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Part 2 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures

Mirror Leakage

Chapter 5: Against His Wishes.

Chapter Text

It had been a few days after the battle with the ISS Reliable. The Unreliable dropped out of warp near the Donatu system; it had caught an unstable SOS signal. The crew didn’t catch what ship sent it, but had to help. As the Unreliable approached, they found out what sent it. A Klingon Vor'cha Class. The ship had clearly seen better days as it looked like it was holding on for dear life!
“Good god… What could’ve done that?” Devoid uttered, looking upon the viewscreen in shock.
“Try and hail them, hopefully their communications systems are functional.” Breezie commands, hoping for the best.
“On it, Breezie.” Devoid says, running to the unmanned Communications console (as Sally Sillington was still having breakfast) and sending out a hailing signal.
Thankfully, the ship answered back. A wounded Klingon was standing in front, the bridge seeming in severe disrepair. “What do you want? Are you going to finish us off?!” The Klingon said, a mixture of anger and oddly enough, fear in his voice.
“No. I’m Breezie McKormic. I’ve come to help. Are your transporters operational?” Breezie says, standing confidently.
“Thankfully, they are. One of the few things that works besides Life Support.” The Klingon replies.
“Alright. I’ll bring 2 of my engineers along and we’ll help you fix your ship enough to get to Qo’noS for further repairs. My ship, The Unreliable, will escort you on this journey to ensure your safety.” Breezie explains.
“Qatlho'.” The Klingon says before ending the transmission, the sight of the trashed Vor'cha Class appearing once again.
“I’ll go get Gary and Fiora and head to the Klingon ship. Everyone else, stay on the Unreliable and keep systems running.” Breezie spoke, before heading into the turbolift.

Aboard the damaged Vor'cha Class, Breezie, Gary & Fiora materialise on the transporter, being greeted by the Klingon that explained the situation to them.
“Greetings, I am Lotren, Son of Agnus. Welcome to the IKS 'ejyaH. It’s good to see you answered the SOS.” The Klingon speaks as the trio walk off the transporter pad.
“What exactly happened here? Did it play into why you seemed unsure of the Unreliable?” Breezie asked, curious.
“Quite a bit, yes.” The Klingon says as he begins walking out of the transporter room, with Breezie, Fiora & Gary following.
“You see, we were heading back to Qo’noS after preventing Romulan ships from trying to destroy one of those Federation ships… It was a funny looking one but I'm getting off topic. You see, we suddenly got attacked by what looked to be Federation ships… but they had stronger weapons and a symbol with a human sword going through the Earth on it.” The Klingon explains to the group as they walk across the wrecked corridors.
“The Terran Empire… Those bastards.” Gary utters in disgust.
“They blew one of our nacelles and forced us to drop out of warp… but they didn’t attack us after that. Much of the crew is gone and I might be the only one conscious.” The Klingon explains further as the 4 of them went through the corridors of the ship.

Meanwhile, on the Unreliable, Devoid’s pocket begins vibrating… Someone was calling him. “Oh, sorry. I’m getting a call. Hang on.” Devoid says, heading to the turbolift and setting it to the mess hall.
“How is he getting a reception in deep space? Cell Phones are outdated as hell!” Sutaba asks, confused.
“Beats me too. I don’t think he’s hacked it into the subspace network like Chris and I did.” Mirror Jay replies, clueless.
Devoid arrives in the empty mess hall, answering the phone. “Hello? Who is it?” Devoid speaks.
“Hey bud! How’s everything on your… Travels and such?” Barnaby responded.
“Oh, Barnaby! Yeah, they’ve been quite eventful. I’m on a starship right now. Been accompanying the crew through their voyages.” Devoid replied, leaning on a wall.
“Sounds fun. Wally’s missing you though, I see him starin where your house once was every now and then. Gotta snap him out of it when he does.” Barnaby speaks, a bit concerned for Wally.
“Hm. Is he with you right now?” Devoid asks.
“Yeah, he is. Why’d you ask?” Barnaby answers.
“Put him on the phone.” Devoid replies. Soon enough, Barnaby passed the phone to Wally.
“Hello? Who’s there?” Wally asks, as Barnaby didn’t say who was on the phone.
“Hey, Wally. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” Devoid answers.
“Yes, it has. Doesn’t feel the same without you around.” Wally responds, seeming quite a bit sad.
“Well, don’t you worry. Once I’m done with helping Breezie, me and Sillington will pay a visit.” Devoid spoke, confident.
“I’ll be looking forward to it.” Wally says back, sounding slightly less sad.
“I bet. See you soon, Wally!” Devoid responded, with Wally saying goodbye as well before Devoid hung up.

