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Captain's Classics Personal Programs


There are two well-established rules about ‘personal’ holodeck programs, which is Starfleet’s euphemistic name for ‘sexual or pornographic.’ First, a personal program should never include the likeness of another crew member without explicit permission. And second, no one should ever examine someone else’s personal program. The two rules sometimes run headlong into each other.


Janeway discovers that Chakotay has programmed her likeness into a particular holodeck program and...joins him. Things devolve from there.


This was originally posted as ten different short pieces in a series, but at this point I'm calling it a single complete work. See endnotes for some of the specific sex stuff originally tagged.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: Captain's Classic Personal Programs, Supplement #15

Chapter Text

There are two well-established rules about ‘personal’ holodeck programs, which is Starfleet’s euphemistic name for ‘sexual or pornographic.’ First, a personal program should never include the likeness of another crew member without explicit permission. And second, no one should ever examine someone else’s personal program. The two rules sometimes run headlong into each other.

Take today. Kathryn is reviewing the preceding month’s holodeck time logs, a policy recommended on all long-term missions to identify early warning signs of holodeck addiction. She’s also created an algorithm to examine each personal program for crew member likenesses, so that she doesn’t have to go through each program that’s been used in the past month; it flags only those programs that violate the rule.

Those, she does have to at least glance at so that she can hand out warnings or, if necessary, delete the programs. Tom and B’Elanna have violated the rule in a program that contains—additional likenesses of Tom and B’Elanna, for purposes that she doesn’t want to contemplate. Not worth mentioning. The Doctor has included Seven of Nine in one of his programs; he shouldn’t be capable of violating the rule, which means B’Elanna may need to take a look at his programming. Jenny Delaney has Harry Kim’s likeness in her own version of Captain’s Classic Personal Program #7, one of the many customizable off-the-shelf pornographic holoprograms that seem to end up in every ship’s database. Three different people have used Ayala’s likeness in three very different customized programs.

She’s surprised to see that Chakotay’s name appears on the list of offenders, and she scrolls past Wildman and Carey (both apparently interested in people other than their respective spouses) to get to his program. He has Captain’s Classic Personal Program Supplement #15, and a bolt of heat goes through Kathryn when she recalls the program and sees that the forbidden likeness he’s used is her own.

He must have known that she would see it. She’s complained about this duty to him before, how uncomfortable she feels learning who’s violated the rule, how seedy it feels to know exactly which programs people are using. He’s teased her about her extensive knowledge of the Captain’s Classic catalogs, raised an eyebrow at her insistence that it’s all because of a friend who writes their more adventurous content. Which means he knew. He knew she would see his choice of program. He knew she would see it was her in it.

Kathryn shifts a little in her chair as the ready room doors chime, and of course it’s Chakotay who walks in. “Are you all right, Captain? You look a little overheated.” He says it without a hint of guile.

“Yes,” she croaks. Oh god, she’s wet and he hasn’t even done anything in person, hasn’t done anything other than leave hints in the holodeck logs that tell her exactly what he fantasizes about her doing to him. “Just finishing up a few things before dinner.”


“Confirming the week’s holodeck schedule.” She waves the padd at him as if to prove it.

“That’s right, today is your holodeck review day. I take it you haven’t given the Doctor my slot for more time practicing opera.” There’s nothing unusual about his tone, but somehow it still sounds like an invitation, after what she’s discovered. “It was hard to find time, even at 2300 hours.”

“Oh?” She shouldn’t be reacting this strongly.

“2300 hours tonight?” His gaze is fixed on her, though he looks unsure for the first time.

Every breath she takes feels heavy in her lungs. Kathryn breaks his gaze and looks down at her padd blindly. “Yes, you’re on the holodeck schedule for 60 minutes at 2300 hours.” She doesn’t even know if it was truly an invitation.

“All right.” His voice is hoarse. “Well. I’ll leave you to it.”

* * * * *

She almost doesn’t go. It’s a coincidence that he used her likeness in the program, she tells herself. He didn’t mean for her to see it. He’s only used it the once. But in the end she wants to see it—wants to do it—more than she’s worried about misreading him. It’s 2305 by the time she gets to the holodeck. “Private program in progress,” the computer tells her primly.

“Command override,” she says, and she barely recognizes her own voice. “Janeway zeta one one six.”

“Override accepted.” The doors open just enough to admit her and then hiss closed.

The program is already in progress. Either he gave up on her coming or he wanted her to walk in on him, and she strongly suspects it’s the latter. He’s naked, kneeling on what looks like the her bed, and there’s a very accurate likeness of Kathryn working one finger slowly into his ass. She’s naked too, but for a harness and a strap-on dildo, and the only sound is that of Chakotay’s breathing.

“Computer, freeze program,” Kathryn says. Her doppelganger freezes in place even as Chakotay pushes back a little on her finger and groans.

