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Part 8 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures


Chapter 3: To Save A Ship.

Chapter Text

“So, Vox wants our ship so that the Vees become a dominant force? He sounds like a total dictator!” Breezie says, not quite happy.
“It makes sense, corporations ruling the world sound just like early 21st Century Earth.” Wally states, hand on his chin.
Just then, Alex rushes in. “Captain… I believe we’re on the news. They’ve spotted us.” He says, dread in his voice.
Breezie rushes over to a makeshift living room with an old TV, showing the Unreliable in the sky.
“Sources say that the ship has only communicated with the overlord group known as the Vees and is not answering any other signal. Vox himself has come out saying that he plans to ‘negotiate with the people of the ship to see if he can use it to benefit the lives of sinners’, but has received no answers. We will update you as the situation progresses. This is 666 News, signing off.” The news reporter says.
“That lying ASSHOLE!” Breezie yelled, not happy with the misinformation.
“It’s worse, apparently one of Valentino’s Limos is headed for the Vee Tower.” Vaggie says, looking out the window to see the limo driving past.
“Well, we won’t let it! Let’s show them that we aren’t giving up the Unreliable. Everyone, get to the shuttle!” Breezie says, pointing to the modified Type 10 shuttle.

As they rush inside, they all seem to be in various states of confusion.
“What do you plan on doing?” Alex asks, sitting next to Breezie as she takes off the shuttle.
“I am going to wreck that limo… They won’t have protection against our weaponry, so we should stand a chance.” Breezie says, as the shuttle begins to chase the Limo. “Ready our starboard phaser lance.” Breezie commands.
Wally leans over and hits a few buttons on a nearby panel. “It’s ready.” Wally replies.
“Here we go!” Breezie shouts, firing the phaser lance at one of the back tires. The beam causes the tire to rip into shreds. The wheel began grinding against the road. And yet the Limo rode, its momentum allowing it to maintain its speed. “Damn, it’s not spinning out. Looks like it’s time for drastic measures.” Breezie says, loading micro-torpedoes.
“If we destroy the engine, then it’ll likely start slowing down.” Alex suggests.
“Good idea, I was thinking of aiming for the fuel tank.” Breezie replies, before shooting the micro-torpedoes at the engine, causing it to detonate. The limo began losing control, swerving on the road.
And just when the final shot was going to be fired a white & yellow dart that fell from the Unreliable and T-Bones the limo so hard it made a V shape out of it. Sally taps her combadge and her voice rings out to the crew. “I felt Devoid was under threat earlier so I grabbed my hammer and came as soon as I could!” Sally shouts “Devoid, are you okay?”
Devoid looks amongst the crew before replying “Yeah, I’m fine… I just hope you’re OK.”
Sally simply replies by giving a thumbs up amongst the derelict V shaped limo. She looks inside the door after getting off the top of it. “Guys, it is just… toys… mostly weaponized bed toys.” Sally reports as she looks back up at the shuttle.
“What? You mean to tell me we were chasing a limo filled with dangerous dildos?!” Vaggie shouts, not exactly pleased.
Sally then pulls out a match and goes to the edge of the pooling petrol from the ruptured petrol tank before lighting the whole thing ablaze.

The shuttle lands on the ground and Breezie, Vaggie & Devoid walk out.
Sally quickly rushes over and gives the hedgehog a hug. “I’m so glad you’re OK.” Sally says, cuddling the hedgehog.
“Any updates from the ship? Has Vox attempted to talk again?” Breezie asks, leaning on the side of the shuttle.
“Yeah… Vox cut us off from everything that isn’t the ship, and something is trying to get into the rest of our systems, specifically the navigation and engines. The shields have prevented any further tampering, but I don’t know how long it’ll last.” Sally reports, nervous with a slight bit of panic.
“I’d suggest getting Gary & the Doctor to work on an override, by all assumptions, we’re 3 centuries ahead of them so it should be easy.” Breezie suggests.
Sally looks towards the tower, noticing a fleet of attack helicopters coming out “Captain, I don’t think we have the time!” She shouts, watching as the helicopters head towards the Unreliable.
Breezie looked on in despair, before turning to Sally. “Sally, I’m giving you command of the Unreliable temporarily. I don’t know how you can get back up there though.” Breezie states, crouching down to Sally.
“I’ll find a way!” Sally replies, climbing Tyson and launching herself to a nearby Helicopter. She adjusts her weight so that when she swings on the lower wheels, it tilts the helicopter upside down as she launches herself over to another, hitting it with her massive mallet to keep her momentum, but puts her into another direction. Another and another, without fail and a lot of property damage as Sally makes her way up to The Unreliable, landing near the bridge module and making her way into the bridge.

“Alright! I’m in charge now, let’s… Let’s…” Sally says as she walks to the bridge, confused on what to do as the remaining helicopters begin firing on the ship. “J-just fuck ‘em up!” She shouts, sitting in the captain’s chair.
Sutaba nodded, firing every weapon the Unreliable had. Phasers, railguns and torpedoes firing at the helicopters.
One helicopter tried to ram into the pod where the torpedo launcher was, only to be fired upon and spin out, crashing into the side of the Vee Tower and causing a 3 floor tall gash in the middle of the building.
“Gary, try to work on an override for what Vox is doing, we’re 3 centuries ahead of them so we must find something to exploit.” Sally says to Gary, who was temporarily manning the sciences console.
“An override? It’s certainly possible, but it’s gonna take time we don’t have!” Gary responds. Sally focuses, looking at the tower.
“Try creating a second and third firewall, that should buy us some time! Brute force an override if you can!” Sally commands.
Gary nods, rushing over to an engineering console to create backup firewalls.
The helicopters continued to assault the Unreliable, despite their numbers becoming fewer and fewer.
Vox was not happy, struggling to get the fleet to do what he wanted. “They’ve damaged the command distributor, I can’t get through to them!” Vox shouts in a panic.
Valentino approached, smirking “Maybe you should’ve put some living pilots in there. Perhaps some soft and breedable ones-”
“What pants?” Valentino replied, leaning forward.
Before Vox could give an answer (likely one of disgust), another Helicopter crashed into the Vee Tower, hitting the sign and damaging it to the point the logo was unrecognisable. Vox looked to the terminal in a panic, seeing a large caution sign flashing instead of schematics of the Unreliable. “NO!” Vox yelled in despair, slamming his fists into the desk.
Back on the Unreliable though, this was good news. “The firewalls have been set up, your majesty, Vox ain’t getting anywhere.” Gary says.
“Tear down the remaining fleet, time to show Vox what the 24th Century has in store.” Sally commands.
Sutaba sends Photon Torpedoes directly into the remaining helicopters, making them either blow up on impact or spin out and crash into buildings… However, this victory was not all good. “Sally… the ship has taken major damage, several subsystems have been wrecked… If Vox sends out another fleet and breaks through the firewalls, I don’t think we’ll win.” Gary says, dread laced into his voice. Sally sighs. “Contact the captain and inform her. The away team will need to get back to the ship anyway if we need to figure out how to take down the Vees.” She replies.