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Part 4 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures

Fantasy Planet


An unknown pre-warp class M planet has been found with a lot of unknown lifeforms and Breezie is curious, leading to journey down to find out just what's there... Only to find out that they weren't the first to find the planet.


Also Written By Fateweaver

Chapter 1: Mediaeval Mission

Chapter Text

“Captain’s Log, Stardate 42278.23. We’re heading for a mysterious planet within the Beta Quadrant. Long range scans have detected a variety of lifesigns there and I am interested in investigating it. Perhaps we could expand the Federation’s database tenfold with all the new kinds of creatures we could find here.”

Breezie sat in her quarters, looking in a mirror as she tried out some new clothes, wearing an orange vest and black fingerless gloves with her regular outfit. She seemed to like how it looked. “Hm… This looks good.” Breezie thought. A chime was heard at her door. “Come in!” Breezie says.
Alex walked in. “We've arrived at the planet, Breezie. It seems to be an M class.” Alex explains.
Breezie seemed interested. “This is interesting. I'll take a look from the bridge.” Breezie replies, walking out of her quarters and taking a turbolift to the bridge. She walked out of Turbolift B and looked at the viewscreen, displaying a very Earth-looking planet, but all the landmasses were different. “Is this the place?” Breezie asks.
“Looks the part, I'm detecting several lifeforms down there besides humans, none of which seem to be in the Federation’s database.” Devoid says, manning the science console.
“There are humans there too? Guess it makes it easier to blend in.” Breezie replies.
“We best take a shuttle down to see what's going on.” Andy says.
“Well, we can't exactly land the ship, can we?” Alex replies, sarcastically.
“Sarcasm aside, Andy has a point. I'll assemble an away team.” Breezie says.
“Devoid, Sally, Wally, Fiora, Doctor & Alex, you're with me. The others stay on the ship.” Breezie commands. Those she listed off got up and followed Breezie to the shuttle bay, including Fiora after a quick trip to Engineering & the EMH after a trip to sickbay.

The bay doors to Shuttle Bay 2 open as the Type 6 shuttle 'M'Benga' departs the Unreliable and heads for the planet. The remaining bridge crew, now under the command of Sutaba, watched as the shuttle approached the planet.
The shuttle entered the atmosphere, allowing those inside to be greeted by luscious forests and greenery as the shuttle descended towards the planet. The shuttle soon landed in a secluded part of the forest, where it camouflaged in with the nearby white rocks jutting out the ground.
The occupants walked out after the hatch opened, equipped with phasers and tricorders.
Wally looked around the planet in awe, it seemed to be the epicentre of beauty to him.
“You've been to space before… but welcome to your first alien planet, Wally.” Devoid says as the others scan the area with tricorders.
“This is an M class planet, alright… I see there's some sort of civilization about… that way.” Fiora says, pointing to the North-West.
“Yeah, I can see that. Some form of mediaeval village.” Sally replies.
“Mediaeval village? Mysterious lifeforms? You sure we haven't landed on Planet Storybook?” The EMH says.
“Calm yourself, Doctor. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for everything. We'll head into town and see what's going on. Don't look suspicious… These people likely still think heaven is just above the clouds.” Breezie replies. The away team nod and start heading to the structure.

What they come to first are some gates, there are a couple of guards having a chat above the group that just showed up at the gates.
“-Therefore, food hot is.” The other guard takes a second, using one hand to count and the other hand to place mentally before nodding in agreement
“Yeah, that checks out. So, now if that’s how ovens work, what if we stuffed a fish, into a swine, into a Gastodon, into a Great Jagras?” The first guardsman looks at his companion like he is insane
“You would give the head chef a nightmare.” Breezie & the away team looked up at the guards, also equally confused.
“HEY! Would you mind letting us in?” Devoid yells to the guards, hoping to get their attention.
Thankfully, the two look at the group, noticing them and the outfits they are in.
“Hey, What are you doing here? It’s not safe in the new world? The other one holds his partner’s shoulder and looks at him with fear. “Don’t be blind!” He says “Remember The Leshy Incident”
The first guard sighs “Are you with the guild? What division, what’s the insignia?”
The away team seemed confused. “Guild?” Breezie says, confused.
“Old term for a sort of team… I think they might be confused by these.” Sally explains, pointing at her combadge.
“Ah.” Breezie says, turning to the guards.
“We are the Intrepid Deltas, mostly the Gold division, but we have some Silver division members here too.” She says.
The guard who warned pats his partner “Get to Raji and tell him their details. The guard runs off as the other stays behind “Are you native or did you come from beyond the seas?”
“We are from beyond the seas from Amester, a small island. Our ship barely survived the journey.” Breezie replies.
The guard squinted, pressing on with the questions “Alright, why hasn’t any of our scouts seen your incoming ships then?” And that’s when the partner shows back up again.
“It checks out!” The main guard looks at his partner
“It does?” The younger guard nods
“Yeah, The Gold and Silver subs of the Delta Division! We thought all of them died, but they're here!” The first nods, more convinced
“Maybe not all of them, but at least some. Let’s get them inside!” The gates open, revealing the structure’s main portion. Partially built on a mountainside, and made from local resources and ship parts. There was a lot to do, as well as the smell of food coming down some wooden steps on the cliffside.
The away team walks through the gates, except for Alex, who stayed behind briefly.
“To answer your question, we arrived late at night.” Alex says, bringing a bit of reason as to why their scouts wouldn’t have seen a ship arriving before following the away team.