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Part 8 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures



A transwarp accident leads the crew to a mysterious place beyond the galaxy they know, to a world where demons roam and 3 tyrranical overlords feign power and threaten to steal the Unreliable... Will their threats go through or will the crew find a way to succeed?


Also written by Fateweaver

Chapter 1: Welcome To Hell!

Chapter Text

“Captain’s Log: Stardate 43201.39. After a long tumultuous mission on Deneb V, the crew and I are long overdue for a stay on Risa. Due to the distance and the crew begging for rest, we will be using transwarp to get there quicker. A few days there can hopefully help us chill out.”

The Unreliable raced through space at maximum impulse, heading away from the Deneb star system.
“All hands prepare for transwarp, we’ll be at Risa before we know it.” Breezie announces through the ship's comm system.
“Gary to Breezie, there’s a small problem with that.” Gary says through Breezie’s combadge. Breezie taps it and asks
“What do you mean? All systems seem operational.” Breezie states.
“That encounter with the rogue Denebians has caused a minor antimatter imbalance in the warp core, I don’t suggest going to warp at all.” Gary explains.
“I’m sure it’ll be minor enough to ignore, but we can fix it once we arrive at Risa. Breezie out.” Breezie says as she taps her combadge once more, cutting the signal before Gary could intervene. “Go to transwarp, blast off!” Breezie commanded.
The ship almost went into transwarp, but the antimatter imbalance hit, making the ship start to shake as a sort of vortex appeared around the ship.
“What the hell?!” Johannah shouts.
“I don’t know what’s going on, the sensors have gone haywire!” Wally replies, all the consoles on the bridge flickering.
“Take us out! Take us out!” Breezie commands in an attempt to stop this.
Andy tries to, by trying to shut down the Transwarp Coil, only for the helm console to explode. “I’ve lost the helm!” Andy says, getting back on the chair.
The comms console also explodes too. “I can’t send an SOS! The comms have been knocked out!” Sally says.
A white light materialises at the end of the vortex, seeming to leak into the bridge.
“Looks like whatever we’re doing, we’re going into that light! All hands, BRACE FOR IMPACT!” Breezie commands, the crew gripping onto whatever they could as it all goes white…

They are forced out of transwarp, and when coming to their senses, they see a red sky. A 21st century styled city lies below, major roads all in the shape of a pentagram. The mountains reach high above the metropolis, as The Unreliable is floating far above the mysterious city.
“What the hell happened?” Devoid says, getting up and looking at the viewscreen.
“I think we went to plaid!” Johannah replies breathlessly.
“In all seriousness, we need to figure out where we are. A transwarp accident and we end up in… Red City.” Breezie says, heading to Wally as he scans the area with sensors, a look of fear appearing in his eyes as the results come up.
“I don’t think you’ll like the answer, Breezie.” Wally states as he reads the results of the scan.
“What do you mean?” Breezie asks, confused.
“We’re in the Pride Ring.” Wally states fearfully.
“Pride Ring..? Like the rings in Dante’s Inferno? Are you saying we’re in Hell?” Alex asks.
“I don’t think there was a Pride Ring there.” Devoid replies.
“Scans show there’s only 7… not 9 like what Dante said, but we can only get info of the one we’re in, the Pride Ring.” Wally says, reading the results.
“Are we dead?” Andy asks, baffled.
“I don’t think so, I don’t feel dead.” Devoid answers, with others agreeing.

“Breezie? We’re being hailed… And it seems to have a trademark associated with it.” Sally says, looking at the comms console.
“That’s odd. Really odd. Put it through.” Breezie replies, turning to the viewscreen.
On the screen are 2 individuals on a fancy couch and, well… They are humanoid. One seems to be a lavish bald pimp in a pink coat, he smokes a cigarette as his grin reveals a golden tooth. The other has 2 massive pigtails and wears a crop top with a pair of striped pants. And the female with the pigtails is the first to speak.
“Okay, Vox, who the fuck is this?” A figure in the distance, looking out of a window answers her as he walks to the couch
“They are a new business venture, Vel. Don’t worry,” He responds as he sits down with his compatriots, his head a grey television with a devilish smile. “So, who are you? And what are you doing in our ring?”
Breezie walked to the viewscreen and pulled down her tank top to loosen it up, explaining to the group “We honestly don’t know what we’re doing and don’t call us a business venture. I’m Captain Breezie McKormic of the Federation starship Unreliable. This is my crew. We’re not looking to cause any trouble so if you just leave us alone, we’ll be out of your hair bef-”
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s an option for you,” he states, interrupting the captain and snapping his fingers as the ship shakes slightly. “I’m giving you an offer you can’t refuse. Give us your ship, and you can wander Hell all you want. If you don’t, we’ll-”
Breezie quickly draws her thumb at her throat as Vox begins explaining what happens if they refuse, looking at Sally.
Sally cut the signal.
“Those guys seem like total asshats.” Sutaba says from the tactical console.
“Indeed, polarise the hull so their interference can’t get through.” Breezie commands, taking notes from captains of NX Class ships.
“I don’t think those people are in charge either… Scans show the undoubted ruler is indeed the Devil, Lucifer.” Wally says, looking at further data gathered.
“Not only are they scumbags, they’re frauds.” Sally says, not exactly pleased.
“I’m not looking to give up this ship to Mr Screenface. Let’s see what the… satsuma is going on down there.” Breezie says.
“Are you really going to substitute hell in that phrase with satsuma while we’re here?” Alex asks.
“I’ll find a fruit that fits. I’m really craving fruit… I should get a fruit salad once we get to Risa.” Breezie replies.
“IF we get to Risa.” Johannah states, not feeling hopeful.

