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Part 7 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures

New Ewe On Deck

Chapter 7: Reintegration

Chapter Text

Johannah sat in her newly claimed quarters, staring out the window at the blank expanse of space. In only a few hours for her, she had been sent over half a century ahead in time, saw her old ship as just a museum piece and had gotten introduced to a far different crew than she was expecting. She was about to go to the mess hall to eat when she heard a chime from the door. “Come in.” Johannah states, with Andy walking in soon after.
“Hey, Jo? Breezie wanted me to bring you to her ready room.” Andy says.
Johannah nods, grabbing her red uniform jacket and putting it back on. “Lead the way, Andy.” Johannah replies.
The two of them make their way to Breezie’s ready room, which is only a short distance away from the bridge.
Johannah follows Andy up to the ready room, Johannah stepping into the room where Breezie sits behind her desk.
“Come in,” Breezie requests “Please, make yourself comfortable.” Johannah steps in and sits down, in a chair across from Breezie.
Breezie smiles, looking at Johannah, warm and calm. “I’ve been in talks with Starfleet Command, who have thankfully allowed me to continue the transfer Captain Sulu started all those years ago. As of right now, you are a crew member aboard this ship.” Breezie says, heading to Johannah and crouching down, removing Johannah’s late 23rd Century Starfleet badge and replacing it with a more modern 2360s Combadge.
“If you wish to keep your original badge, I can provide a display for your quarters.” Breezie continues.

Johannah gets up to go leave, but Breezie stops her.
“Hang on, we’re not finished! I’ve planned something special for you, Johannah.” Breezie says as Johannah turns back around.
“What do you mean, captain?” Johannah replies, confused.
Breezie puts her hands in her pockets and sighs. “During my talks with Starfleet Command, they informed me that Hikaru Sulu is actually still alive and well. He’s retired and lives in a nice condo in San Francisco.” Breezie explains, a statement which makes Johannah ecstatic.
“He’s alive?!” Johannah states in shock and glee.
“Very much so. In fact, before I called you here. I just finished talks to meet with him at his condo. He’s very happy to know you’re alive and well, especially as your supposed death worried him for the rest of his time aboard the Excelsior.” Breezie states.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Johannah states, rushing to Breezie and hugging the captain.
“Will I need my dress uniform?” Johannah asks, confused.
“Oh no, it’s just a casual meeting. Otherwise, I’d be preparing a suit.” Breezie replies, the human and the ewe laughing before soon calming down.
Johannah smiles and looks at Breezie “Well, I guess I might need to go cl-”

Suddenly, there is a banging at the door before Sally opens it. “I heard someone partway through saying “clothes shopping”. Who said it?”
Johannah pointed at herself as Breezie stepped back, allowing Sally to grip Johannah with a toony wicked smile.
“WE’RE GOING TO BRAZIL!!” She says, Picking up Johannah and running off with her, leaving a puff of smoke behind.
Breezie, only partially surprised, sits back down and thinks… What is Sally up to now?
Sally bolts down the halls, going to her shared quarters with Devoid and spinning Johannah into a boutique she set up in a kind of Hammerspace way. Sally with some measuring tape to measure a dizzy Johannah’s bodily dimensions. “Johannah, what would you say you like to wear?” Sally asks, while taking measurements.
“Look, I don’t need anything. I’ll just go in my regular uniform. It’s only a casual meeting and it might bring some nostalgia to my former captain.” Johannah replies, stepping away from the boutique.
Sally drags Johannah back in, patting her head quickly “It’s okay, I know it’s casual, I just want to make something that will fit you.” The Toon states as she looks through a book.
“Wait, why?” Johannah asks,
“We could get something from a store.” Sally takes a deep breath and turns around “You won’t believe how many stores we went to, and I couldn’t find anything that would fit Devoid comfortably or at all. I tailor anything new he gets, and measure him each time. I don’t want you to feel baggy or pinched in anything you wear, I’ll give you some wonderful casuals, something that you will love.”
Johannah smiles, hugging Sally. “Thank you Sally.” She says.
Sally hugs back “It’s no big deal, It’s a hobby of mine. So, what do you like wearing? Is there anything you’d like to wear? I can do it all!” She states.
Johannah responds “Well, I like my uniform, It’s comfy and rather fitting.”
Sally nods, flipping through her book and finding a page before getting to work. She works with black denim, red and black cloth, and some patches and pins. After only a few minutes, Sally gifted Johannah an outfit. A pair of black jeans, an ochre yellow long sleeve shirt that goes just past the elbows, and a red vest with a few pins of self help messages, and an embroidered image of The Starfleet Delta with a ghost coming out of the star, winking on the back. “So, what do you think?” Sally asks “I did my best based on what I know.”

