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Part 2 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures

Mirror Leakage


Devoid finds some old friends that don't seem to recognise him. Meanwhile, mysterious wormholes are appearing and enemies from another universe are beginning to invade.


Also written by Fateweaver

Chapter 1: First Stop.

Chapter Text

Gary was looking in the computer logs in several rooms for programs that could help them on their journey through space. Then, he came across a program in sickbay simply labelled ‘EMH version 0.82’. “Huh, what could that be for? On a Miranda class ship no less… Would fit more on a medical vessel.” Gary asks.
“Computer, activate EMH.” Gary commands.
The computer beeps in response. Suddenly, a balding man in his 40s in a science Starfleet uniform from the 2350s appeared to the side of Gary, as if he had just materialised out of nowhere.
“Please state the nature of the medical emergency.” The man speaks in a sort of neutral voice, as if nothing was wrong.
“You must be the EMH.” Gary utters, turning to the man.
“Yes. Emergency Medical Hologram… It seems you might need me due to the lack of a doctor on the ship.” The man replies, observing the quite empty Sickbay behind him.
“You’re right there. Is there a way we can get you around the ship? I don’t think we have any holo-emitters around the rest of this place.” Gary asks.
“Yes, there is. You just have to transfer me to the Mobile Emitter. Got it from a voyage in the 29th century.” The man explains.
“Good to know. Thankfully, I think I know what those are.” Gary replies. Gary looks to the computer. “Computer, deactivate program.” Gary commands. The guy disappears with a few beeps from the computer.

The Unreliable flies through subspace as if it hadn’t laid abandoned for a long time. “Andy, are there any stations nearby in which we can dock? I’m thinking I need to do some maintenance.” Breezie speaks, concerned for the ship.
“I see no reason to do maintenance, but if you want…” Andy replies, manning the communications console. “There’s a space station in orbit of Regula, owned by the Ferengi. Mainly used for buying ores, but does offer ship parts and a place to dock.” Andy continues.
“Sounds good. Set a course there.” Breezie commands.
“On it, captain.” Andy replies, setting a course to Regula.
Gary walks into the bridge, looking around to see everything running efficiently, which made the name of the ship seem rather ironic. “Where are we going?” Gary asks, sitting down on one of the many chairs on the bridge.
“A Ferengi space station orbiting Regula. Breezie feels as if she needs to do maintenance.” Andy explains.
“Hm, maybe there we could get some newer equipment. Ferengi are known to sell at any opportunity.” Gary replies.

The Unreliable drops out of warp near Regula, the space station in the sight of the Miranda class starship. The Unreliable moves into one of the docking ports… which just seems to open up for them. The ship flies in and a bridge is extended to the airlock of the ship.
The crew + Devoid & Sally headed to the airlock and left the Unreliable.
“Y'know, that was nice. They just let us in.” Breezie says, heading to the door that leads into the main station.
“Anything to make a profit, I suppose.” Devoid replies, shrugging with his hands in his pockets.
Everyone walked through the main door, finding that the station… was like a shopping mall in space!
There were shops for all the needs Breezie might’ve wanted, and some more too! Breezie makes a swift course to the starship weapons store, hoping they’d have more powerful equipment than what’s already on the Unreliable.
“Oh, why hello Madam, would you like to buy some of our wares?” The Ferengi at the desk says, seeing Breezie walk in.
Breezie’s eyes scanned the walls, decorated with starship weapons.

Meanwhile, Gary walked around, before seeing a strange looking being sitting on some shipping crates.
Her skin was the colour of Ballet Slipper pink, she had practically fluorescent orange hair, magenta eyes, wearing a baggy brightly coloured shirt (almost looking like tie-dye) which was seemingly held onto her by some overalls along with wearing some steel tipped, ankle tall boots.
“Hey, you lost or something?” Gary asked, putting his hands on his hips.
“No? Why’d you ask?” She asked back, leaning forward to Gary.
“You look like you have nowhere to go. I could use a bit of help on my ship. I’m the only main engineer, after all.” Gary explains.
“You’d be right there. What’s the class?” She asks, curious.
“Just a simple Miranda. We only took it off about a few hours ago. The captain’s off getting some mods for the ship.” Gary explains.
“Hmm… Well, sounds like a good offer. I’m in.” She says, hopping off of the shipping crates.
“What’s your name? I never got it.” Gary asks as she hops off the crates.
“I’m Fiora Sweetheart. You are?” She says.
“I’m Gary Calces, good to meet you.” Gary replies, shaking Fiora’s hand.

The two made their way to the rest of the group, with Breezie transporting what seemed to be 2 massive guns to the Unreliable to be applied by some workers of the space station that she contracted to do.
As the guns were applied, the rest of the crew got to know Fiora… until Devoid got distracted.
“Hey… Those guys look familiar.” Devoid says, pointing at 2 people.
One with blonde hair, a black jacket and a maroon t-shirt and another who was hispanic, had puffy black hair, a scar on his upper lip and a sleeveless blue hoodie on.
Devoid approached them, happy to see some people that he hadn’t seen in a long while.
“Hey Chris & Jay, how’s life?” Devoid asked.
“Do I know you? How do you know my name?” ‘Chris’ says.
“I’m likely right. See? That rift led us to an alternate world!” ‘Jay’ says back. “I mean, maybe the version of you in this world knows that hedgehog.” He continues.
“Wait, alternate worlds?” Devoid says, confused.
“Maybe we should check. Perhaps the ship’s doctor would know.” Sutaba brings up.
“Alright… If it confirms my theory, I’m up for it.” ‘Jay’ replies.
“Alright, I’ll get them aboard the ship. The addition of those guns should be done soon.” Breezie says, getting up.