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Part 8 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures


Chapter 7: Last Broadcast

Chapter Text

The ship continued to sit in front of the flaming wreck of Valentino’s condo.
Breezie on the other hand had made her way to engineering. “So, Gary… Any luck fixing the imbalance?” Breezie asks, sitting down.
“Thankfully, there was. I did need a bit of help though.” Gary replies, indicating to Vaggie working on a panel nearby.
“Haven’t forgotten your skills, I see.” Breezie says, smiling.
“It was a simple dilithium misalignment. The crystal must’ve been moved into an unfortunate position sometime before you got here.” Vaggie says, looking at the now re-aligned dilithium crystal.
“Give it a bit of a recharge and we should be at Risa before you know it, captain.” Gary replies.
“I guess you’re staying, Vaggie?” Breezie asks.
“In Hell, yeah. Someone’s got to fight the good fight down here. Let me tell you, even with the Vees depowered, there’s still plenty of threats down here.” Vaggie answers, closing the panel door.
“Andy to Breezie.” Andy says through Breezie’s combadge.
Breezie taps it before responding. “Go ahead. Do you need me?” Breezie asks.
“We’re being hailed, we need you on the bridge ASAP.” Andy replies.
“I’m on my way.” Breezie states, rushing out of Engineering.

Meanwhile, the hail is accepted, no input from anyone but Vox. he’s in. “First, you come onto MY TERRITORY, Then you go into MY TOWER, and you kill MY BEST BUSINESS PARTNERS!! You know what, I’M DONE!! I’M GOING TO SEND YOUR PRETTY LITTLE SHIP, RAMMING SPEED THROUGH ALL 7 RINGS OF HELL!! I HOPE YOU LIKE BEING IN A FUCKING SHIPWRECK, BITCHES!! WHERE'S YOUR LITTLE CAPTAIN TO SAVE YOU NOW!!?” Vox yells before laughing maniacally. He hacks into the helm right as Breezie gets to the bridge.
“Is he hacking us?” Breezie asks, confused.
“Not for long!” Sally remarks, running the override that Gary prepared earlier.
Suddenly, the hack was blocked, the computer’s voice speaking to Vox, simply saying “Access Denied.”. Vox was frustrated, slamming his fists onto the terminal in frustration.
“So what was that about ramming speed?” Alex asks smugly.
Vox grins psychotically, the pressure getting to him “Oh-hoh-hoh, once I get my hands on you all, I’m going to cause so much damage, you won’t recover for shit! Especially that little princess, might as well give her a little bastard to raise, right!?” He shouts, singing his praises early.
“No.” Devoid states, getting up from one of the consoles.
Vox’s gaze shifted to the hedgehog, his grin staying like superglue, asking “ex-fucking-scuse-me?”
“I said no.” Devoid states, his hands clenching into a fist.
“Oh, great,” Vox sarcastically exclaims “How about you define what that means, so eeeeeeveryone can understand your ‘master plan’?!”
“It means NO.” Devoid shouts, walking into direct view.
"And how is that going to stop me? I’ll still take your precious princess and give her a bastard of my own!" Vox replies, sounding insufferable to the hedgehog.
Unfortunately for Vox, this pushed Devoid to his breaking point. The needlemouse punched the railing he was standing by, causing the console he was just by to explode violently. "Would you like to find out what happens when you mess with my friends? Especially Sally? Because I'm going to have A LOT OF FUN when you do." Devoid declared, his teeth gritted.
Vox, in a state of mania, smiles wide “Then why don’t you come down here and show us!? I’ll broadcast the entire thing! I’m already ready for you, you can’t do shit, PORCUPINE!!”
Devoid snarled in pure rage, speeding off the bridge. The crew looked amongst each other, worried as the viewscreen switched to Vox’s makeshift broadcast.

