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Captain's Classics Personal Programs

Chapter 3: Captain's Classic Personal Programs, Prime Edition #3


The Prime Editions of Captain's Classic Personal Programs are designed to introduce a discerning consumer to fantasies they never knew they had.


Kathryn finds a use for multiple Chakotays. Including the real one.

Chapter Text

This time, she leaves him an invitation in the logs. Kathryn programs Chakotay's likeness into Prime Edition #3 of Captain's Classic Personal Programs and runs it just long enough to ensure that her prohibited use will show up in the time logs, then hands him the padd with the holodeck records and says, "Your turn to review the logs this week. I took the 0300 slot tomorrow."

He's outside the holodeck at 0300. "I don't know this one," he says. "Give me a hint?"

Kathryn smiles as the doors close behind them. "Computer, activate program Janeway delta nu. Do you remember that there was a mirror the first time?" They’re at a pavilion on a beach, with a large bed and a side table holding a bottle of wine. The sun is just setting, the air balmy around them.


"Do you remember what I did with you?"

"Yes." His voice is deeper this time, and he reaches out to put a hand on her hip. "You know, that can happen outside the holodeck too."

She ignores what lies beneath that statement. "This one can't. Computer, first hologram." The holographic form of Chakotay appears in front of them both.

“Well,” the real one says. “That’s unnerving.” The hologram begins to strip, discarding his clothes next to the bed. “Should I—”

“No,” Kathryn tells him. “For now, all you do is watch.” She sees his breathing speed up and adds, “I suppose you could help me with my clothes.” It isn’t difficult for him to help her. She’s wearing a wrap dress, and when he undoes the few snaps holding it in place, it flutters to the ground and reveals her naked body. Chakotay reaches for her, the tips of his fingers just brushing the side of her breast as she turns away. “All you do is watch now,” she tells him.

The hologram Chakotay is lying naked on the bed now, casually stroking his cock. The insides of her thighs are damp, have been since she put on a dress with nothing underneath, and when she joins him on the bed, he buries his face between her thighs. She bucks up into it, forces her eyes open so she can look at the real Chakotay—standing next to the bed, the line of his cock visible in his loose pants, hands fisted as if to keep himself from touching.

She might as well just ask. “Where do you want to fuck me?” Her voice is breathy, high-pitched. She’s getting close now, feels her entire body tightening.

Chakotay makes a choked noise. “What?”

Kathryn comes against the hologram’s tongue, pulling his head hard against her as she does. Then she releases him. “That’s what this program is, Chakotay.” The hologram-Chakotay wipes his mouth with one hand and grins at her. “Sometimes what I want most is to feel…full. Completely. To lose myself in it. That’s what the program is for.”

He slants a glance at the hologram version of himself, lounging. “I want—you on top,” he says. “Whatever you want.”

“All right.” She likes the idea of that, of the real person watching everything happen, of forcing him to wait the longest in the end. “Get up here on the bed.” When he’s naked on the bed, she reaches for his cock—he’s hard, jumps a little when she touches him for the first time, and she licks the head of his cock. He gasps in a breath. “Next time,” she whispers against the head, and feels him twitch. She shimmies up his body until she can spread her legs open and sink down onto his cock all at once. The feeling is incredible, the slick slide of it, the way his cock opens her up and fills her at the same time, and for a moment she just luxuriates in it. She lifts herself off completely and then slides back down all the way, and she hears him say some garbled version of her name as she does it. He stares up at her in some kind of awe.

That’s when she feels the Chakotay hologram rub one finger against her ass and this, this is what she wants, to live only in her body for a little while, no room for anything else. When he slides his finger into her ass, she can feel it pressing her tighter around Chakotay’s cock, and from the noise Chakotay can feel it too. Hologram-Chakotay is slow but inexorable, working in one finger, then two. The real Chakotay is playing with her clit, not enough for her to come, just working it slowly between his thumb and forefinger, and staring up at her like she’s something supernatural.

