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Part 3 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures

Parasitic Relic

Chapter 7: Condemned Columbia.

Chapter Text

On the Lynimick, tensions were lowering. They have had peace for almost 7 hours.
“Commander Rtis, are there any nearby ships?” Captain Centrair asked.
Commander Voltaire Rtis did a scan. “None besides the Unreliable and…” Commander Rtis says, before trailing off in despair.
“And what Commander?” Captain Centrair asked, confused.
“...Columbia.” Commander Rtis uttered. Panic rose on the Lynimick.
“Red Alert! Raise Shie-” Captain Centrair shouted, getting interrupted by an enhanced photonic torpedo smashing into one of the nacelle pylons.
Aboard the Unreliable, they noticed this too, as everyone but Gary and Fiora (who are in engineering) was on the bridge.
“Damn it. Red Alert! Sutaba, fire phasers at Columbia!” Breezie yelled.
“On it, Breezie.” Sutaba replied. The Unreliable fired its phasers at Columbia, causing it to go still.
“Breezie… I think they're hailing us.” Devoid uttered, looking at the comms console.
Breezie was confused. “On screen.” She says.

As Columbia’s hail went through, they saw the bridge was a mess. Railings were broken and the floor was stained with dried blood from those who resisted Home.
“You… Why do you still resist?” Home asks, using Commander Bolton as their vessel.
“We made a cure. Your effects are null and void.” Breezie replies, standing up.
Home snarled… before spotting Wally standing next to the helm.
“Wally… I see you. I… I miss you. It's been so long since I saw your wonderful face…” Home spoke, before Commander Bolton sat down.
Home then took the form of Barnaby, looking at Wally through the viewscreen. “Come on, Wally, don't cha recognize your old pal? The one who was always there?” Home sweetly said.
Wally… wasn't impressed, scowling at the viewscreen. “I recognise you, Home. And I have 2 words for you.” Wally says, walking over to the Tactical console. “Fuck. You.” Wally uttered, pressing a combination of buttons.
A torpedo launched from the Unreliable, hitting Columbia and destroying the Symmetrical Warp Governor. A large explosion rocked the bridge of Columbia, cutting the signal.

On the Lynimick, they took the Unreliable attacking Columbia as a sign to fight.
So the Lynimick fire phasers at Columbia. Columbia was able to respond with another photonic torpedo.
This made the Tactical console explode… right in Commander Rtis’ face. “AAAGH! IT BURNS!” Commander Rtis yells as he fell away from the tactical console.
Captain Centrair got up and tapped their combadge. “Bridge to sickbay, we have an emergency!” Captain Centrair says.
Lieutenant Commander Luxe rushed over… and was shocked. “Captain, we're too late.” Lieutenant Commander Luxe says, as there wasn't a lot left of Commander Rtis. Only a lifeless pile of goop and a charred Starfleet uniform.
Captain Centrair sighs. “Luxe, take Rtis’ place. We need someone to man the weapons.” Captain Centrair says.
“Aye sir.” Lieutenant Commander Luxe replies, taking Tactical, restoring the console's power.
During this, the Unreliable fired phasers at the underside of Columbia’s saucer.

“Columbia has lost hull plating! I suggest we destroy their impulse engines!” Devoid shouts.
“I don't think we need to!” Sutaba replies, looking at the viewscreen as the Lynimick tears apart Columbia’s impulse engines with 2 photon torpedoes.
“It’s not enough that Home has no escape…” Wally says.
“We have to kill it.” Sally finishes his sentence.
“Don’t need to tell me twice!” Sutaba says, firing phasers at Columbia's deflector dish, shattering it.
Lieutenant Motra looks at Columbia’s status via the science console… His face turned into one of dread. “They’re charging weapons!” He yelled.
“Destroy their phaser banks!” Breezie commands.
Sutaba nods and makes the Unreliable destroy Columbia’s weapons on the top of the saucer using the railguns.
Home tries to take revenge, using Columbia’s aft weapons to try and break any part of both ships… and ends up wrecking their phasers.
“Phasers are down!” Alex yells.
“Well, if that's the case, let's bust a cap in Columbia.” Andy replies.
“I think I know what you're getting at. Motra, contact the Lynimick. Sutaba, ready torpedoes.” Breezie commands.
Lieutenant Motra ran to the comms console and contacted the Lynimick. “They’re listening.” Lieutenant Motra says.
“Lynimick, this is Unreliable. Let's bombard Columbia with Torpedoes. Time to show Home who's boss.” Breezie says.

