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Part 7 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures

New Ewe On Deck


When Johannah, a new crewmember arrives on the newly upgraded Unreliable 64 years too late with mystery surrounding her, can Breezie and the crew help them out and adjust to the new era the ewe has arrived in?


Aslo written by Fateweaver

Chapter 1: 64 Years Too Late

Chapter Text

The Unreliable sat in spacedock. After 2 months, the ship had undergone a major upgrade of the systems, whilst still keeping the aesthetics intact. It was ready to launch, but a few checks needed going over before the ship could fly once more.
“And as we explained to the others, we’ve given the Unreliable more power so the shields and weapons can be stronger. After all, there’s no knowing what’s out there.” Lieutenant Geordi La Forge explained to Alex as the 2 strolled down to Shuttlebay 2. “You’ve done a good job. I believe Breezie will like what you’ve done with the place. New tech, but same old ship.” Alex replies.
Geordi chuckles. “Well, we didn’t want to do anything too drastic. I know Captain McKormic likes her retro aesthetics.” He replies.
“Glad you could come from the Valkyrie to help oversee this renovation. I hear those Galaxy class ships are hell to maintain.” Alex says, placing his hand on Geordi’s shoulder.
“Someone had to do it. I’m just glad you let me help out. We managed to fix your transporter, by the way. That thing was a nightmare to repair.” Geordi replies as the 2 enter the shuttlebay, the type 6 shuttlecraft Galileo from the Valkyrie waiting for Lieutenant La Forge to enter.
“I suppose you should be going.” Alex states.
“Indeed I must. The Valkyrie is going to continue her mission and I assume the Unreliable will continue hers too.” Geordi says.
“Thank you, Geordi.” Alex states as Galileo’s hatch closes and the shuttle leaves the Unreliable.

Alex then walked to Shuttlebay 1, where Breezie was working.
Breezie had been working there over the entire upgrade period and was just finishing up. She took a donut shaped piece of Starfleet Hull and locked it over the starboard nozzle right as Alex walked in. “Oh, Alex. Hi. Good to see you.” Breezie says, sitting on the floor next to the recently upgraded Type 10 shuttle.
“It’s good to see you too, Breezie. The upgrade team has just left and Lieutenant La Forge has left you a list of the upgrades to the ship in your ready room.” Alex replies.
“I’ll… I’ll read them later. I just got done with this!” Breezie breathlessly states, presenting the newly upgraded shuttle.
“Hm. what’s all this?” Alex asks.
“It’s our new Battle Shuttle. I renamed it Tyson like the old Earth boxer, Mike Tyson, and it has an upgraded power supply, a few phaser arrays, a micro-torpedo launcher at the top and these fancy weapons a couple buddies at Starfleet Tactical have supplied me.” Breezie explains, pointing to the 2 nozzles at the front of the shuttle at the last point.
“What even are those?” Alex asks.
“Well, they call them ‘Hyper-Focused Phaser Cannons’, but I call them Phaser Lances.” Breezie explains.
Alex walks over, bopping it with his foot and having a look of surprise “Well, holy shit! This thing is a war machine in itself.” Alex notes.
Sally comes in to see the Tyson. She stares at it with surprise and a mischievous grin as she eats a PB&J. “I have so many ideas for that.”
Breezie glanced at Sally. “Don’t get too feisty, we don’t know what it’s capable of just yet.” Breezie replied.
“We’ll need to head to the Fleet Museum to collect the rest of the crew though, they’ve been serving there during this upgrade and I'm sure are dying to get back on board.” Alex states.
“Fair point. I’m sure we can get this ship to Athan Prime with just the 3 of us. Let’s get to work.” Breezie states.
Sally, Alex & Breezie make their way out of the shuttle bay and walk to a turbolift, soon making their way to the bridge.

As the 3 make their way onto the bridge, with Sally at the helm and Alex at comms, they prepare to begin their mission once more. “Alex, contact Starbase 152 to prepare for our departure.” Breezie commands once she sits in the Captain’s chair.
“The starbase has responded and authorised departure. They wish us a safe trip.” Alex replies.
“How nice of them. Sally, engage impulse engines at ¼ power and set a course for the Fleet Museum.” Breezie states.
The drydock around the Unreliable shuts down any lights, allowing for the ship to illuminate itself. The ship soon leaves drydock, flying away from the starbase.
“We’ll be clear in 20 seconds. Shall I prepare the ship to warp?” Sally asks.
“That’ll do, Warp 3 preferably. I don’t suppose it’ll take much time to get there so we shouldn’t put that much pressure on our warp drive. Blast Off.” Breezie commands.
Once the Unreliable was clear, the ship went to warp.

The ship soon arrived at Athan Prime, near the Fleet Museum.
“Alright, contact the Museum to prepare the crew for transport. I’ll be in the transporter room.” Breezie commands.
“On it, Breezie.” Alex replies as Breezie leaves the room.
As the signals were sent to prepare for transport, one of the exhibits, the USS Excelsior, the prototype of its class, locked onto the Unreliable alongside the Fleet Museum.
Breezie walked into the transporter room and beamed in her crew, who thankfully fit the maximum payload of the transporter.
“Good to see you again, crew.” Breezie states, before looking at the console. “Wait a damn minute, did I leave someone behind?” She asks, looking between the console and crew.
“I don’t think so, we seem to all be here.” Sutaba replies.
Breezie, now curious, beams in the extra signal… It was a mobian. A mobian ewe, to be exact. With vibrantly violet eyes and a rather red uniform last seen 50 years ago.
“Lieutenant Johannah Jackson, reporting for duty. Captain… Wait, you’re not Captain T’rakk.” The mobian states.
“Indeed I’m not… I’m Captain Breezie McKormic.” Breezie replies, confused. That confusion spread across the crew members within the transporter room.
“We should get her to sickbay. Something’s not adding up.” The EMH states.
“Indeed we should. Devoid, I suggest escorting her.” Breezie commands.
“On it, Captain. Come on, Lieutenant.” Devoid replies, escorting the new mobian to sickbay.