He looks up at Kathryn and she can see his chest heaving, the faint sheen of sweat already on his body. “I thought you weren’t coming,” he says, and she doesn’t care if he’s telling the truth or not, at this point.

“Computer, remove character.” Her doppelganger disappears and she walks across the room toward him. “You know, it’s against the rules to use me in this program.” She takes her doppelganger’s place on the bed and finds the bottle of lubricant next to his knee. She wants to see his face, though, so she says, “Computer, add mirror,” and suddenly she can see the long lines of his naked body, his head bowed. “Look at me,” she tells him.

He looks up into the mirror. She’s still wearing her full uniform, and she sees the full-body shudder when he realizes it, sees the way his cock twitches. “I didn’t realize you’d know what the program was,” he says, and then sucks in a deep breath as Kathryn spreads his cheeks with one hand and lets lube drip from the bottle directly onto his hole, until it’s wet and messy, until she sees him clench around nothing.

“I’ve done it a time or two,” she tells him. She collects the stray drips of lube with her finger and pushes them back into his hole, dips the tip of her finger in and runs it around the rim over and over, until he’s trying to push back on her finger. “Don’t get impatient.”

In the mirror, he sucks in a deep breath. “I’ve been waiting for a few years,” he admits. “One or two more minutes shouldn’t kill me.” Kathryn slides one slick finger deep inside him and it’s easy, so easy, to stroke in and out, until he spreads his legs wider and says, “Another, please—”

He clenches down against her when she slides the second finger in. “You can’t take two fingers?” she asks. “I thought you’d run this program before—thought you’d let me open you up wide and fuck you until you came.”

Chakotay’s breath catches at that. “Keep going,” he tells her, and she can see that he’s still hard. She pulls her fingers out to the rim and scissors them open just a little, just enough that she can squeeze more lube there. He jolts and the sound he makes is something like a whine when she pushes her fingers back in, pumps them slowly in and out until he barely resists.

He’s let his head drop again and she says, “Look at yourself,” and twists her fingers just as he looks up so that he can see himself falling apart. She adds a third finger then, while he watches himself, and the little noise at the back of his throat is her reward, the way his eyes flutter shut for a moment. When she looks down at her own fingers, it’s almost hypnotic, watching her knuckles disappear in and out of his body, his rim stretched tight around her fingers—watching the way he pushes back on her fingers. She wants to slip her pinky inside, see if he could take that too. “You’d take anything I gave you, wouldn’t you,” she says.

“Yes.” The word sounds torn from his throat. “Yes, anything.”

“Computer,” she says. “Plug one.” The plug materializes next to her, already glistening with lube. It’s bigger than her fingers, but only at its widest point—the right size to keep him open while she gets ready herself. He makes a quiet noise of protest when she withdraws her fingers and a very different noise when she replaces it with the plug. Kathryn fucks him with it a few times, just enough to watch the widest part drag back and forth through the rim of his hole, see his muscles clench tight around it, before she pushes it in as far as it’ll go and stands up.

He stares at her. He looks high, his pupils blown huge and dark, lips flushed from where he’s been biting them. “Are you—”

“You don’t think I’m going to put a harness over this?” She gestures to her uniform as she begins to remove it.

“No.” He turns his head to watch her as she does.

When she’s naked, she says, “Computer, harness, red leather.” Then she moves around him on the bed until she’s kneeling at his head. “You’d better help me with this.” He buckles it loosely around her thighs, but then he leans forward to spread her open with his hands and lap at her clit. It’s almost stunning how good it is and she thinks to herself, well, might as well come first. “On your back,” she tells him, and he obeys—she sees the little spasms every time he moves and the plug inside him moves with him. Kathryn pulls the harness out of the way and plants one knee on the other side of his hips, then slides down onto his cock. This time is for her, her only, and she rides his cock to hit just the right spot inside her, tells him, “Don’t come,” and then “It’s a good thing I extended your session to two hours.” He chokes at that, thrusts up and she grips the base of his cock tightly. “If you can’t be good…” She climbs off his cock.

“I will be,” Chakotay promises, but she’s already moved away, already finished buckling the harness herself.

“Back on your knees,” she tells him. “Computer, number one.”

The dildo that materializes in the harness is bigger than the plug in his ass and she watches him look it over, watches his pupils dilate further. The head is only an inch away from his face and she tells him, “Suck it.”

“What?” He looks mildly confused.

“Get it wet,” she says. “I want to see you take it.”

Chakotay leans forward and takes the dildo in his mouth. It doesn’t matter that she can’t feel his tongue on the dildo itself—she wants to see his lips stretched around it the way his ass stretches around her fingers, and every time she thrusts a little it rubs against her clit. She runs her fingers along the obscene shape of his lips and then slowly pulls out. “Wet enough?” he asks. His voice is hoarse.

