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Part 2 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures

Mirror Leakage

Chapter 7: Unreliable Joins The Fleet!

Chapter Text

The 2 ships dropped out of warp, joining the barrier of ships surrounding the rift in a 180 degree manner.
They could see the USS Longhorn nearby, clearly being a Cheyenne class ship.
“Red Alert! We don’t know when those Terran ships are coming through, so we best be prepared!” Breezie says, the bridge dimming with the red pulsating light turning on. Breezie heads to her chair and holds down a button. “Bridge to Engineering, I’ll need you to optimise our energy flow so we can fire as many weapons as we can once those ships come through.” Breezie commands.
“On it, Breezie. We’ll try to optimise it to the best of our ability.” Gary replies.
"Reducing power from non-essential services in order to put them to the weapons, shields and engines!" Fiora says to Gary.
“Scans from the USS Longhorn are saying several Terran ships are coming through now!” Sally Sillington says.
“Alright then, go with the other ships, CHARGE!” Breezie shouts, the Unreliable following the fleet into battle.

Terran ships appeared through the rift, firing phasers at the incoming fleet. Thankfully, the fleet had the brains to raise their shields, so the phasers only did moderate damage to them.
“Shields are at 82% and holding, Breezie.” Sutaba says, reading from his tactical console.
“Maintain course, we aren’t backing down now!” Breezie commands, the Unreliable making a direct course to the rift generator.
Mirror Chris took this as a chance. In the Unreliable’s shuttle bay, Mirror Chris’s TARDIS began to dematerialise as the Unreliable speeds to the rift generator… It rematerialised outside, before it sped into the rift, heading back to their home world.
“The dimensional residue of our mirror universe visitors has disappeared, they must’ve returned home.” Devoid says, reading from a console.
“Then I wish them the best of luck. We should be almost at the Rift Generator… Prepare to fire all weapons!” Breezie says.
As the Unreliable approaches the rift generator, it fires its phasers and rail guns, crippling the generator before completely destroying it with a few photon torpedoes.

As the Unreliable races away from the exploding rift generator (which causes the rift to fizzle out like a firework.), a Terran ship decides to get a spoonful of vengeance by firing a spread of Photon Torpedoes to try and cripple the shields. This caused havoc on the bridge as the ship shook from the explosions.
“Shields are failing! They must’ve done something to their torpedoes!” Sutaba yells.
However, like a superhero, the USS Whistler flies above the Terran ship and fires torpedoes at whatever forms of propulsion the Terran ship had, causing the nacelles and impulse engines to explode violently.
“Breezie, we got a message from the USS Whistler. It says ‘I guess I don’t owe you anymore’.” Sally Sillington reads out from the comm console.
“Remind me to thank Captain Takizawa once this is all over. Sutaba, restore shields! Alex, make sure they’re strengthened to take more damage!” Breezie says.
The Unreliable begins firing at whatever Terran ships cross its path, even slicing open the bridge of one of them! It seemed the Terran shields were rather inefficient.
The USS Longhorn raced next to the Unreliable above a Terran Ambassador Class ship, before both decided to cause hell by raining torpedoes onto the ship, turning it into a flaming ball of scrap. As a Terran Niagara class tries to block both ships' way, the Unreliable uses its rail guns to fire through the deflector dish, before expanding the many small cavities with one BIG cavity as both ships fire weapons THROUGH the engineering hull. Both the Unreliable & the USS Longhorn make it through.
The rest of the fleet tore through the remaining Terran Ships, The Unreliable decided to help out by taking out a Terran Challenger class vessel by firing torpedoes at the nacelles not unlike what the USS Whistler did to help them.
Soon enough, there were no Terran ships left, only wreckage. The crews of every ship in the fleet celebrated, before heading back to Earth Spacedock, including the Unreliable.

Once they got there at max warp, the ships (albeit, mildly battered) arrived to the sound of applause from Earth Spacedock.
As many of the crews beamed over to the station for the celebration, the crew of the Unreliable took a shuttle.
Once they arrived, they were invited to join the celebration with the other crews, including their holographic doctor as Breezie believes they should ‘join the fun’.
As Breezie was talking with a few of the other captains, she was brought aside by Admiral Hudson, who wanted to talk with her ever since finding out she was alive.
“I believe I should introduce myself. I’m Admiral Richard Hudson of Starfleet Command… and while I don’t wish to enlist you, your crew and your ship in Starfleet, I wish to officiate you as an ally.” Admiral Hudson explains.
“Which means?” Breezie asks, not exactly sure what Admiral Hudson meant.
“You can assist in missions or ask for assistance yourself if you please, but you can continue your own independent voyages, along with gaining these for ease of communication. They’re some spares from Starfleet, but I’m sure you’ll be fine with it.” Admiral Hudson continues, giving Breezie a thin black box with the outlined Starfleet insignia on it in half silver and half gold.
Inside there contained combadges for permanent and temporary officers. Permanent in gold, temporary in silver.
“Thank you, I’ll distribute them to my crew once the party is over.” Breezie replies, closing the box as it was handed to her.
Once the party ended, the crew of the Unreliable headed to their ship, which just finished getting repaired. Breezie took this chance to distribute the combadges. Mostly everyone got gold, except Devoid & Sillington by request, who got silver.