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Part 3 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures

Parasitic Relic

Chapter 6: Heal That Hedgehog!

Chapter Text

“Captain’s Log Supplemental: A cure for the parasite has been developed thanks to the EMH and the science team of the Lynimick, we are making our way back to the Unreliable in order to cure Devoid of the parasite. Then our efforts can be focused on fighting Home.”

The shuttle lands back in the Unreliable.
“Good to see you back here, Breezie.” Sally says, looking rather restless.
“You seem a tad worn out, perhaps you should get some rest?” Breezie replies.
“No can do, I’m helping care for Devoid. He’s at least been getting some nutrients as he’s conscious enough to drink. So I kinda just blended a cheeseburger and made him drink it.” Sally spoke.
“I assume Lieutenant Motra has been helping out?” the EMH asks.
“Well, he has been as good a nurse as I have been a good doctor.” Sally retorted, chuckling.
“Right, let’s get this cure to Devoid ASAP. Doctor, you can heal him.” Breezie says.
“On it, Breezie.” The EMH says, heading to the turbolift.

The EMH arrived back in sickbay, finding Devoid… oddly twitchy. “Devoid? Are you ok?” The EMH asks.
Devoid suddenly jolted up, panting and snarling like a feral animal.
The EMH seemed concerned, so he took a tricorder out to scan Devoid.
Devoid didn't take kindly to this and tried to lunge at the holographic doctor's head.
The EMH responded by making his head intangible, making Devoid fall right through. The EMH panicked and tapped his combadge. “Doctor to Breezie, Devoid’s likely been taken over by the parasite. We need to do something about it!” The EMH yelled as Devoid rushed out of sickbay.

Breezie & Sally arrived on the deck sickbay was on via the turbolift, quickly heading to sickbay to see what was up. “Any idea where he went?” Breezie asked.
“He's likely lapping the deck, you know how fast those hedgehogs go.” The EMH says.
“Well, any idea how to make him drink the cure?” Breezie asked again, not knowing any way to help Devoid out.
Sally thought, before a lightbulb materialised over her head.
“I might have a way.” Sally stated.
“Alright then, do tell us.” The EMH replied, not knowing how a powered lightbulb just materialised.

Sally, Wally & Breezie were in the corridor, Sally having the cure in her hands.
“So, you're saying we fling you through the corridor and you can make Devoid drink it?” Wally asks.
“Yep! Now, I'm gonna grab onto the walls and you're gonna have to pull.” Sally replies as she chugs the cure, holding it in her mouth. She grabbed the walls of the corridor, and Breezie and Wally grabbed her waist.
They pulled back, making Sally's arms stretch (which didn't hurt due to her being a toon).
“On the count of 3, Wally, we let go!” Breezie commands.
Wally nodded in response.

“One… Two… THREE!” Breezie shouted.

They let go, sending Sally flying through.
She rocketed through the corridors like a missile, likely living up to ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ by Queen. She flew through, catching up to Devoid, who was trying to find people to attack. Soon enough though, she did.
Sally crashed into Devoid, making him land on his back.
Devoid squirmed, trying to escape.
“Here goes nothing!” Sally thought… as she kissed Devoid, transferring the cure between mouths and making him drink it.
Devoid was knocked back out as the parasite was dissolved in his body.
Sally got up and wiped her mouth.
Breezie and Wally run up to them. “Did it work?” Wally asks.
“Not sure, he’s still unconscious.” Sally replies.
Rather quickly though, Devoid woke back up. “What in the… Where the fuck am I? Wasn't I on the NX-02?” Devoid asked, rubbing his head due to a mild headache.
At that instant, Sally hugs him. She is relieved, relieved she wouldn’t lose her bestest friend. She is speechless as she cries happily into him.

Back on the Lynimick, Lieutenant Commander Luciphe Luxe felt uncomfortable at their station.
They rubbed their temples as she realised where the discomfort came from. They had seen Columbia before. On the day Starfleet lost it. They got up and talked to Captain Centrair. “Captain. I think I might have some information that could help us about Columbia.” They say.
“Hm? Well, with the logs of the ship and Wally’s information on the parasite within, what else is there to know?” Captain Centrair asks.
“An eyewitness account. I was there. Not on Columbia… but on Enterprise.” Lieutenant Commander Luxe utters.
Captain Centrair was shocked. “I knew you had a long service in Starfleet as you are a Lanthanite… but I wasn't aware it was that long. Do tell, why did Starfleet abandon Columbia?” Captain Centrair replied.
“Well, it was in mid 2155, for starters…” Lieutenant Commander Luxe says, beginning to tell what happened…

“Captain’s Starlog, May 13th 2155: After being gone for 3 weeks, we finally got a signal from Columbia. Starfleet Command has sent for us to investigate, due to no other ships being able to reach it as fast and the NX-03 and NX-04 still being under construction.”

As Enterprise raced through at Warp 5, every crew member had a sinking feeling in their stomach, particularly Ensign Luciphe Luxe and Captain Jonathan Archer. Ensign Luxe sat in for Ensign Mayweather at the helm, who was on leave to visit a severely sick family member.
“How far are we from Columbia, Commander?” Captain Archer asks, turning to T'Pol.
“We are 500 kilometres and closing, Captain. I suggest dropping out of warp soon.” T'Pol answers.
“Understood. Ensign, prepare to drop out of warp.” Captain Archer commanded.
“Aye, sir.” Ensign Luxe replies, making Enterprise drop out of warp near Columbia… which almost looked as if it were dying.
Captain Archer looked distraught. “Hoshi, try to hail Columbia.” Captain Archer said.
“On it, Captain.” Ensign Sato replied, sending a hailing signal to Columbia.

Columbia responded, albeit the signal was unstable. “What are you doing here, Archer?!” A male voice yelled, confused and angry.
“Starfleet told us to try and save Columbia, who are you? Where’s Captain Hernandez?” Captain Archer asks.
“Captain Hernandez is dead. This parasite got to her. I'm Acting Captain Xavier Bolton… Get away from Columbia.” The male voice replied.
“Why, Captain Bolton? We were tasked with saving Colu-” Archer tried to say, but was interrupted by the signal going out.
Columbia's power shut down. The ship drifted away, forcing Enterprise to abandon Columbia.

“And that's what happened. I think Commander Bolton was trying to save us from the parasite and we just didn't know.” Lieutenant Commander Luxe says, concluding their perspective of the event.
“That explains why the parasite took over, in desperation, the crew isolated themselves. They must've all died by the next year if their last log was August of 2156.” Captain Centrair replies.

Unknowingly as they talked, however… Columbia found them.