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Part 1 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures

Launching Day

Chapter 4: A Call To Action!

Chapter Text

They rush in and Breezie is met with a horrific sight. The interior of the starship was in a total state of disrepair.
“Good god… Looks like we’ll be staying here for a while.” Breezie says, looking around.
“You’re right. Trying to take this ship off like this is basically suicidal.” Alex replies, being careful.
“Maybe this is our signal to get a crew. They could help us repair the ship.” Breezie brings up, thinking of a good idea.
“Good plan. I’ll stay guard here, someone has to do it after all.” Alex says.
“Ok. I trust you.” Breezie says, before sprinting off out of the starship.
Alex watches, putting his hands in his pockets. “I trust you too.” Alex says.

Breezie then goes out to look for crewmembers, walking the streets of the area. The place she arrived in was called New Porter, a small town that has several Federation member owned businesses, with the exceptions being a saloon, 'small' ship parts market and an inn. She goes to the saloon first, with it being the most logical idea. She walks in and looks around, trying to not seem suspicious. She spots a young looking man, possibly about to enter his 30s with no sort of branding on him sitting alone and eating some hot pasta. He wasn’t in the best shape, he looked as if he had been out of a job for a while.

Breezie walks up to his table and sits down. “Uhm… Hi?” She asks, not trying to grab attention.
“Oh, hi. Sorry if I seem very quiet. I recently got fired from my ship for not listening to what those bastards wanted me to.” The guy says, eating another bite of his pasta. “I’m Gary, by the way.” He says.
“I’m Breezie. You said you worked on a ship, what was your job?” She asks, curious.
“I was an engineer, I worked on maintenance to ensure everything was on top form.” Gary states.
She sighs in relief before speaking up “Alright, if you want I can give you a similar job. No starfleet or anything, just you and the crew.”
Gary smiled at the proposal. “It's certainly something. You’ve got me interested. Count me in.” Gary says, shaking Breezie’s hand.
“Right, do you have a thermos?” Breezie says.
“What good crew member doesn’t? I already paid, so it doesn’t matter.” Gary says, taking one out and pouring the pasta inside, starting to eat from the thermos instead.
Breezie seems astounded. “Wow! good man, you are! Come on, Gary, follow me.” She says, leading Gary out of the saloon and to The Unreliable.

Gary looks around at the interior. “Wow. This place is in a right state. I can get it up to code, but it might take a bit of a while.” Gary says.
“I’d say it’s fine. Breezie still needs to find more crew members so you should have plenty of time.” Alex says.
“Yeah, what’s she going to do with just us two?” Gary replies, still looking around the interior.
Meanwhile, Breezie decides to walk back to the pub where she met Andy, wondering if he might be interested in coming along with his crew. Breezie entered and looked around for Andy.
Andy was still there, alright. His crew however, seem to have deserted him.
“Hey, Andy? Where’s your crew gone?” Breezie asks, concerned.
“Y’know how I said they deserted me when I sprained my ankle? Yeah, turns out they just wanted rid of me. They got in one of their own shuttles and flew off…” Andy explains.
Breezie was disgusted. “Wow. What crew they are. Hey, tell you what? I’ll get you on my ship. I’m in need of a crew anyway.” Breezie says.
Andy smiles.
Breezie helps Andy get up and the two walk to The Unreliable, now under repairs.

On the duo’s journey, they spot a Saiyan with a light tan, a small scar on the bridge of his nose and messy black hair resembling more of a set of circular saw blades if anything, looking at the traditional Saiyan battle armour he once wore on the ground, wearing a cosy maroon hoodie and charcoal grey joggers instead. They could tell it was a Saiyan via the marks under his eyes.
Breezie decided that he could be a helpful member. “Hey! Who are you?” Breezie asks, stopping in their tracks.
The Saiyan looks up and then at Breezie. “Oh. Well, I’m Sutaba. Good to meet you.” The Saiyan introduces themselves.
“I’m Breezie, this is Andy. I’m currently recruiting for a crew for my ship. Would you mind helping us?” Breezie asks.
Sutaba thinks about it for a second, looking between the abandoned armour and Breezie. “Well, considering my last job, this seems like a much better investment. I’m in.” Sutaba says, shaking Breezie’s free hand.