As the message gets through to the Lynimick, Captain Centrair smirks. “Let’s blast this thing to kingdom come. Luxe, prepare to fire torpedoes on my mark.” Captain Centrair commanded.
The 2 captains stood up on their ships, looking at the damaged Columbia, trying to stand a chance.
“Fire.” Breezie & Captain Centrair say simultaneously.
Both the Unreliable & the Lynimick blast torpedoes at Columbia. Each torpedo blasting a chunk out of the ship, smashing holes into the saucer & the nacelles… before 2 torpedoes hit Columbia’s warp core, causing the ship to violently explode.
Celebration erupts amongst the 2 ships, everyone celebrating the defeat of Home.

“Captain’s Log, Stardate 41536.48. After the defeat of Columbia, the Unreliable & Lynimick have arrived at a starbase for repairs. Commander Voltaire Rtis was given a memorial service, he was taken too soon. I was discussing with Captain Centrair about who would take the Tactical spot, he considered Lieutenant Tasha Yar for it, who I think is a great choice. I also transferred Lieutenant Motra to the Lynimick too, due to the loss of his original ship. Times are going well for now, I can only hope these calming times last longer. For now, the best thing to do is enjoy it, after all… I believe some people deserve rewards for what they did during this conflict.”

Breezie walked into sickbay, seeing the Doctor sitting at the desk.
He looked up at her from his PADD where he was reading a novel. “Ah, Breezie. What can I do for you?” The EMH says.
“Oh, nothing. I’m just here to say thank you.” Breezie replies.
The EMH gets up, looking at Breezie. “What for?” He asked, confused.
“For saving the life of Devoid and developing a cure for the Home parasite. In fact, because of your valiant efforts… I want to reward you.” Breezie explains.
“A reward? What do you mean?” The EMH asked, still not quite sure.
“Put on your mobile emitter & follow me.” Breezie says.
The EMH does just that as Breezie strolled down the corridor. They soon come to a door near sickbay, but not near enough that it’s the same room. “What is this?” The EMH asks.
“After you, Doctor.” Breezie says, holding out her arm as the door opens, letting the EMH through.
The EMH walks through and looks around… It was a set of quarters. “I… What is this place?” The EMH says, not knowing what is going on.
“It’s your quarters, Doctor. You’re just as much of a crew member as anyone else, you deserve a place to be when you aren’t doing your job.” Breezie says.
Just then, the EMH started crying.
“Doctor? Are you ok?” Breezie asks.
The EMH hugs Breezie as a response. He was being treated like a human, not as a program, as his own independent being. “Thank you…” The EMH says between sobs of joy.
Breezie hugged back, letting the EMH cry holographic tears of joy.

Soon after, Breezie visited Wally’s quarters.
Wally was sketching something.
“Hey, Wally.” Breezie asks.
“What is it, Breezie?” Wally asks, not turning around.
“I was wondering… We brought you here for one reason. Would you like to stay regardless? Join us on our voyages?” Breezie asks.
Wally turned to Breezie. “That would be nice. Your crew and that other crew were lovely to me and there likely are lots I haven’t seen yet. I wouldn’t mind joining you, Breezie.” Wally answers.
“Good to know, Wally. Would you like to join the others at the starbase? We’re having a pizza!” Breezie asks.
Wally puts down the sketchpad. “Yes… I think I will.” Wally says, smiling.
Breezie smiled too, leaving Wally’s quarters.
Wally left too, ready to enjoy a meal with the new friends he had made.