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Part 8 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures


Chapter 5: Vee Two One

Chapter Text

The Vees were uncomfortable. Unlike most times when they could make someone fall into submission through fear, they couldn’t this time. The crew seemed too adamant. Their fleet was gone and their tower damaged. Silence encompassed them until Vox spoke up.
“What do we do?” Vox asks, genuinely confused.
“I don’t know… We’ve lost our fleet, our employees are falling like flies… Maybe I could get my fans to fight for us, spread some lies about how they’re really evil.” Velvette suggests.
“Well, you can do that, I’m going to my condo.” Valentino says, getting up and heading to the elevator.
“What?! You can’t leave us! We’re the Vees! We’ve ruled over this district for over 400 years!” Vox protests.
“Voxy, our tower has been compromised. We can’t recover it. You can stay here if you’d like, but I’m going back and you can’t stop me. If you’d like to join me, I’ll be in one of my other limos.” Valentino says before stepping into the elevator and disappearing.
Vox looked on in despair as Velvette set up a livestream.
“Don’t worry, I still think there’s hope. I’ll head to my studio and this crew won’t stand a chance.” Velvette says, getting up and walking to the stairwell, going down to her studio and going live.

Velvette had all the lies planned out, faking panic and saying the crew of the ship were going to kill her. It was going well… But she was starting to run out of false truths. Velvette decided to try and get more by faking a bathroom break, so she said to her fans that she’ll be back and rushed to her private bathroom.
Just then, Breezie snuck in with minimal noise and thankfully wasn't caught, as Velvette was nowhere to be seen. “OK… Good start. Let's see what the hell Velvette is up to.” Breezie says, taking out a tricorder and scanning the place. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary, besides some letters from Valentino that would need some investigation. Breezie folds up and pockets the letters, before turning to see Velvette's smartphone… and it was still live streaming. Breezie looked over at it, her face appearing on the screen and chat messages flying by. Breezie looked at it curiously… before the door opened, Velvette had come back.
“What are YOU doing here?” Velvette said as Breezie hid Velvette's phone in her back pocket.
“Just scanning the area for termites..?” Breezie responds, lying.
“Ugh, can't you do anything right? Besides, where's my phone? I need to get back to streaming to those parasites that give me free money and reinforcements against your stupid crew.” Velvette says, unaware her phone was in Breezie’s pocket… and still recording.
“I haven't seen it anywhere.” Breezie lied.
“Of course you haven't, it's like you're a braindead idiot! Just like my fans!” Velvette responds.
Breezie scowled. “Oh, here it is.” Breezie says, tossing the phone to Velvette, who finds out is still livestreaming… too late to do anything.
Velvette’s face was one of despair, looking at the chat messages which were very much not in support of her or the Vees anymore. “You… You BITCH!” Velvette yelled, dropping her phone and rushing in to attack Breezie with a swift punch to the gut, knocking the captain down.
“What? Shocked that I caught you disrespecting the people who got you here on audio?” Breezie says, getting up, cracking her knuckles and trying to hide the fact that the attack hurt severely as the pain burned where Velvette punched.
Velvette scoffs at Breezie, walking around the captain. “You’re only human. You’re weak. I don’t even know why you even resist. To the Vees, Resistance is Futi-”
Breezie interrupted with a swift kick right in Velvette’s chin, ramming Velvette’s bottom jaw into her tongue and flooding blood into the overlord’s mouth. “I never liked the sound of that. Sounded too… Conquest-y.” Breezie remarks, smirking.
Velvette responded not by words, but by spitting out the blood that collected in her mouth and punching Breezie right in the face, causing the captain to have a nosebleed. Velvette laughed, looking at the wounded Captain as her blood dripped onto the floor and going in for another attack.
Breezie gritted her teeth, inhaled sharply and blocked it with her arms, which felt as if arms were being hit by spiked chainmail.
Velvette kept going however, attacking Breezie until her arms were bruised and bloody.
After a lot of hits, Breezie let down her defences involuntarily, her arms felt like wet noodles at that moment.
Velvette smirked, going in for one more attack… Only for the battered, yet valiant Captain to grab Velvette’s hand by the wrist, trapping it.
“May I remind you of who I am, you living fad? I’m CAPTAIN Breezie McKormic. One thing about me and my crew too, anyone who gets in our way, who stands against the freedom and independence of innocent people, is OUR ENEMY!” Breezie states, nearly shouting before jumping and headbutting Velvette right in the forehead, letting go of her wrist and causing the overlord to fall on the floor.
Velvette looked up at Breezie, despite looking badly beaten, she was still standing and Velvette was on the floor.
The influencer got up to try and attack one more time… but was interrupted by the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps: thousands, if not tens of thousands of angry people make their way to Velvette's studio.
Breezie has one last thing to say as she taps her combadge. “Breezie to Unreliable, one to beam up.”
Velvette was shocked, looking at the doors barging open and Breezie disappearing in a blue light. “ONE?!” Velvette yells, in a panic as the fans rush towards her, attacking, abusing and ripping her apart like cheap meat. “Please, NO! It was just an act! VOX! ANYONE! HELP!” Velvette screamed desperately as her now former fans turned her from powerful overlord to bleeding corpse.