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Major Kira patrols this section of the habitat ring at irregular intervals. The trick will be ensuring that she sees—and hears—them discussing Cardassia’s rebellion and their support of the Federation without making it obvious that that’s their goal. They tuck themselves into an alcove, where only someone searching for trouble will look, and Damar pushes Weyoun against the wall and kisses him, exploring his mouth and it always feels like the first time, with this Weyoun. Weyoun is listening for Kira’s approach, and when she’s out of earshot, he bites Damar’s lip as the signal. “Promise you’ll help me,” Damar says, just loud enough for Kira to hear.


“Free Cardassia—” Damar gasps when Weyoun bites his neck hard enough that a mark will show even on his hard skin. He lets one hand fall to Weyoun’s cock and rubs gently through his clothing. “Stop the—Dominion—”

Weyoun fists his hand in Damar’s hair and urges him down onto his knees, and this wasn’t part of their plan but Damar wants it, wants it badly, so he pulls Weyoun’s cock free and says again, “Promise me,” before he sucks it into his mouth.

Weyoun cries out at the first touch of Damar’s tongue and tightens his hand in Damar’s hair. “Anything—I’ll get rid of the Jem’Hadar—yield to the Federation—” As Damar takes him deeper, Weyoun says, “Please, and no wonder he likes it when Damar says it.

Damar pulls off and Weyoun almost whimpers—what a lovely sound—and presses his hand to the side of Damar’s head, hips thrusting a little toward him. “I want them gone,” he says.

“Don’t stop—yes—” With another person, Damar might suspect that he was exaggerating, but Weyoun has never been one to fake his reactions. He holds Weyoun’s hips against the wall so that he can’t thrust and begins to suck him again, very slowly, tongue flexing. He takes Weyoun’s cock all the way to the back of his throat and just holds it there, lets him feel the way that Damar’s throat is trying to close around him. Weyoun is saying nonsense now, more noises than syllables, groping for something to hold onto, and Damar loves it. Weyoun tries to escape Damar’s grip on his hips so that he can thrust into Damar’s mouth, but Damar is far stronger. He’s probably leaving bruises on Weyoun’s skin and that of all things breaks his restraint. He speeds up, bobbing up and down on Weyoun’s cock until Weyoun goes tense all over and digs his fingernails into Damar’s neck ridges. Damar releases his hips and Weyoun fucks the final few strokes into his throat before coming with another strangled cry.

Damar swallows, sucks gently until Weyoun is shaking, and then slowly releases Weyoun’s cock from between his lips. Weyoun is gazing down at him, one hand cupping his cheek. Then he says, “I think I love you,” and he sounds baffled at the words coming out of his own mouth.

Damar can’t bring himself to argue. He hears soft footfalls moving away and hopes dearly that it was Major Kira and not one of his soldiers.

* * * * *

The next day, Weyoun orders sixty Jem’Hadar to leave and sends them on a mission somewhere—Damar suspects it’s somewhere that they’re likely to die and finds that he doesn’t really care, though he wonders if this version of Weyoun does. There are only forty left now, compared to two hundred Cardassians and over seven hundred Bajorans and other assorted alien races.

Kira must have heard at least some portion of the conversation, because he can feel her sneaking glances at him during the ruling council meeting. Weyoun forgets to be obsequiously deferential to Odo and it leaves Damar tense during the entire meeting, even though Dukat doesn’t appear to notice it. He feels her staring at him in Quark’s. He wonders if she’s noticed the reduced presence of Jem’Hadar on the station.

He leaves Quark’s after a zabo steak and only three glasses of kanar. He’s keeping his promise to Weyoun—gradually. The good major accosts him in the hallway and says, “What are you doing, Damar?”

Damar looks at her for a long moment. He hadn’t been planning to reveal things to her this early. He’d wanted to wait longer, until there were even fewer Jem’Hadar on the station, until he’d had the chance to feel out Dukat. But the confrontation is here and he can’t risk lying, not when he’ll need her support later. “I discovered how to disable the minefield,” he says slowly. She doesn’t look surprised. “And I don’t want to do it.”

She crosses her arms. “You don’t want Cardassia to win the war?”

“I don’t want the Dominion to win the war. I want Cardassia free of the Dominion.”

Kira shakes her head. “Your desire to free Cardassia from an occupying force would be ironic if it weren’t so pathetic. Dukat made your bed and you don’t want to lie in it.”

“I never wanted an alliance with the Dominion,” Damar hisses. “Never. Dukat was—blind, to think it would help Cardassia.”

“So you want out. And I’m supposed to trust you?”

“I don’t expect you to trust me. You can see it for yourself. Terok Nor will be empty of Dominion soldiers by the time the Federation comes to retake it.”

She sneers. “All Dominion soldiers, Damar?”

Damar abruptly regrets his phrasing. “Everyone loyal to the Dominion.”

“Your pet Vorta?”

“Weyoun isn’t—” Damar wonders if Kira knows Cardassian physiology well enough to tell that he’s blushing. “He’s helping us.”

“And what about when his god shows up and orders him to stop?”

“He doesn’t believe that they’re gods,” Damar says.

Kira laughs aloud at that. “The Vorta were created to believe that the Founders are gods. I don’t care how good you are in bed, he’s not going to—blaspheme.”

If he were Dukat, he would leer at that. Instead, it makes him acutely uncomfortable and he has to glance away for a minute. “He said that he’s a defective clone. He told me out loud that they aren’t gods.” It feels like a violation to tell her this. He casts about for proof and looks at Kira again. “You saw what he was like with Odo at the meeting.”

“So he’s finally accepted that Odo isn’t a god. That doesn’t mean—”

“Do you want to hear him say it himself?”

“Have you considered that he might be manipulating you? That this is all some Dominion trick?” Kira looks a little disgusted with herself as she says, “That he’s playing on your—feelings?”

His entire body is cold. “Of course I have.” He hates the depth of emotion in his voice, and he clears his throat. Maybe Weyoun is right about the kanar.

“You really think he’ll do it because he loves you?” He can hear her contempt. “Dukat thinks he loves Liana, but he would never do something like this for her.”

“He’s not Dukat,” Damar insists. He can’t let himself think about that possibility. “What choice do we have but to trust him? Someone else would figure out how to disable the mines, and then I would have no control over the speed of deployment. I can only delay so long with simulations. If we can get the station—out of Dominion hands by the time the fleets arrive to fight over it, we could win that battle against the Dominion.”

“Unless the Vorta betrays us.” It’s the first time she’s acknowledged the possibility of an ‘us.’

Sudden fear lances through him. “Please don’t kill him,” he says. “Don’t kill him—the Dominion would only send another Weyoun, and that one might be…different.”

Kira snorts. “You’re just as delusional as Liana. But I suppose I have to rely on your word, don’t I.”

“I know you have no reason to trust me, or Weyoun,” Damar says. He wouldn’t trust her if their roles were reversed. “But if you believe nothing else, believe that I want Cardassia freed.”

“Yes,” Kira says. “That, at least, I believe.” She turns her back on him and walks away.