir ‘First Among Equals of the Praetorate.’
  • Megara t’Khnialmnae, Praetor-Second aka Gaiseric, aunt of
  • Aidoann t'Khnialmnae aka Darkwing, Subcommander, ChR Bloodwing (Beta Canon, My Enemy, My Ally)
  • Commander-General/Empress, Ael t’Rllallieu (Beta Canon, Rihannsu books)
  • Commander Daina Reese, aka D’aina t’Sonrees, [Romulan Female, disguised as Human Female] Section 31 and Tal Shiar.
  • Commander-General Khav tr’Stalron neg t’Rrallion, consort of Llara - Fleet
  • Major Simv tr’Ddelasu, Tal Shiar liaison to Praetor-Prime
  • Ael’a t’Khnialmnae, aka t’Stolna (granddaughter of Megara, niece of Aidoann)
  • A’lanna t’Tendi [Orion-Romulan Female], Targsbane
  • Rahola (no known last name) t’Lemaska - Qowat Milat - warrior nun uses a tan qualanq

The Klingons (The Empire) -

  • K’hrella - House of Kor (Romulan-Klingon female) Senior Force Leader, then Colonel of Imperial Security and Intelligence. Liaison with C
  • Brunahg’aj - House of Klinzhai daughter of Joraj (discommended) Now allied with the Empire again
  • Vekak - House of Klinzhai, youngest brother of Joraj. Now allied with the Empire again.

House of Klinzhai (Klingon Free Systems, not the good guys) - Most of them haven’t met with good ends, or they’ve hurt our heroes.

  • Akora, wife of Joraj, head of House Klinzhai (dead, both of them). Akora was killed by Shiv and Kaylin on Vostus. Ally of Chang (STVI: The Undiscovered Country)
  • Verag - nephew of Joraj triplet brother (son of Voraj), husband of middle sister of Joraj Jerjagh’a, of Joraj, thought to have been executed by Romulans with Nanclus) - killed over Leelix III on his battlecruiser.
  • Korag - triplet brother of Verag - blinded on Vostus after killing T’Varilyn
  • V’keth - triplet brother of Verag - killed on Vostus after nearly killing Chandra

Leexlix III (Merlin), the Sunset Grille -

  • Agon Zh'qithiq - Andorian, former Chief Engineer, USS Enterprise (1701-B) Left under shady circumstances
  • Theelia ér Sotornal - his wife, Deltan, former Navigator, USS Enterprise (1701-B) Left under shady circumstances
  • Usura, employee (bartender and server), near-human. More mystery.

That should do it for now. More will be revealed in various Orders of Battles and added to in subsequent chapters.