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Peak of Fools

Chapter 3: Complications

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After two hours of thorough examinations, Dr McCoy finally allowed Chekov to leave sickbay and move into his quarters. The test results had confirmed the ensign's perfect health, apart from slightly raised blood pressure, which McCoy blamed on the young man's general excitement about his new life aboard the Enterprise that was about to commence.

A look on the clock on his computer told the doctor that dinner was long overdue and he realised he was already late. While he hurried down the corridor towards the cafeteria, he wondered if Jim had been able to make their usual dinner arrangement on time or if the conference call with Starfleet wouldn't permit him to  tonight.

During the last few months, McCoy, Kirk and Spock had made it a habit to have their main meals together whenever their schedules allowed it. In case Jim was still around, McCoy would seize the opportunity to inform him about Pavel Chekov's safe arrival on board and confirm his clean bill of health. As the ensign was now the youngest crewmember at just 21, McCoy was particularly eager to find out what kind of initial duties Jim and Spock had in mind for the boy. He hoped the duties they would assign to him wouldn't be too demanding initially. Even though Chekov was a bright and well-trained new recruit, he also seemed a little over-excited, a common phenomenon amongst young crewmembers who were starting their first long-term space assignment. McCoy had experienced on many occasions during his career, that young recruits were prone to making costly mistakes, due to a dangerous mix of a lack of experience and untamed excitement. In his opinion, Chekov, just like any new recruit, would need at least a couple of weeks to settle in and adjust to his new surroundings before he should be burdened with the kind of highly challenging tasks Spock would surly have in store for him.

Entering the cafeteria, McCoy was relieved to see both Kirk and Spock were still there. In fact, they were late as well. The captain and his FO were just sitting down at their usual table in a quiet corner, away from the noisy centre of the large room that was usually occupied by younger and more vociferous crewmembers such as Lieutenants Uhura and Sulu.

McCoy had to smile at the familiar sight of Spock gracefully walking behind the captain and politely waiting for Jim to choose his seat first before sitting down opposite. As the doctor received his food from the replicator, he mused that he was grateful to have the opportunity to talk to Jim and Spock about Chekov. He was also keen to find out about their next assignment.

“Evening Jim, Spock”, McCoy greeted them as he sat down, carrying a bowl of chicken soup, a cup of tea and a salad on a tray.

Kirk looked up from his meal, slightly guilty. McCoy frowned at the captain's choice of dinner: Cheeseburger and French Fries. Typical!

Kirk sighed. Suddenly his appetite wasn't as great as it had been a minute ago. As he and Spock had actually been late for their usual dinner arrangement with McCoy, Kirk had assumed that the doctor had already eaten. He had therefore opted for the tasty as opposed to the healthy choice.

“I know what you're going to say, Bones...”, Kirk offered helpfully as he put down his fork that had stabbed several French Fries just before McCoy's arrival.

“You better keep it to yourself then! Otherwise your meal will be cold by the time you’ve finished sayin' it!”, McCoy interrupted as he sat down next to Spock.

The words were delivered without taking a breath in the doctor’s usual gruff tone but he gave Kirk an encouraging look to continue with eating. The captain happily complied, while McCoy stole a quick glimpse onto Spock's choice. Like himself, the Vulcan had optioned for a soup, the smoky smell clearly identifying it as Plomik soup. Unfortunately, this didn't present the CMO with the opportunity to criticise Spock's choice. The frugal first officer rarely gave the doctor any reason to criticise his dietary habits and McCoy privately wished that such sensibility would eventually rub off on Jim Kirk as well.

McCoy looked from one to the other as they quietly focused on their food.

“Anyone care to enlighten me where we're going next? What did you discuss with Admiral Keller, Jim?”

Spock's raised eyebrow and expectant look towards the captain didn't escape McCoy and he knew intuitively that there had been an argument between Kirk and the commanding officer of Starbase 2.

Kirk sighed. “I'm afraid there won't be any shore leave for the crew in the immediate future, Bones. We were assigned on an emergency rescue mission”.

McCoy pressed his lips into a thin line; he had seen it coming. That's just typical - they all needed a break and what they got was an emergency rescue mission! The crew in general was in good health, but overall the men and women aboard the Enterprise were tired, stressed and overworked. Their last shore leave on an supposedly uninhabited planet in the Omicron Delta system had taken place as far back as 9 months ago. However, it had been an exhausting experience rather than a relaxing one, as McCoy had died and returned from the dead on the first day! And their latest attempt at leave unfortunately had to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances which had involved his good self again and an overdose of Cordrazine. McCoy shivered just thinking that word in his head.