“We’ll see.” She gives in to the absurd impulse to stroke his hair, his cheek, before she moves around behind him again and runs her hand gently along his upper thigh. “You’re doing very well,” she tells him. Kathryn squeezes more lube onto the dildo, spreads it by fucking up into her fist and sees Chakotay’s eyes following the movement. When she reaches to remove the plug, his body releases it begrudgingly, the muscle tightening back up as soon as it’s removed. She pushes two fingers in again, just to make sure, and then she spreads his knees wide. “Tell me if you need me to slow down.”

“I will,” he promises, and the words are barely out of his mouth before she begins the long, slow slide into his ass. He’s gasping in every breath as she watches each inch of the dildo disappear into his ass. When she’s in all the way, he says “Kathryn—that’s—you’re—”

“Captain,” she reminds him, of all the absurd things to say. His breath catches at that and she reaches down, gets one hand on his cock—he’s still hard, tries to jerk a little in her hand. She slides out again, then back in a little faster, sees the wonder on his face as she speeds up.

“Captain—please—” and neither of them really know what he’s asking for as she fucks his ass.

“Computer,” she says, panting, “expand to number two.”

The noise he makes when he feels the dildo in his ass increase in size is—indescribably satisfying. She rubs her thumb around the slick rim of his ass, now stretched a little wider, and he says, “Kathryn—”

Captain,” she reminds him, and thrusts in again to emphasize it. And god he just takes it, lets her spread his cheeks wide as she fucks him open, yields and yields and yields, and she comes from the pressure of the dildo against her clit.

When she can think again, she pulls out almost entirely, until it’s just the head of the dildo stretching his rim open, and says “Computer, number three” just to watch it expand obscenely and then thrust in as he howls. It’s not a noise of pain, but of overwhelming sensation. “This one is the size of your cock,” she tells him. She’s holding it still inside him now, letting him adjust to it, letting him fuck back onto it in little hitches of his hips.

“Didn’t realize I was so big.” He smiles and closes his eyes as he pulls away and then slams back down, again and again, until she’s just holding it in place for him to fuck himself on. He is big. She remembers the feeling of his cock thick inside her and wishes she’d kept going.

“This is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” she tells him honestly. “Look at yourself—you’re so good, you take it so well. You were wasting it on that other Kathryn.” He’s watching her in the mirror and so she touches her breast, rolls her nipple between two fingers and lets him see how good it feels, wishes she’d chosen a double-ended dildo so that she had something inside herself right now.

“How big is number four?”

“Bigger than you,” she says. “Not by too much. But definitely bigger.”

“Computer,” and she realizes what he’s about to say only as he says it, “number four.” He groans and drops his head as it expands again, longer and thicker than before.

“It’s not really in the spirit of it for you to control it,” Kathryn tells him. She slides all the way out, watches the way his body clings to the head of the dildo, the way he clenches tight to try to keep it inside him. She drizzles more lube on his hole even as she pulls out, just so that she can slip her fingers back into him and feel how soft and hot and tight he is inside.

“Captain,” he says, and it’s almost a plea. She pushes just the head of the dildo inside of him, in and then all the way back out, and he’s not even saying words now, just a stream of soft noises.

“You’re so good,” she tells him again. She finds the head of his cock, dripping wet, and rubs her thumb over it. His entire body tenses. Kathryn slides the entire dildo into his ass and admires how wide he’s stretched, how deep she knows it is. “I’m going to make sure you feel this tomorrow,” she says. “When you walk down the halls. When you sit next to me on the bridge. You’ll remember, won’t you.”

Yes,” he promises. “I’ll remember how you feel inside me. How you look when you open me up and fuck me—I’ll remember it.”

She moves experimentally, listens to the little sounds that every stroke punches out of him, until she’s fucking him in earnest again. “Sit up,” she tells him. “Up on your knees. So I can see your cock.” He obeys, kneeling, legs spread enough that she can keep fucking him but she can see his cock in the mirror too, flushed and hard and messy from where she’s been touching him. “I want to watch you come while I fuck you.”

His hand goes to his cock as soon as she says it, frantic, as he thrusts up into his hand and back down onto the dildo until he comes, shaking. At the last minute, she covers the head of his cock with her hand and catches some of it; when he collapses, she pulls out and says “Computer, delete toys.” But she can’t stop herself from pushing some of his own come into his ass, pumping her fingers in and out slowly just to hear him whimper and feel the way he tries to clench around her. “You should see the mess I made of you,” she whispers to him.

“Your mess,” he says. He gets two clumsy fingers onto her clit and kisses her, filthy and all tongue, and after everything somehow that’s enough to make her come. It shoots through her and afterward she thinks she might have screamed.

Chakotay kisses her again, softer this time, and then says, “Sorry, I guess that’s not part of the usual program.”

“I’ll allow it,” she tells him. “Wake me when we have five minutes left on the holodeck clock.”