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Part 5 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures

Rainbow Factory

Chapter 7: Detonate The Facility

Chapter Text

On the Andromeda, Captain Levian sat in her Captain’s chair. She stared down the Rainbow Factory with hatred seared into her eyes.
“We have enough power, captain.” The Unreliable’s EMH says.
“Alright then, contact your ship.” Captain Levian commands.
Wally gets up and temporarily mans the comms station, contacting the Unreliable.
Soon enough, Alex and the remaining crew appear on the viewscreen. “This is Alex Brine of the Unreliable. I assume you’re going to activate the Overloader Equipment.” Alex says.
“Indeed we are, go to red alert too. I plan to destroy this place once your team is outta there.” Captain Levian replies.
Alex nods, cutting the signal and making the Unreliable go to red alert.
“Same goes here. Raise shields and ready weapons. Time for Wallace to pay.” Captain Levian commands.

The Andromeda’s deflector dish begins to glow before releasing a large burst of energy, taking out the jammer in a rather explosive fashion. The equipment itself began exploding as it was forcibly taken offline, along with any and all shielding.
The Unreliable took advantage of this and fired on the factory with its phasers, with the Andromeda rushing in for another reason.

Inside the factory, Breezie, Andy, Sally & Gary run out of the cupboard to find the factory taking severe damage.
Workers were panicking, killing each other trying to find a way out. Even Wallace wasn’t safe, with workers swarming him in order to find a way to escape the crumbling factory.
The away team looked around the collapsing facility, with Breezie spotting holes in the walls leading to the shuttle they arrived in.
“We likely should get out of-” Breezie said, before the 4 of them were beamed away from the factory… Onto the USS Andromeda.
“They’re aboard, Damana.” Devoid says, looking at a console remoted into the transporter.
“Good to know. Begin firing and don’t stop until that factory is nothing but debris.” Captain Levian says, her expression stern.
“You should’ve said earlier!” Wally says, manning tactical and beginning to fire all of Andromeda’s weaponry onto the factory.

The remaining crew of the Unreliable noticed this and went to save their shuttle, speeding through and using a tractor beam to retrieve the shuttle before any of the workers could get in.
“We have saved our shuttle, Alex.” Fiora says, manning the science console.
“Sutaba, fire at will.” Alex commands.
“On it, sir.” Sutaba says, firing everything the Unreliable has got, phasers, torpedoes, railguns, the lot!
The factory took heavy structural damage, which thankfully the away team got into the bridge on time to see the carnage occur.
“Hello, Captain McKormic, welcome to the Andromeda.” Captain Levian greeted.

The factory was on the edge of destruction as the 2 captains met when it sent out one last hail, audio only, to both ships.
“That’s odd…” Captain Levian says.
“Put it through, I wonder what he has to say.” Breezie commands. As it was her crew, they followed Breezie’s orders.
Wallace was breathing heavily and slowly, his last words… in the form of a song.

♪“We'll meet again… Don't know where, don't know when… But I know we'll meet again some sunny day.”♪

As Wallace stopped singing, the factory exploded, killing him and any workers still alive.
The Rainbow Factory was dead.
The crew & Captain Levian were all mildly disturbed at Wallace’s last words, some thought he was planning a comeback, others thought he was plain crazy.
“I think I’ll head back to my ship. Want to join us as we take yours to spacedock?” Breezie asks.
Captain Levian looks up at Breezie and smiles. “Yeah. We have a bit of catching up to do.” Captain Levian replied.

“Captain’s Log, Stardate 42380.10. The Factory has been destroyed. Its reign of terror is finally over. Yet, sometimes I think about what Agent Rainbow said to me. I wonder if he might be right, but perhaps I shouldn’t listen to him. I’ll live my days defying what he said, continuing to be a captain. The Doctor has prescribed me medication to help tone down the affects, which should be gone in a few months… Makes me think I’m the luckiest damn captain around to have a crew like this.”

Breezie stopped the recording of her Captain’s Log, looking out the windows of her quarters with a smile on her face.
“Hey, you heading to the mess hall? Captain Levian wants to talk with you.” Devoid says to Breezie through the open doorway.
“Is she still nice? Even after all these years?” Breezie asks.
“I think she’ll be happy to see someone she knows. Come along… Captain.” Devoid replies with a smile.
Breezie smiles too before getting up and leaving her quarters.