She loses track of time, of everything but the physical sensation, and then it’s the immense sensation of hologram-Chakotay pressing his cock to her ass and sliding in, in, always in. When he bottoms out all three of them are gasping. He stays still and Kathryn lifts herself a little, sinks back down, does it again, drunk on the feeling of the two cocks inside her. “Good,” she says—she’s not sure to who—and keeps doing it, fucking herself up and down on the two of them, on the way they’ve stretched her open, pressed as deep inside her as they can get. “Don’t come yet,” she tells the real Chakotay, and he says something strangled and unintelligible and keeps playing with her clit, and if he keeps doing that she’s going to come before she wants to. “Computer, second hologram,” she says, and there’s another naked version of him next to her.

“Kathryn—what—” Chakotay gasps. “What—”

“Don't come yet,” she repeats, and turns her head so that she can get her mouth around the new hologram’s cock. This, this is what she wanted, every part of her full, no room for thought or reason or worry, her brain stuttering as he thrusts gently and she takes it deep, sucks and swallows around the head of his cock and it all begins to bleed together in her head, the three of them inside her. Only then, dimly, does she realize that the real Chakotay is rubbing her clit harder, that he’s rolling one nipple firmly between two fingers on his other hand. The orgasm rips through her, all-consuming, and she tries to clench tighter on their cocks but she can’t, not fucked open this way.

Kathryn,” the second hologram says and comes down her throat. She swallows and swallows around his cock as he slides between her lips, only ever as deep as she’s programmed him to allow. Chakotay has never stopped with his fingers, even as she keeps fucking herself on his cock, and she comes again around their cocks, greedy for it. The hologram loses control, grabs her hips to hold her still and pumps his cock in and out of her ass, over and over, while the real Chakotay thrusts into her at the same time—glorious, to feel these men inside, cocks almost rubbing against each other inside of her. She comes again at the thought of it, at the sensation, and takes them both with her.

Hologram-Chakotay pulls out of her slowly, but she doesn’t release the real Chakotay. His pupils are huge in the dim light, one hand firm on her hips and the other almost teasing her clit still, as though she could come again. They’re both dripping with sweat and come and she rolls onto her back and says, “Computer, delete characters.” It’s only the two of them now, sprawled on the messy bed. Every part of her feels fucked out and there’s something deep inside that’s satisfied with that, at least for now.

“You programmed—two of me.” She hears the way he struggles to say it and enjoys that too.

“Three. In case you didn’t come—join me. But it’s better with a real person—with you—inside me.”

“All right,” he says. “That we couldn’t have done outside the holodeck.”

She doesn’t point out that they certainly could have, it just would have involved other people. Non-Chakotay people. The holodeck is the entire point of it. “Computer, shower.” It materializes just beyond the pavilion.

“Not sonic?”

“Do you want to shower with me or not?” He follows almost dumbly as she walks to the showerhead and turns it on, as the water cascades down her body.

Chakotay stands behind her and rubs soap on her body—reaches in front of her to wash her breasts until her nipples are slippery and hard, then takes his hand away. He massages his way down her back until he finds her ass and almost hesitantly pushes two fingers inside. She moans at the feeling of it, at the memories it evokes. “I could feel him fucking you, here, while I was inside you.” he says into her ear, and it’s almost a growl. “I could feel him fingering you open against my cock." He breathes a long shaky breath against her neck. She’s covered in goosebumps. “You’re still full of my come.”

“Not exactly yours,” she says, which produces the desired response when he adds a third finger. She can feel the weight of his cock against her hip. He only came once, she supposes. She spreads her legs a little wider, bends forward a little. “Want to see what you missed?”

His fingers stop moving inside her, as though he’s not sure that he heard her right. Kathryn reaches behind her and grasps his cock, guides it to where his fingers are now. When he pushes inside her, he makes a choked kind of noise and she sees sparks. She bends forward further, enough that he can get a good rhythm, and there it is again, the feeling of him falling apart desperately inside her even as his come is still dripping down her legs and she does feel like something supernatural, something fiery and elemental. She touches her clit—she’s come so many times already but she wants to drag his orgasm out of him with her own, wants to make him lose himself entirely when she clenches tight around him, and so she does it.

This time they more or less collapse to the floor of the shower. “Computer, bathtub,” she says.