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Part 8 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures


Chapter 4: Trust Them With Nothing

Chapter Text

The Tyson arrived in the Unreliable’s shuttle bay, with the away team quickly heading to the conference room, meeting with Sally.
“I hear Andy has been scouring the internet for anything relating to VoxTech.” Devoid says to Sally.
“Yeah, he has. Even their slogan is filled with shadiness. ‘Trust Us With Your Safety’? No thank you!” Sally replies, her hands in her pockets.
“Ugh, slogans. Nothing but lies fed to people to drain them of any doubts.” Vaggie says, rolling her eye.
“You can say that again.” Breezie says as the away team + Vaggie enter the conference room. “So, what do we know about the Vees and what can we do about them?” Breezie asks, standing at the end of the conference table.
“Not much, Vox’s fleet and interference has caused major damage to the ship. If anything, the best thing we can do is cut off their supply chain.” Gary explains.
“What do you mean?” Breezie asks, curious.
“From what I know, Valentino runs a studio that distributes explicit videos and that’s among one of the major sources of profit for the Vees. It’s likely many of them that haven’t been released are stored on a computer in the Vee Tower, likely Valentino’s personal one.” Vaggie explains.
“That could be one of their strongest supply chains.” Johannah replies.
“If we knock out that, it'll cause a major blow to their system… But how? Fiora & Gary are still repairing a lot of our systems after Vox's interference damaged them, even if we wanted to fire the ship’s phasers and be done with it, it's not an option. Most we have is lighting, impulse engines, life support and transporters.” Sally asks.
“We'll have to break in and reach it ourselves.” Vaggie replies.
“It’s a plan, but we’ll have to be ready to kill when needed. Who knows what Vox and his fellow scumbags have planned.” Breezie says, rubbing her chin. “Vaggie, Andy & Johannah, meet me in the transporter room. Grab a phaser from the armoury on your way there.” The 3 mentioned nodded, getting up with Breezie & walking out of the conference room.

In an alleyway just outside the Vee Tower, Breezie, Andy, Vaggie & Johannah beam down from the Unreliable, all with Type 2 phasers in hand.
“Alright, remember. No Vee Slaves.” Breezie says as they head to the front door. Instead of opening it though, she kicks it in, shattering it. At that moment, the atmosphere changed. Alarms started blaring, employees rushing out to defend the damaged tower with outdated weapons all with the same dead look in their eyes.
“I guess we're going for a bloodbath then!” Andy says.
“Vox must've put chips in their brains to control them. He's doing this like a video game!” Vaggie says as the employees started arranging themselves in unison.
“Then if that's the case, time to tell him it's game over! EVERYONE, FIRE!” Breezie yelled, firing immediately after saying it.
The employees immediately began falling to the ground like flies.
Vaggie diverted her fire from the goons to a pillar in the lounge, destroying the base and making it fall to the ground. The pillar crushes many of the employees on impact and provides a safe space for Vaggie and Andy, who rush behind it.
“I think we should just vaporise them, give Vox no chance to regenerate his forces.” Andy suggests.
“That makes sense. You must know your way around a phaser.” Vaggie replies.
“Alex helped train me. Now, let's fuck these forces up!” Andy yells, setting his phaser to ‘Vaporise’ and starting to delete the employees as Johannah and Breezie sneak off.

Johannah and Breezie sneak through the stairways and corridors of the Vee Tower, alarm sounds distant as red lights occasionally flash. “Where do you think it is?” Johannah asks.
“Likely in his room- Wait a second.” Breezie replies, stopping herself when she sees an odd pink glow. She walks towards it and finds vials of the mysterious pink liquid she saw Valentino spike the martini with. “What is this stuff anyway?” Breezie says as she takes out a tricorder to scan it.
Johannah walks in, also curious. “I don’t suggest drinking that stuff.” She says, not trusting it.
“I don’t think I will. This is a love potion… Liquid aphrodisiacs with a hint of alcohol to make people completely infatuated with a person.” Breezie replies, taking out her phaser. “I’m going to destroy it, Valentino’s supply will be no more.” She says before firing at any and all containers and equipment, destroying the Love Potion Lab with little to no mercy.
“We should probably get back on track to the computer. They might be making backups as we speak and I don’t want our plan to be useless.” Johannah states before her and Breezie leave the destroyed lab… Only to be encountered by a VoxTech employee.
Breezie held up her phaser to shoot him down, but didn’t get to.
Johannah rushed over before Breezie could pull the trigger, gripped the employee’s face and seemed to cover him in violet cracks before he went limp, falling on the ground. “Weak spirit. Easy to conquer, easy to shatter.” Johannah utters.
“What?” Breezie says, confused.
Johannah didn’t answer, just continuing to walk.
Breezie, now a bit afraid, just continued following until they reached Valentino’s bedroom.
His computer was there, abandoned and still logged in. The desktop image was a rather indecent one of him and his workers, as if to feed Valentino’s ego.
“Let’s check to see if everything is there and accounted for.” Johannah says, walking to the computer and checking files. There laid everything, workprints for videos, final edits waiting to be uploaded… All there, all ready to be destroyed.
Breezie & Johannah both took out their phasers, looking at each other. With a simple nod from both, they fired their phasers, destroying the computer and leaving only a flaming wreck behind.
Johannah taps her combadge. “Johannah to Andy, the chain’s been cut. Fall back and head to the ship, tell Vaggie to meet me near the garage. I’ve got a plan.” Johannah says before tapping it again to shut it off.
“A plan? What are you going to do in the garage?” Breezie asks.
“I’m going to kill Valentino. I suggest you kill a Vee too, Captain. We can cut off Vox’s support from there.” Johannah replies coldly.
“Alright, I know exactly what to do.” Breezie says, a confident grin on her face and a plan in her head.