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Part 10 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures

1701-Back From The Dead


When the USS Enterprise-B ends up in their timeline with no way back, the Unreliable & its crew must help the Enterprise get used to this new timeline... All while Gorn ships from the Enterprise-B's time try to hunt them down.


Also written by Fateweaver

Chapter 1: Ship In The Gateway

Chapter Text

“Captain’s Log: Stardate 43321.40. We’re planning to rendezvous with the USS Stargazer to gather information on Altamid sometime in the afternoon, but first we’re doing a quick scientific mission to analyse the area around Starbase 523 after reports of anomalies from the starbase crew.”

Breezie was bored. In fact, the whole crew was bored.
“They said there were anomalies… Was this a late April Fools joke?” Alex says.
“At this point, a water bucket over the turbolift sounds more funny.” Devoid replies.
Sally was snoring, as she had fallen asleep from how bored she was just hours earlier.
“I’m legitimately considering just starting a Mario Kart match.” Breezie says.
“It would be more worth the time.” Johannah replies, her bomber jacket on the back of her chair as she was just wearing her yellow sweater.
“At this point, I feel like I’m watching paint dry.” Andy says, before yawning.

With little warning, a bright light blasted in front of them. A strange gateway had appeared.
“What the hell?! Wally, scan that thing!” Breezie yelled, waking Sally up.
“On it… It’s not like the Lost Void Gateways so it’s bound to be something different.” Wally says as he gets the ship to scan the gateway. “Something seems to be there… 6 somethings.” Wally says as the scan progresses. “They’re ships! But I can’t-”
“They’re coming through!” Johannah says as a refit Excelsior class ship and 4 Gorn cruisers flew through the gateway, with the Gorn cruisers going to warp and leaving… as the gateway explodes.
“There went the 6th something.” Breezie says, getting up.
“Wally, what’s the Starfleet ship that just flew out?” Alex asks, walking to the science console.
“I’m getting a… USS Enterprise.” Wally says, nonchalantly.
“Enterprise? Wasn’t that a Constitution class?” Johannah asks.
“I’m not finished. The registry is NCC-1701… -B.” Wally continues.
Sally raises her hand, Breezie noticing and nodding, giving the toon permission as she states “Uh, yeah… WHAT THE FUCK!?”
“Yeah, I’m just as confused. B?” Breezie replies.
“Perhaps it’s from the reality we saw the Phoenix-X in. Gewdeque did mention an Enterprise-F when we talked. Perhaps this is a predecessor?” Alex says, walking to the viewscreen which displayed the Enterprise-B.
“Sally, hail the Enterprise. We need to see what’s going on and I hope it’s not Kirk I see.” Breezie says.
Sally, still slightly tired, nods and hails the ship.
“This is Captain Demora Sulu of the USS Enterprise, could you explain where we are?” An asian woman says through a glitchy transmission, her uniform like Johannah’s when she arrived initially, but with white instead of yellow and a different looking rank badge. In fact, the bridge was full of people with similar uniforms.
“It’s a long story, but I can help if needs be. Your ship looks to be in a poor state.” Breezie replies.
“We need any help we can get, we were being chased by 5 Gorn cruisers and we’ve sustained heavy damage.” Captain Sulu says, thankful.
“We’ll be there soon. Don’t worry.” Breezie replies before the hail ends.
“Alex, Johannah, Gary, meet me in the transporter room. Devoid, you have the bridge.” Breezie says, with her, Johannah & Alex walking into the turbolift.
Devoid walks over and sits in the Captain’s chair. “Huh. This is more comfortable.” Devoid says.

In the Enterprise-B’s transporter room, Breezie, Alex, Johannah & Gary beam in and are met by the command crew of the Enterprise-B with Captain Demora Sulu & Commander Xintal Linojj at the front.
“Honestly, we can’t be thankful enough that you’re here.” Commander Linojj says as the Unreliable’s crew stepped off the transporter pad.
“I’m going to be clear with you people. You are no longer in your own reality. Maybe not even your own time. The year is 2366, so things are rather different.” Breezie says.
“Kirk fucked up so badly, the name “Enterprise” has Starfleet cringing and the people wanting to shove a knife in your throat for even mentioning Kirk’s shithole of a ship.” Alex adds bluntly.
The Enterprise-B crew was shocked, hearing the man that saved their ship and died in their timeline was considered essentially Starfleet’s disgrace in this one.
“What did he do?!” Doctor Uta Morell asks, sounding mortified.
“He lost the flagship to the Tholians and all respect in Starfleet.” Alex says, looking as if he was to punch Kirk if he entered the room.
“Well… If we can guide you to engineering, We could sort out the big issues with this ship. The Gorn did some hefty damage to it.” Captain Demora Sulu says, offering to guide the crew to Engineering.
“That would be great, thank you.” Breezie says, nodding.

Demora Sulu would enter Engineering first, which was a lot more open than the same room on the Unreliable. Crew members were working hard to fix the Enterprise-B from the damage it gained fighting the Gorn. “As you can see, we’re stretching far beyond our limits. We appreciate your help.” Demora says as Alex, Johannah & Gary get to work helping out.
“Well, I was trained as an Engineer at the academy. I was awarded ‘Most Originative’ when I graduated.” Breezie replies as herself and Demora walks over to an open panel, Breezie starting to work as the two talk.
“So you said you were fighting the Gorn? Those big lizard people? I fought one 2 years ago in an arena for fun, busted the poor fella’s snout. That was messy.” She says.
“For fun? But the Gorn are still sworn enemies of the Federation.” Demora responds, confused.
“50 years has changed a lot, Captain. The Gorn fights are now a recreational activity along with them making peace with the Federation after the Gorn helped Starfleet evacuate a starbase about 20 years ago. Gary told me about it during one of many talks in Engineering.” Breezie says as she fixes up a set of loose cables. “So what led you here?” She asks, closing up the panel and leaning against the wall.
Alex taps around the room, hitting a few panels before turning around and looking at Sulu “Your main nacelles are fine, just needs a touch up is all, but the impulse engines are going to push a lot less then they say they are pushing.” Alex explains “On top of that, repair relays are going to give off readings along the saucer, so if something is coming back broken then fixed then broken, that’s not a malfunction in the ship, it’s just the relay. And one other thing is wrong, but I can’t get a read because of a deflector vibrating so hard I can’t ‘see’ shit. Mind taking me down there to have a look?”
“I’ll send Mr Buonarroti along with you, he can help.” Demora says, indicating to Commander Rafaele Buonarroti to go along with Alex.
Rafaele nods. “Come on then, I’ll get you to Deflector Control. There we can analyse these things more closely.” He says, leading Alex to a turbolift.