The doctor privately wondered why the prospect of shore leave always presented him with lethal danger. In any case, McCoy had submitted a sharp and clear report to Starfleet that leave had to be undertaken very soon if any possible mistakes by a crew member due to exhaustion was to be avoided, not to mention possible long-term effects on the crew's general health.

Kirk's gaze wandered across the unusually quiet cafeteria. Like it normally was the case at this time of the evening, it was very busy and crowded. The room would then become quite hot despite the air ventilation system, and the doors were left open which only invited more people to come in, who might be just passing by in the corridor and decided to join in the socialising. But despite the large crowd, conversations were sparse and quiet. Even Lieutenant Uhura seemed absentminded as she stared into the distance across the rim of her coffee cup. The crew was tired and it showed in their free time when they could afford to display their exhaustion. On duty, no crewmember would allow themselves to give the impression of being tired or stressed. Kirk pressed his lips. Apart from his own argumentation to reward the crew for outstanding performances on this mission so far with some well-deserved free time, Kirk had referred several times to his CMO's report in his conversation with Keller, but to no avail.

Kirk watched as McCoy shook his head in disapproval.

“Bones, I know you don't like it and neither do I, but Keller has just received a mayday call from the Cassiopeia. We're on route to Adelous 4 from where the message was sent.”

McCoy frowned.

“Isn't the Cassiopeia one of the Federation's biggest dilithium crystal transporters?”

“Correct, Doctor. After their mayday call the shuttle craft has apparently crash landed on the surface of Adelous 4 and since then Starfleet has not been able to re-establish communications”, Spock added as he looked up from his soup.

“As we are the only starship in the proximity, Keller has ordered us to go to Adelous 4, look for survivors plus secure the freight if possible”, Kirk explained.

“I see.” McCoy didn't like the fact that shore leave was cancelled yet again, but in this case he could actually understand Starfleet's reasoning.

“It's just a shame that we have to carry the can again. The crew really deserves a break.”

Kirk's rather loud sigh spoke more than a thousand words and the doctor knew how much it troubled his captain to ask so much of his crew. They would of course follow his orders without even thinking about the fact that they were missing yet another opportunity of shore leave.

“They fear the worst, Bones”, Jim explained with a tired face, “40 crew missing and unaccounted for”.

McCoy nodded gravely as the bad news sunk in.

“As is Starfleet's quarterly supply of dilithium crystals in the Beta Sector”, Spock added matter-of-factly.

“Damn those crystals! 40 people need to be rescued, Spock!”, McCoy blurted out, “If they're still alive”, the doctor added solemnly.

“If those crystals are not retrieved in the next 50.5 hours, Doctor, all Starfleet operations in this sector will be severely disrupted and come to a halt. Including the Enterprise, as we have not been able to stock up our supplies at Starbase 2 as originally planned. It is therefore highly illogical to desire the Cassiopeia's freight to be lost in a Terran mythological place of no return.”

McCoy had to catch his breath for a moment - but just for a moment.

“You mean hell?

Spock's eyebrow disappeared in his hairline, a small sigh of impatience escaping his lips, “I believe I have just said that, Doctor.”

“All I meant, Spock, was that I'd rather have those crystals go to hell, than that crew.”

“May I note that your illogical commentary on a challenging situation is, like usual, not very helpful.”

Pearls of sweat started to appear on McCoy's forehead, his face slowly turning into a rather healthy colour. He wiped the moisture away with his sleeve. Bones doubted that the overcrowded cafeteria had anything to do with his sudden perspiration. Like always when he was getting irritated, his thick Georgian accent became even stronger.

“It's getting’ kinda hot in here, doesn't it, Jim? I'd die for some ice tea. Ah, I know, I'll just put my cup next to you, Spock! How's that?”, McCoy angrily put his cup down next to Spock's arm. His Vulcan shipmate however continued eating his Plomik soup as if nothing had happened.

Kirk put his coffee mug down poignantly. He favoured his two friends with a look of exasperated helplessness that he reserved only for moments as this, when he desperately wanted to stop one of their otherwise endless quarrels.

