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Archive Warnings:

Cry Havoc

Chapter 23: Epilogue

Chapter Text



Most of his wounds treated, cleaned up, and clad in a fresh uniform Captain Michael Timothy Owens stepped onto the bridge of his ship for the first time since he and his officers had left for the ill-fated mission to what had once been Starfleet outpost Epsilon Twelve.

            The bridge was in bad shape. Only about half the computer consoles seemed operational and the scorched bulkheads were either lined with cracks or featured prominent fissures. Once hidden cables and conduits now lay bare and there was an unmistakable smell of recent battle in the air.

            Owens had read the report of what had transpired in his absence and he understood that Eagle’s survival had not been guaranteed at any point. While he and the senior officers had fought desperately to survive on the planet below so had Eagle and her crew struggled not to fall victim to the vicious Jem’Hadar.

            The damage was extensive. The ship had lost its warp core and most of its offensive and defensive capabilities. Life support was still working but there were power outages throughout the ship as the EPS power grid had taken serious damage, having required the evacuation of entire decks.

            “Captain on the bridge.”

            Owens froze when he heard Leva’s surprising announcement. It had been a long time since those words had been uttered on Eagle. It was not standard practice on Starfleet vessels to announce the commanding officer’s arrival but many captains had kept the old maritime tradition in place. Not so Owens.

            All senior officers appeared to be present and upon hearing the tactical officer they quickly lined up along the starboard bulkhead and stood at full attention.

            Owens nodded with appreciation at the gesture as he slowly made his way from the turbo-lift toward the command area at the center of the bridge, walking passed all his officers, exchanging a glance with each one of them.

            Xylion, So’Dan Leva, DeMara Deen, Major Cesar Wasco, Louise Hopkins even Lieutenant D’Karr were present to offer his respects to the man who had led them to victory against overwhelming odds.

            Owens painfully took note of two missing officers. Gene Edison and Nora Laas. The former, of course, would never set foot on Eagle again and he understood why his security chief was not there. Truth be told, he wanted nothing more than to hide himself away as well. It was not an option for the ship’s captain.

            Ashley Wenera stood with Lif Culsten, Lieutenant Trinik, Lance Standmore, and Ensign Srena near the main viewer, slightly separated from the others they also stood at attention.

            The viewscreen showed another familiar face. Amaya Donners stood in front of her seat on the bridge of Agamemnon, patiently waiting for Owens to complete his short journey.

            She only spoke once he had arrived in front of his own chair. “Michael, it’s good to see you again,” she said somewhat formally. She, of course, had learned by now much of what had transpired on the planet. While she didn’t know all the details of Owens’ encounter with the Jem’Hadar, she was aware of the losses he and Eagle had taken on this day. “Please allow me to offer my condolences.”

            “Thank you, Captain,” he said not even noticing that he had not called her by name. “I understand we are in your debt. Without your assistance, Eagle would not have survived.”

            “I cannot take all the credit,” she said and looked to her right where she spotted the officers who had manned Eagle in Owens’ absence. “It’s safe to say that it was your crew who saved not only your ship but mine as well. If you’re looking for heroes, they are right there with you.”

            Owens nodded slowly and gave Culsten an appreciative nod before facing his colleague on the Agamemnonagain. “I will make sure that they will receive the commendations they deserve.”

            “As will I,” she said and paused momentarily, regarding her old Academy friend. He felt distant from her, almost like a stranger. “We have received new orders from Command,” she finally continued. “Agamemnon is to head to Starbase 375 to take part in a possible counter-offensive against Dominion forces. But first, we will tow you to a repair facility.”

            “Understood. Please stand by for our signal. Owens out.”

            With that, she disappeared from the viewscreen.

            He turned to Culsten. “Lieutenant, we all owe you a great debt of gratitude for what you’ve accomplished today. You went far beyond what anyone could have expected from you.”

            “Thank you, sir,” he said, maintaining his firm posture. “But I would have been unable to accomplish anything without the extraordinary dedication of the officers under my command.”

            “Humility doesn’t suit you, Lieutenant,” Owens said with a small smile. “But it is duly noted. Please accept my thanks for keeping my ship in one piece. All of you.”

            Culsten, Srena, Wenera, and Stanmore nodded with pride. Trinik managed to keep his expression far more subdued.

            Owens turned to look at the officers who had been on Epsilon Twelve with him. “As for you,” he said. “Every one of you displayed courage and strength I would not have thought possible. I want to make it absolutely clear that without all of your combined efforts, we would not have managed to come out of this one alive. I don’t know how much of what happened on this planet will ever become public knowledge but I know with certainty that there will be at least one song that will be sung in your honor,” Owens said and then looked at D’Karr who quickly nodded with agreement. He had little doubt he was already working on the lyrics that would feature the impossible victory of one Klingon and a handful of Starfleet officers against a seemingly undefeatable changeling and an endless army of Jem’Hadar.

            Owens was pretty sure the Federation would want to classify everything to do with Archangel and Epsilon Twelve, especially since that risky experiment had ended in such a devastating failure. But no matter how secret they intended to keep this entire affair, Owens and his people would never forget what had happened here.

            “Stations,” he said and watched as his officers broke up and quickly took their positions around the bridge. Those who had no particular place to go stood at ease and remained on deck.

            Owens slowly took his chair and looked at the viewscreen still displaying the red planet of Ligos IV. He quickly came to despise the sight of it, and yet he knew it would remain etched in his memory for the rest of his life. It had given him nothing but pain and suffering. It had taken their blood and their lives and he knew that he would never return to this place as long as he was alive.

            “Mister Culsten, signal the Agamemnon that we stand ready to depart,” he said. “Let’s get the hell outta here.”






Beyond the rim of star-light

My love is wand’ ring in star flight

I know he'll find in star-clustered reaches

Love, strange love a star woman teaches

I know his journey ends never

His star trek will go on forever.

But tell him while he wanders his starry sea

Remember, remember me.


" The Theme From ‘Star Trek’ "

By Gene Roddenberry






the adventures will continue …