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Part 1 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures

Launching Day

Chapter 6: The Unreliable Takes Flight!

Chapter Text

The TARDIS lands just by the Miranda class.
Gary and Alex look up towards the sound as the Police Box materialises.
Breezie exits, Alex responding while "glancing" at her. "Found the Hedgehog and His Cartoon Companion?" He asks.
She nods "Yep, we got the parts."
And then work finally concluded to restore The Unreliable. The warp core was given a wipe down and clean out, then the computer, then the interior was finished up to stop all of the hazards.
Alex guided those who couldn't see what he did, Sutaba did the heavy lifting, and Breezie and Gary did repairs in their own fields. Sally and Devoid came to help too.
After a few days, the ship was as good as new… even with a fresh coat of paint to really emphasise the name, that they belonged to nobody… at the moment.

Breezie entered the bridge, along with Alex and the rest. She looks around, ignoring the TARDIS right next to the turbolift, as Alex offers her a seat in the Captain's chair.
"For me?" She asks, looking confused at Alex. "You helped us with the ship more than I did."
Alex smiles and shakes his head "You found this, and fought for it… I'm letting you be Captain so your potential can be obtained."
Breezie smiles as she sits down, tying back her afro with a hair tie, and everyone gets ready for take off.
Alex sitting at tactical, Sutaba sitting at navigation, and Gary down below for engine support.
She takes a deep breath. "This is Breezie McKormic, requesting takeoff." She says into the comms.
She gets a "This is Station 6 of Terra Ⅳ, you are free to take off." In response. The rest of the crew got into whatever seat they could find on the bridge and began to prepare for launch.

Lights began turning on across the exterior, highlighting the name and NCC number as systems began powering up.
“Impulse engines online.” Gary says, the impulse engines glowing red hot.
The artificial gravity holding the ship at the dock was disabled as the ship began gliding out of the dock and above the ocean.
“Warp core ready. At your word, Captain.” Alex says as the Warp Core finishes charging up.
“Alright then…” Breezie says, waiting to think of something. “Blast off.” Breezie says.
Alex nods and the ship gets ready for warp, rising away from the ocean like an aeroplane as the Warp Nacelles glow.
They soon exit the atmosphere, the blue skies of Terra Ⅳ giving way to the blackness of space. Suddenly, the ship jumps to warp. Launching the Unreliable far from Terra Ⅳ… And onto new adventures.

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