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Part 1 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures

Launching Day

Chapter 3: Fish And Ships With A Side Of Lead.

Chapter Text

Bullets fly, as several groups fight.
A group of scavengers, a rogue crew, and a swat team’s worth of rogue officers, all fighting over an abandoned Miranda class starship.
It was held above the ground in what seemed to be a sort of 'Spacedock on Earth' sort of thing made for smaller ships.
Breezie takes cover, trying to sneak in. She looks around hoping to find some help in this firefight. She spots a blind man sitting and playing the guitar as the fight continues nearby. She goes over to him about to talk, be he speaks first.
“You know… you could use my help in this… to claim your starship.”
She looks left and right before pointing to herself.
He chuckles “Of course I mean you Breezie, you are fine.”
She gets closer, wondering what to do. “How do you know my name?” she asks.
“I have more than the eyes I lost… I know a lot, and I can help you claim that starship,” He replies.
“Alright, what’s th-” She is cut off by him pushing her head down to avoid a shot, he looks angered as he approaches the somewhat fearful battlefield.
The Rogues didn’t care, for they did not know him. “Hey, what’s a blind guy like you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in a retirement home?” Their leader says mockingly.
The blind man begins to sing, jogging in place as he does so.
The captain of The Rogues tries to shoot at him, but the blind man curls up into a ball in his jump and throws his full body mass at the poor captain, as if he were a mobian performing a Spin Attack, crushing his head under the boot of the blind.

The rest of the rogues ran off as a mysterious group tried to fire at him, Breezie rushed to the dead man’s gun and whatever ammo was on him, beginning to fire at the corps while The Blind One continues his symphony and runs circles around the corps with a finger up and a crooked yet playful smile.
She is also getting shot at by the Scavengers, leaving her mentally overwhelmed. She grips her head, her eyes shut as she screams “EVERYONE, SHUT UP AND JUST STOP!!!” And silence filled the air. She opens her eyes and looks around, nothing moved, not even the avians in the sky. She looks at the bullets, hovering in midair. She thinks to herself for a moment, before using this to her advantage, shooting at the Scavs and going behind cover again and trying to grasp this situation. She takes some deep breaths, closing her eyes again.
“Oh Fuck! Retreat! Get us out of here!” She hears as she peaks from behind her cover, and even The Blind Man is confused.
“What just happened?” he asks,
“I dunno.” She replies “Everything just stopped for a moment.”
He sighs “If only I still had my eyes… it would make a lot more sense then.

She looks at him as they approach each other. “So, who are you?” she asks.
“Alex” He responds “Alex Brine, The All Seer. I’m a god”
She blinks a few times, “ You are what now?” Breezie replies, confused.
“I am a human, but two of my eyes have been removed, now I am mostly blind. I just call myself a god to freak people out on how I can still see.” Alex explains.
“Okay… wanna head inside?” She requests.
“Yes, that would be fine.” They both head into the Miranda class starship, hoping the ship will be able to fly away.