Past the shattered doors, Devoid raced up the floors of the damaged Vee Tower, rage fueling him as he raced to Vox, anger burning in his eyes.
Vox charges up the environment, the only thing that can stop him now is either a ring wide power outage, or if that hedgehog moves faster than light with how much electricity is pushing through Vox… He is near overheating at this point… but that ship will be his, he called dibs, he needs it! What he got was a spin dash directly into his chest.
Devoid had arrived, smoke coming from his shoes due to how fast he ran. Once Devoid makes it up however, Vox goes for the first punch, aiming for the face with a fist chock full of electricity. Devoid grips the overlord’s fist directly, wincing in pain at the shock he receives. “You’ve got a lot of nerve threatening Sally like that, you widescreen faced freak!” Devoid says, gripping hard in an attempt to break Vox’s fingers.
Vox lifts his arm and uses the momentum to try and slam Devoid on the other side of him, if not then just throw him across the room. “And you got the nerve to disobey me! Do you know who I am down here?!”
“I don’t care enough to!” Devoid yells, deciding to play dirty and spin dash once more… right between Vox’s legs. “Try making anything using that tiny thing now!” Devoid yells, standing on Vox’s chair.
Vox immediately turns to try and catch Devoid, to grab his head and char it until nothing but a skull remains, trying to get at least 50 giga-volts into the turquoise fuck, grab him, lunge… his fatal mistake. He trips. Vox falls from the platform, crashing down to the floor below. Debris surrounded him as he just missed a soft surface, damaging his back. He spotted the needlemouse staring at him.
“Unlike you, I don’t MISS!” Devoid yells, leaping off the platform and ramming his elbow into Vox’s abdomen, making the TV demon cough up blue blood.
The Suited Screen immediately strikes Devoid in the jaw, sending him flying with a good few jolts to his body, Vox gets up, looking at the hedgehog “Do you know how long it takes to get to the top!? How many souls, and contracts it takes to innovate Hell for well over 400 years!? You know nothing of strength, You don’t have the DI-”
Devoid rushes up, spin dashing right into Vox’s screen and cracking it. “I know nothing of strength? You’ve hidden behind your employees and your colleagues, now we’re fighting one on one and you are clearly losing! Your exploitation and your empire ends here. Accept your loss and maybe I’ll consider mercy.” Devoid says, sick of Vox.
A single eye cuts through the misaligned rainbow of colour the cracked screen provides “Over MY DEAD BODY!!” Vox screams, making more electricity flow through him, he is going to overload. “If I die, I’M TAKING EVERYTHING I OWN WITH ME!!!” Vox then laughs like a bloody psychopath as everything shakes and burns around him.
Devoid looks around, thinking to himself “It’s damn time to get outta here.” He looks at Vox and kicks him into a piece of malfunctioning equipment, trapping the overlord in broken panels and torn wires. “No, you aren’t.” Devoid coldly says, lighting a match and dropping it onto Vox. This only makes this worse, segments of the building now starting to explode. Turns out, Devoid ignited the fusebox.
Vox could only go deeper into insanity, as loud bangs echo throughout the collapsing building. “AREN’T YOU HAPPY!?! YOU WIN!! NOW DIE, YOU FUCKING RODENT!!” Vox yells, his body catching alight.
Devoid simply began running away as Vox burnt up, not wanting to do as the dying overlord says. He taps his combadge as he heads for a broken window. “Devoid to Unreliable, one to beam up!” He yells, leaping out.

Thankfully, they recovered him before any explosions caught up to him.
“Alright, we’ve got you, Devoid.” Andy says, helping the hedgehog up.
The Vee Tower was if anything, a tombstone. A damaged, charred tombstone. Stray fires still glowed within, but other than that, it was as dead as the group that owned it. The broadcast ended soon after Vox’s Death… Silence filled all of Hell, it’s over… It’s really over.
Devoid made his way back up to the bridge, immediately greeted by a hug from Sally. “I assume Vaggie has gone?” Devoid asks, looking at Sally.
“Oh, she left just before you came. But now that you’re here, we can finally go to Risa!” Sally says happily. The 2 make their way to their chairs, as Andy was already setting the ship up for Transwarp.
“Ready when you are, captain.” Andy says, turning to Breezie.
“I’ve seen enough of hell until my afterlife personally… Let’s get outta here, blast off.” Breezie commands, sending the ship towards the mysterious light in the sky and going to transwarp.
With a flash and a bit of shaking, the ship drops out of transwarp and arrives back where and when they’re supposed to be. Risa, 2366.
“I say we’re plenty due for a rest. Take the ship into dock, Andy.” Breezie says, smiling that she and her crew can finally get some rest.