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Part 3 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures

Parasitic Relic

Chapter 5: Released

Chapter Text

“Captain’s Log, Stardate: 41534.77. We have been trying to investigate this parasite for 5 hours. Wally has informed us of its name from when he and Devoid battled it. It was called Home and had taken control of his house as a vessel. We don’t know if that is the actual name or if there's a proper antidote besides extreme heat which wouldn't work on living vessels such as Devoid, but whatever is going on, I just hope Columbia doesn't find us before we find it.”

Breezie sat in the mess hall aboard the Lynimick, writing something down onto a PADD, when Wally came over to her, his coat draped over his shoulder. “Wally? Why are you here?” Breezie asks, looking up from her PADD.
“They asked for me to come aboard due to my first-hand experience with Home so I can explain what it did.” Wally explains.
“And what's with your coat?” Breezie asks.
“It was rather warm in the room where they interviewed me, so I just took it off.” Wally continues to explain as he sits down, draping his coat over the chair.
“Understandable reasoning. So have they made any progress?” Breezie asks.
“They have been ‘studying the molecular structure to try and make an antigen’, whatever that means.” Wally replies, not exactly getting what they were saying.
“Ah, I understand. Trying to figure out what it is so they know how to fight that damn bug in Devoid’s head.” Breezie says.
“Bug? There's no insects in Devoid’s head.” Wally replies, confused.
“I meant the illness brought about by the parasite. If there were insects, that'd be very concerning.” Breezie explains.
“It'd be a reason to get Frank aboard, they like bugs!” Wally replies, chuckling. Wally looked over at the Replicators on the walls, seeing people come up to it to get food. “What is that?” Wally asks, pointing at them.
“Oh, it’s called a ‘Replicator’. Apparently, you say what you want and just… Get it.” Breezie explains.
“No way.” Wally says, getting up and walking to the replicator. “Apple.” Wally spoke into the replicator.
“There are over 7,500 varieties of apple available from this replicator.” The replicator responded “Such as Red Delicious, Gala Apples, Fuji Apples, Braeburn Apples, Honeycrisp-” The replicator continued before Wally interjected.
“Honeycrisp is fine.” He says. The scarlet apple materialised from the replicator, Wally watching in awe as Breezie approached. “This is… an apple?” Wally asks as he picked up the replicated apple.
“As real as the ones grown on Earth. Have a bite.” Breezie replied.
Wally glanced at the apple and took a bite… and it was delicious. “Mmmm! How many varieties of apple did it say there were?” Wally asked.
“Over 7500, but that's just the earth varieties.” Breezie says before heading to the replicator herself. “Donut, pink frosting, lots of sprinkles.” She says, before the donut materialised. “I prefer more sweet treats.” Breezie said, picking up the donut and taking a bite out of it.
“Well, to each their own. Frank has a bowl of peppermints in their house.” Wally says as Breezie chews on the donut.

Suddenly, an alarm goes off. Breezie swallows the chunk of donut in her mouth. “Oh shit… a red alert. Something bad must've happened. Wally, I trust you can keep the mess hall safe while I'm gone.” Breezie says.
“You can count on me, Captain!” Wally replies, over the top salute and all.
Breezie chuckles before rushing away, stuffing the donut in her mouth and finishing it before seeing the issue at hand… the parasite had gotten free. “Doctor!” Breezie yelled as she rushed in, only to find the EMH still active, treating the injured officers.
“Ah, no need to worry, Breezie. I'm quite alright.” The EMH says.
Breezie breathed a sigh of relief. “What happened?” She asked.
“The sample we got must've woken up. I believe it's rampaging through this deck as we speak.” The EMH responds.
“Then I best not waste any time!” Breezie yelled, rushing to a storage compartment and taking out a Type 1 phaser. “Not what I'm used to, but it'll do.” She uttered before walking out of the science lab.

The parasite barged through the deck, before being barricaded by a team of security officers, led by Tasha Yar. “You aren't going anywhere.” Tasha said, standing her ground, her blue eyes piercing through.
The parasite tried to find a form familiar to her, but it didn't work.
Tasha and the security team fired phasers at the parasite, causing it to scream with all of the voices it had.
The parasite responded by impaling most of the security team with tentacles, Tasha being the only survivor… only having a small lock of her hair sliced off.
The parasite took this as an opportunity, absorbing the hair and taking Tasha's form.
“Oh, this is new… I haven’t been a human before.” The parasite said, now in the form of Tasha.
“What the hell do you think you're doing?! Tasha yelled, not exactly happy someone took her form.
“Being the better you.” The parasite responded, approaching Tasha as it snarled.
Just then, Breezie arrived, the phaser in her hand. “Oh, I see there's 2 of you now. Which one of you is the real Tasha?” Breezie says, pointing her phaser at both of them. “He said it was always in the eyes.” Breezie thought, remembering what Wally said about the cloning ability. Breezie remembered Tasha had blue eyes from their first encounter. Her own Amber eyes glared at the parasite.
It was mostly like Tasha… but it had brown eyes.
Breezie fired. The parasite screamed as its form distorted, the eyes totally going black and Julie’s horns briefly appearing. “It’s not enough, I'm gonna need more power!” Breezie yelled.
Tasha responded by taking her own phaser and a phaser from one of the dead security team and dual wielding. Firing both phasers.
The 3 beams hit the parasite. It screamed in agonising pain as it melted back down to its prior form.
Tasha and Breezie stopped firing. Tasha tapped her combadge. “Tasha to bridge, the parasite has been dealt with, but most of the security team is dead.” She uttered, looking at the corpses with a saddened look.
Breezie looked at Tasha. “Look, it's not your fault. We managed to win anyway and they did their part. They gave themselves to save everyone else.” Breezie says.
Tasha nodded, understanding, but still mourning the dead members.

Breezie made her way back to the science lab to check on the team. “So, what progress did you make before it broke out?” Breezie asked, looking at the EMH.
“We had just finished work on the cure. It seemed to work when we tested it. All it takes now is to head back to the Unreliable and make Devoid drink it.” The EMH replies.
Breezie smiled, progress was being made. Soon, they’d be able to beat the NX-02… and Home along with it.