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Part 2 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures

Mirror Leakage

Chapter 4: Facing Yourself.

Chapter Text

The Unreliable dropped out of warp, Fiora walked up to the bridge to see Breezie looking at a cloud of stars oddly…
“Breezie, what’s up with that?” Fiora asks.
“I’m not sure. Alex, do a scan of that cluster and compare it to the one we did of the rift that Excelsior class came out of… I have a feeling it might be another rift.” Breezie commands.
Alex runs the scan and compares it… The tension was so thick around the bridge that it could be cut. “The energy wavelengths… They’re a near match!” Alex replies, throwing the bridge into chaos.
“I knew it. The Terrans must’ve noticed the attack. They’ve probably got you on a hitlist now, Breezie!” Mirror Jay shouts. Just then, a familiar saucer begins peeking through.
“A Terran ship is coming through the rift, Red Alert!” Breezie commands. It didn’t prepare her… for what Terran ship would come through.
The ISS Reliable.

“Good god…” Sutaba utters in shock.
“It’s us. The evil version of us.” Fiora utters, lost in fear.
“Even if it is ourselves, we shouldn't back do-” Breezie tried to motivate her crew, but the ship was blasted in the saucer by a Photon Torpedo, knocking her down and interrupting her.
“Sutaba! Fire the Rail Guns! Andy! Get us the hell away!” Breezie commands.
The Unreliable started turning around, the Rail Guns rotating and taking aim at the ISS Reliable. It fired and started whittling away at the shields of the Terran ship…
However, a phaser blast near the impulse engines by the ISS Reliable caused a bit of a problem. “GOD DAMN IT, I NEED TIME TO THINK!” Breezie yelled in severe stress, her eyes clenched shut… and everything stopped. The sounds of the Red Alert were replaced with the all encompassing roar of silence.
“Well. That helps.” She says to herself. She got up and looked at the situation from Sutaba’s tactical screen… The ISS Reliable was quite close, also lacking the rail guns the Unreliable had. Breezie then had a thought. If the ISS Reliable matched closely with the Unreliable… Then the warp core was in the same place. Breezie temporarily took control of the Tactical console and set 2 torpedoes. One aimed at the ISS Reliable’s torpedo launcher, and another at the Terran Miranda class vessel’s warp core.

She calmly walked to the captain’s chair, closed her eyes and took a sigh of relief. Time seemingly restarted, the 2 torpedoes launched from the Unreliable’s torpedo launcher and left the ISS Reliable with no torpedo launcher and a ticking time bomb for a warp core.
“What in the world?” Sutaba asks, looking confused at how 2 photon torpedoes launched with no input from him.
“Pay it no mind, Sutaba. Ready those Rail Guns once more. Andy, make us orbit the ISS Reliable… Let’s cut this thing like a Christmas turkey.” Breezie commands, smirking.
The Unreliable began spinning around the ISS Reliable, popping holes into its mirror self like Bubble Wrap, before the ISS Reliable’s Warp Core violently exploded, which the shields of the Unreliable managed to take with little to no stress. The Unreliable flew away from the scraps of the ISS Reliable, heading to warp soon after.

Mirror Chris walked onto the bridge soon after, concerned. “I don’t believe this is the end. The Terran Empire might launch all out war against the Federation. You took out 2 of their ships! That’s not something people say with little regard in my universe.” He explains, Breezie listening as the ship flies through Subspace.
“Maybe so… But who’s to say the Federation won’t fight back with what they’ve got? I mean, I don’t know what they have now, I was a popsicle for 150 years!” Breezie replies, getting up from her chair. “Now, if you excuse me, I have some catching up to do.” She concludes, leaving the bridge and heading for her quarters.

Breezie looked upon the database in her quarters, reading up on ship classes and events that have happened since 2214.
Just then, Alex came into the room as Breezie looked up the person who freed her. Benn Medzin.
“What are you reading?” Alex asked, looking up at Breezie. “Just up on the database and… Oh god.” Breezie answered, as she read upon the first sentences of Benn’s page.
‘Benn Medzin (2187-2310) is a former Starfleet officer and founder (and first president) of the racist Anti-Khitomer Protesters.’
Alex could see it from her face. “I see you read it.” He said, walking towards Breezie. “He was always vocal on how Klingons were mindless brutes, especially after the Khitomer Accord in 2293. So much so that when he was told to stop it before he could get harmed, he went out in his ship, the USS Impala… and destroyed 5 Klingon and Federation ships on his way to found the Anti-Khitomer Protesters.” Alex explained.
Breezie felt conflicted, how could the man that sent her away cause so much harm for others? She scrolled down… and found a paragraph on the plans that he had for her and the Unreliable… The Klingon Extermination Project. Which involved the hijacking of the USS Reliable and turning it into a fearmongering Warship more akin to something planned for the Terran Empire. Breezie felt as if she was going to be sick. “Good god… Was I going to do that? Was that his horrific plan?!” Breezie shook as she spoke, tears starting to run down her face in both horror and severe distress.
“Oh no, this isn’t good. I’ll get you to sickbay.” Alex says, helping her up and turning off the database viewer.