Johannah looked at it and whilst happy, felt like something was amiss. “I… hm.” Johannah tried to say, looking at the outfit with a rather confused expression. “I’m not too fond of the pins, they’re rather tacky, plus I think the ghost can be its own thing so I can still put my combadge on and not have 2 starfleet logos.” Johannah states, not particularly too fond of the details she stated. “There was this vest Captains used to wear, if I can find a photo of it…” She says as she heads to a terminal and looks up information on Starfleet uniforms during her era, finding the red vest with black sides that she meant.
“Oh yeah, I did use that for inspiration. Would you prefer it if I stuck closer to it?” Sally replies.
“Or you could tailor up one of those bomber jackets. I always wanted one of those.” Johannah states, remembering the bomber jackets she always dreamed of having.
Sally looks at the database, which has the bomber jacket a bit below the captain’s vest. “A bomber jacket… That’s new. Welp, it’s something worth trying.” She says before taking a photo and getting back to work. Working with leather and buttons, taking the pins and finishing quicker due to the lightened work load. She presents a bomber jacket, similar design to what they wore back in the day but with the addition of a cute ghost on the front below where Johannah’s rank insignia would go, and also with a few internal pockets for concealing things. “Okay, anything you want to alter with the outfit? I can change anything you want, lickity split!” Sally would say, presenting the jacket.
Johannah would take off her regular uniform jacket and put on the bomber jacket with a big ol grin on her face. The jacket feels comfortable, a perfect fit, and it looked amazing on the lamb. “Nope, this is perfect! Thanks Sally.” Johannah would say before heading back to her quarters, taking both jackets with her. Sally smiles, happy to do this for the new crew member.

As the Unreliable makes its way to Earth at Warp 4, Johannah sits in her quarters once more, back in her uniform jacket while her bomber jacket rests on a hook set up by the door of her quarters. Unlike before, Johannah was happy as she read ‘Terrible Old Games You've Probably Never Heard Of’ by Stuart Ashen, the horrible ancient software humouring her. After what would’ve felt like so long for her former captain, they get to meet face to face once more. Her door would chime again, diverting Johannah’s attention from the book. She placed a small steel bookmark in and put the bookmark down. “Come in!” Johannah states as Breezie & Devoid walk through the door. “Oh, it’s you two. Thought you’d be busy on the bridge.” Johannah says with mild surprise as Breezie chuckled.
“Oh, we’ll be at Earth soon. Andy knows when to drop out of warp.” Breezie says.
Devoid looks at Johannah and asks “How are you feeling?”
Johannah smiles, stating “I feel okay, I actually feel welcome and happy to be with you all. I’m also excited to meet Sulu again! I missed him.”
Breezie then asks “How are you handling the Exspiraloquisis?” Breezie asks.
Johannah looks to Jakob, who is peeking through a wall and reading the current page in her book before stating. “This game was janky… but not that bad In my opinion,” Johannah chuckles, looking back at Breezie “It’s okay right now, it’ll take some getting used to though.”
Breezie feels better about this, leaving.
Devoid was about to leave when Johannah grabs his hand to stop him
“Devoid…” She looks at Jakob again, looking at her back…
He smiles “Just tell him that it’s okay. It’s not his fault, I would have had the same reaction… also I’m here so that he wouldn’t have to kill himself by accident.”
She turns back to Devoid “Jakob says hey, and that he would have done the same in your position. And that he’s your guardian angel… unofficially.”
Devoid seems shocked at the mention of Jakob’s name. “I-it was him?!” Devoid says.
“Yeah, were you buddies?” Johannah asked.
“He was the closest I had to a friend before Sally… But it’s good to see he understands, even after death.” Devoid replies as the Unreliable arrives at Earth. “I should go, I believe an old friend is waiting for you, Johannah.” He says, the two of them walking out of Johannah’s quarters as the ship arrives at the blue marble many call home…