Back on the damaged IKS 'ejyaH, Breezie was fixing up some of the bridge consoles. While the design was foreign to her, she tried to fix it up as if it were a Starfleet ship. The console came back online, but not at full efficiency.
Fiora & Gary were working hard too, making sure the impulse engines came back online.
Breezie looked from the console to Lotren. Who was watching from just his captain’s chair. “Y’know, the only thing I’m jealous about is the fact that you have a chair that rotates 360 degrees. Mine can just go 45 in each direction! It’s really awkward when I need to analyse a situation.” Breezie says to Lotren as she heads to another console, checking the status of the ship. “Gary and Fiora are doing a good job on the impulse engines, they’re back to 85% efficiency already!” Breezie says to herself, watching as the data updates across the ship.
“Right, perhaps we should hail the Unreliable and be ready to go?” Lotren asks.
“Good plan. When we get back to Qo’noS, me and my crew will beam back to the Unreliable.” Breezie replies, pointing a thumbs up at Lotren.
Gary & Fiora head to the bridge of the IKS 'ejyaH to take a position at some of the consoles.
“Y’know, never worked on a Klingon ship before, let alone a bridge… I’m sure I’ll get used to it.” Fiora says, looking down at the console and just how… different it was to a console on the Unreliable.
The IKS 'ejyaH hailed the Unreliable. “We’re being hailed by the Klingon ship.” Sally Sillington says, now back from her breakfast. “On screen.” Sutaba answers, pointing to the viewscreen. Lotren along with the visiting crew of the Unreliable appear on the viewscreen. “We’ve got much of the essential systems repaired. The escort shall begin.” Lotren says.
“On it, we’ll get you to Qo’nos and make sure your ship is properly repaired.” Sutaba replies.
Lotren hangs up and starts up impulse engines on the ‘ejyaH.
The Unreliable does the same, making sure to not fall behind the ‘ejyaH.

As this happens, Mirror Chris watches from the windows of his allocated quarters. He was doing some reading up and looking at news distribution services… Until he came across a certain headline.
“TERRAN DEBRIS FOUND: Mystery Miranda makes a strike.” The headline said.
Mirror Chris went to the article. Turns out the Mystery Miranda was the Unreliable. The headline was rather vague and didn’t even say who the captain was. But all this made Mirror Chris download the article onto a PADD to give to Breezie later.
The 2 ships made their way across Klingon Space largely undisturbed. The Unreliable did have to answer to a few passing by ships to ensure this isn’t a hostage situation as they escorted the ‘ejyaH back to Qo’nos for maintenance. They soon made it to Qo’nos, leaving the ‘ejyaH to dock before beaming the visiting crew of the Unreliable aboard.
Lotren and a few other Klingons give their thanks as they are beamed to the Unreliable.
The Unreliable didn’t stay for long, turning back and warping away to make sure they didn’t overstay their welcome.

Breezie, Mirror Chris & Gary were in the mess hall after the escort.
“I guess it’s not just Terrans that know this ship now.” Gary says, reading the article off of the PADD in Breezie’s hands.
“This battle… It happened 3 days ago. Why’d they make an article about it now?” Breezie asks, confused.
“It was published only a few hours after, I just happened to find it now.” Mirror Chris explains.
“Well, that makes sense. Perhaps Starfleet might have an interest in this ship?” Gary asks, looking around.
“Maybe, maybe not. It’s only a Miranda class, after all.” Mirror Chris says, which made Breezie look quite pissed.
“Well, compared to what we had before I was frozen, this is essentially a dreadnought! Especially with the modifications!” Breezie replies, making a point.
Mirror Chris shrugs as he leaves the mess hall.