“Gentlemen, my orders are clear. Crew and crystals need to be retrieved if possible. I suggest you prepare yourself for landing party duty. We should arrive at Adelous 4 in about two days”.

“Two days, 2 hours and 45 minutes, Captain.”

McCoy briefly directed his eyes skyward while Kirk nodded benevolently towards his first officer and got up. This prompted the doctor to quickly finish his cup of tea in one gulp as he had no intention to stay seated with Spock by his own. The Vulcan just raised an eyebrow at McCoy's abrupt departure from their table. The doctor grabbed his tray and followed Kirk to the dish rack.

“By the way, Jim, Ensign Chekov is now on board and I have certified his health to be in perfect condition.”

“Thanks, Bones. Also for reminding me. His arrival did get lost somewhere in my mind today. I will welcome him aboard tomorrow at the start of his shift.”

Kirk sounded tired as he disposed of his empty plate. McCoy could sense his frustration. It was Jim’s custom to greet new crewmembers personally in the transporter room when they beamed on board. Providing, circumstances allowed it.

“Don't worry about it, Jim. You've got enough on your plate as it is.” McCoy said as he watched the captain's empty plate disappear in the automatic dishwasher. At least he hasn't lost his appetite yet with all that stress, Bones was happy to note privately.

“Anyway, Sulu and I were a splendid welcoming committee.”

Kirk had to smile at the fact that his helmsman had been reliable as usual, as he had indeed forgotten to tell Sulu to greet Chekov in his place. Kirk's absent-minded smile didn't escape McCoy, and he took the opportunity to say what had been on his mind all along.

“I recommend you don't put too much pressure on the boy straight away, Jim.”

“May I enquire to the reason for your request, Doctor?”

Appearing behind them quiet as a cat, Spock gave McCoy a mighty fright.

“Goddammit Spock! In case you haven't noticed, I don't have eyes at the back of my head!”

Spock just frowned, but didn't say anything in response. Kirk looked inquiringly at the CMO. Just like Spock, he also wondered what the reasons were for the doctor’s concern.

“Ensign Chekov is highly qualified and capable”, the Vulcan stated after he had disposed of his empty bowl and turned towards McCoy with a questioning look.

“But he's still a little green behind the ears, Spock”, McCoy replied with a wry grin, “you know the feeling.”

Before the Vulcan could answer Bones turned to Kirk:

“Chekov is a little too over-excited and high strung at the moment, Jim. Call it intuition or a hunch, but I think it would be best to give him a few weeks to settle in before he's assigned with heavy duty. That's our normal procedure with all recruits, isn't it?”, McCoy ended with a poignant look directed at Spock.

“Nevertheless, in this instance, your request is illogical, Doctor”, Spock said in his neutral and calm tone that usually didn’t make McCoy feel calm himself. He shot a glare towards his opponent but this time the Vulcan beat him to it:

“As you said, it is our practice under normal circumstances to allow young and newly assigned crew members some adjustment time during which they are assigned lighter duties. However, the circumstances we find ourselves in are far from normal. The navigator's post is vacant and needs to be filled immediately. We're on a rescue mission that requires urgency and unrestrained ability to act, therefore Ensign Chekov should start his shift tomorrow morning on the bridge as scheduled.” Spock looked at Kirk, certain that his point would be confirmed in an instant.

“I'm afraid Spock's right, Bones. Mr Chekov will have to be thrown into the deep end. It can't be avoided.” A short pause followed during which Kirk reflected on the brilliant references and grades the young Russian had presented in his application. “But I've got the feeling the kid will surprise us all.”

McCoy pressed his lips. He knew he was overruled. Like usual when the CMO had the impression that Spock and Jim ganged up on him, he didn't look at either of them. Instead, he shook his head, his forehead in one big frown. He also knew that they were right. Usually when two out of the triumvirate agreed on an issue, the third one knew that he must be going wrong somewhere. McCoy did accept this fact to be a reassuring constant in their relationship, just as he knew the other two did if they happened to find themselves being the odd one out. But of course, it didn't happen to Kirk or Spock just as often as it seemed to happen to him, Bones was convincing himself. God, how those two could get on his nerves!

McCoy started to turn on his heels, “But don't tell me I didn't warn you when the boy makes a mistake!”

Kirk just gently shock his head at this while Spock raised an eyebrow.

McCoy hurried out of the overcrowded cafeteria, relived that he had managed to have the last word for once.