The modded type 10 shuttle ‘Tyson’ departs the Unreliable, heading down to the city. Demons from all across the pride ring went to look at the foreign shuttle touching down, some even recording it on their phones.
“I think the people are interested.” Devoid says, looking out the cockpit window.
“You don’t say?” Alex replies, looking at the hedgehog.
“Come on, we’re here to investigate. Let’s not cause much ruckus if Screenface and his comrades are around here.” Breezie interjects, pocketing a type 1 phaser as she leaves the shuttle.
“Agreed, that group was giving me the creeps.” Wally says as the rest of the crew leave ‘Tyson’, unnoticed by the other demons as they mainly took photos of the shuttle, which had been locked to not let them in.
“So, where should we look first?” Johannah asks.
“We’ll find something.” Breezie says as the 5 of them walk down the street.
The away team strolled down the pavement, demons passing by and the smell of brimstone and smoke in the air.
“It smells like everyone’s having a barbeque down here.” Devoid mentions, looking around.
“Or being barbecued. It’s hell, after all. Cannibals are down here.” Alex replies, making Johannah shudder.
“Don’t remind me. I really don’t want to be someone’s lunch.” Johannah says as the 5 of them approach a weird looking club, the word ‘Consent’ written in neon above the door.
“This looks popular.” Breezie states, looking through a window.
“Who named a place like this just ‘Consent’? Wouldn’t hurt to add something to the end to make it seem more like, I don’t know, a place.” Devoid says, critiquing the name.
“We’re not here to critique their naming choices. Let’s just go in and investigate.” Alex says as Breezie leads the way into the club.

As the away team enter the club, they are greeted with a rather explicit sight.
“I can see why they didn’t call this place ‘Decency’, I’m sure I can count the pieces of clothing on all those performers and it’d be among the single digits.” Johannah says, looking around the place.
“There’s a bar. Perhaps we can ask the bartender some questions about that weird group?” Wally points out, ignoring the performers and looking at the bar.
“It’s worth a shot, Wally. Maybe we’ll get some answers.” Breezie replies, walking over to the bar.
The bartender quickly noticed her and her group, walking up towards them.
“Can I help you? You don’t exactly look like someone I know.” The Bartender says, cleaning a glass as he looks at Breezie.
“I’m Breezie McKormic, I’d like to ask some questions if you don’t mind. My group & I are investigating.” Breezie states.
“Uuh… Sure. What have you got to ask?” The Bartender replies, leaning on the counter.
“I might sound like an utter crackhead, but what do you know about a guy with a TV for a head called Vox?” Breezie asks.
“Oh, that guy? He… He’s a tricky fellow. Anyone who seems to call him out on his actions seems to just disappear right as they’re about to explain. Doesn’t help he’s part of a group with Valentino & Velvette, they call themselves the Vees too. They’re all kinda weird though. Don’t tell them I said anything though, I want to keep my job.” The Bartender explains.
Breezie was confused and initially was going to ask why… When that same lavish bald pimp she saw on the viewscreen walked out of a door with a star on it, a displeased performer walked out with a bit of a limp.
“That must be Valentino.” Johannah says, remembering what happened on the Unreliable about half an hour ago.
Valentino sat awkwardly close to Breezie, making the Captain rather uncomfortable. “One Cucumber martini please.” He says as he reaches into his coat. As the martini is placed on the table, Valentino takes out a vial of pink liquid and places a few drops into the martini, spiking it with a heart shaped puff of smoke. Valentino then looked around for his next target as Breezie took her type 1 phaser out of her pocket.
Discreetly, Breezie fired the phaser at the glass the spiked martini was in. This caused it to shatter in a not as discrete manner, catching the attention of the purple moth.
He turned to Breezie as she pockets the phaser. “Now what do you think you’re doing?!” Valentino says.
Breezie didn’t know what to say, staying silent.
“I know you… You’re that captain.” Valentino spoke again, reaching his creepy gloved hand to Breezie’s face. “Mind you, you’re too cute to cause trouble. How about I give you a drink and let bygones be bygones?”
“Don't touch my face like that.” Breezie says, clearly uncomfortable.
“Why shouldn’t I?” Valentino responds.
Almost like an instinctive response, Breezie grips Valentino’s wrist and bites it.
The bald pimp panicked, getting up and shaking his arm rapidly. “OW! OW! OW! GET HER OFF! GET HER OFF!” Valentino yelled in pain.
Breezie did not get off until she wanted to, which revealed that her bite drew blood.
Valentino looked between Breezie and the bite mark she left in horror.
“I’m not particularly a fan of creeps who spike drinks, so I’m going to make you regret it!” Breezie shouted before pouncing at Valentino, gripping his coat.
Val winced in pain as Breezie began climbing the pimp.

First kicking just above the knee before punching him in the ribs, Breezie wastes no time on her beat down. She keeps climbing, enduring a back blow from the moth. She gets up to punching range of his face hitting him in the nose, causing him to stumble back and fall onto a table. Breezie then begins to wail on the moth, making sure he bleeds and weeps as she rips out pieces of his fluffy collar. Left, right, left, right, right, right, left uppercut. Going all in before Vox walks in.
“Val, what’s taki- WHAT THE FUCK!” Vox yells, rushing over to break up the one-sided fight.
“Oh. You.” Breezie says, unimpressed as she hops off of the badly beaten pimp. She didn’t have time for a sarcastic remark as Alex grabbed her by the arm and rushed to the shuttle, the away team following suit.
“We can’t exactly deal with him, if he can affect the ship, who knows what he’s capable of doing. We’ll need to hide somewhere more discreet.” Devoid says as the shuttle takes off, flying away from the street.